Apex Legends cheaters hit by huge Ranked ban wave

Respawn's latest Apex Legends ban wave has wiped out thousands of cheaters and specifically targeted Ranked boosters.

09th May 2023 13:11

Courtesy of Respawn Entertainment


As with any competitive shooter, Apex Legends suffers from a huge amount of hackers that use third-party software to gain an unfair advantage over their foes. 

However, one of Apex's biggest forms of cheating actually doesn't require any software. Instead, it revolves around squads grouping up with opposing teams in Ranked and boosting for kills.

As there are no hacks to detect, this makes these types of cheaters extremely difficult to detect unless they're caught on camera. Despite this, Respawn's latest ban wave has targeted boosters directly and has managed to ban thousands of accounts for unfairly climbing the ladder.

Apex Legends ban wave wipes out thousands of boosters

Respawn's official Twitter account announced that the devs had recently completed a ban wave that directly targeted Ranked boosters.

In this mass ban, over 3,100 players were suspended for colluding in Ranked matches to 'trade kills for Ranked Points.'

This was exciting news for the community, as it was assumed that Respawn couldn't detect boosters unless they were caught on video in the act. Not only that, removing boosters from the ladder makes the overall leaderboard more accurate and means there's more room at the top for players who compete fairly.

How long were the Apex Legends boosters banned for?

It's impossible to know how long Respawn bans cheaters for in Apex Legends, as the team doesn't release that information. However, according to Twitter user MissPotatoHed - who entered a cheating Discord to find out - the punishment was only a two-month suspension.

While a lot of the community was hoping that Respawn would hand out permanent bans to the boosters, it's clear they thought that would be too harsh of a punishment.

Alex Garton

About The Author

Alex Garton

Alex is a Senior Writer at GGRecon. With a BA (Hons) in English, he has previously written for Dexerto & Gfinity. Specialising in Call of Duty & Apex Legends, he loves (attempting) to improve his aim in competitive shooters and will always make time for a single-player RPG.

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