ImperialHal runs into Apex Legends hacker with 'unlimited health'

ImperialHal runs into Apex Legends hacker with 'unlimited health'
Respawn Entertainment | TSM

Written by 

Alex Garton


9th May 2023 14:05

Hackers are a serious problem in Apex Legends. It's especially prevalent in Ranked, where players compete to climb up the leaderboard and the stakes are higher.

While the most common form of third-party software is an aimbot, there are countless types of hacks available that offer unfair advantages. TSM pro Philip "ImperialHal" Dosen ran into a cheater on a recent stream who seemingly had 'unlimited health' and refused to die.

ImperialHal killed by 'unlimited health' cheater in Apex Legends

During a recent stream, Apex Legends pro-ImperialHal ran into a cheater who was seemingly impossible to kill and managed to wipe out the entire TSM squad. The rival kept regenerating armour, making them impossible for the CEO to kill.

Equipped with an R99, Hal came face-to-face with an enemy Caustic in what first looked like a standard gunfight. However, after landing enormous amounts of damage on the enemy, the CEO quickly realised his opponent simply wasn't dying.

Screaming, "this guy's cheating,: Hal knew immediately that the opponent was using third-party software to keep up their 'unlimited health'.

After pumping over '400 damage' into the hacker, he still refused to die and appeared to have a brand-new shield every time Hal reloaded.

How did the cheater have unlimited health in Apex Legends?

Caustic cheater Apex Legends
Click to enlarge
Courtesy of Respawn Entertainment

While it's possible the cheater had 'unlimited health' hacks, it's more likely they had access to the 'armour swap cheat.' This effectively makes picking up and equipping new armour an instant process, and it would make sense given the number of death boxes in the area.

With Respawn recently announcing a huge ban wave, let's hope they continue to take more steps to target hackers so these scenarios happen less often in Apex.

Alex Garton
About the author
Alex Garton
Alex is a Senior Writer at GGRecon. With a BA (Hons) in English, he has previously written for Dexerto & Gfinity. Specialising in Call of Duty & Apex Legends, he loves (attempting) to improve his aim in competitive shooters and will always make time for a single-player RPG.
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