Everything you need to know about leaked Apex Legends character ‘Rampart’
The new Apex Legends character for Season 6 could be Rampart, a turret-using, wrench-wielding Legend.

Katie Memmott
02nd Jun 2020 17:30

Season 5 of Apex Legends is only three weeks old, but already leakers think they have the code cracked for the next Legend. The rumours circulating on the internet about the next character to compete in the Apex Games land on one name – Rampart.
Apex dataminers have been keen to reveal info about Rampart, and the first instance of his appearance seemed to be in leaked code from Desu in February 2020.
Rampart appears after Loba in the list, and judging by the names of the Legends and the way they are ordered, this is the times of release. The list also includes character names such as “Blisk” and “Valk”.
Rampart was spotted by Apex dataminer That1MiningGuy in a thread on r/ApexUncovered, showing a document from Respawn developers for character testing, which included the rumoured new addition.
That1MiningGuy was dubious and assumed Valk was the next Legend until recently uncovering more code for Rampart, almost confirming his arrival to the game.
Rampart’s Abilities
In code revealed by Biast12, the character select subtitle for the character is “Base of Fire”. Abilities were also found, although some may not make it to the actual game. These include:
“Build cover with an upper barrier that blocks incoming shots and boosts the damage of outgoing shots."
"Place a mounted machine gun that anyone can use. High ammo capacity, long reload time."
"Swapping to melee equips a wrench you can use to repair structures."
"Firing from cover overcharges your gun damage."
"Machine guns have increased magazine capacity and reload faster."
Judging from these leaked abilities, Rampart will be an Offensive class Legend, dealing high damage, while also providing defence capabilities for himself and his teammates.
Dataminer Suum suggested that the artefact digger in the Season 5 Quests could be an Easter Egg for Rampart’s Turret in Season 6.
Rampart's lore
Rampart could be the “Newcastle” mentioned as coming in second place in the qualifiers to the doomed Forge character, who was brutally killed before Season 4 so Revenant could take his place in the Apex Games.
Dataminer Shrugtal has revealed an image of what could be Rampart in Design Alpha, looking very rugged, with a cigar hanging out of his mouth.
ILootGames also posted, way back in 2019, some concept art found in the files of what could also be Rampart.
With a whopping 11 weeks left of Season 5 of Apex Legends, we will hopefully find out more about Rampart, his turrets, and his history before Season 6 is upon us.
Images via Respawn Entertainment

About The Author
Katie Memmott
Katie is the former Sub Editor and Freelancer Coordinator at GGRecon.