Asmongold Horrified By Lost Ark's Completion Time
Asmongold's jaw dropped to the floor as he saw how long it would take for him to max out his weapons in the fantasy MMO.
15th Feb 2022 15:17
Asmongold | Twitch | Smilegate RPG

Zack "Asmongold" was left shocked after discovering that it will take him approximately three years to max out his equipment in Lost Ark.
The hype surrounding Lost Ark since its Western release has been mind-blowing. Having only been made accessible on February 11, it has quickly risen to become the second most played game (by concurrent players) in Steam's history. Not everyone may have been the biggest fan of the MMO, but arguably, one of the reasons for its boom is thanks to Twitch streamer Asmongold's publicity of the game with his latest stream on February 14, gaining more than 2.3 million views.
As it's still very early days since the MMO's release, players are still getting to grips with the game and learning more about a game that has been available since 2019 in Korea and several other regions.
It's in that context that Asmongold chanced upon a video telling him just how long it would take to max his equipment in the game and it's clear the streamer wasn't entirely sure just what he'd signed up for.
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How Long Will It Take To Max Out Equipment In Lost Ark?
According to the YouTube video 'Is Lost Ark DOOMED on West?' by Divium Furor, it could take players as much as ten months to reach the final boss in the fantasy MMO, with it depending on how many hours a player is willing to dedicate as well as how much money they spend on upgrades. For example, Divium Furor claims that players who are prepared to fork out a whopping amount of money to buy the entire Argos set and get access to all dungeons could finish the game in one day.
However, what really made jaws drop is that, according to Divium Furor, it can take 136 weeks to max out your equipment in Lost Ark, which works out at nearly three whole years.
How Did Asmongold React To Lost Ark's Completion Time?
Understandably, Asmongold wasn't too fussed about how long it would take for him to reach the final boss in Lost Ark. After all, he's best known for his love of World Of Warcraft, which isn't exactly a game for casuals. However, he was horrified to learn that in order to max out all his equipment in-game, it could take him approximately two years and ten months to achieve.
Seeing the figures, Asmongold looked at the screen wide-eyed and muttered, "Oh my god." He then proceeded to utter moans of pain as his jaw dropped to the floor quietly uttering "wh-why?"
So, it looks like Asmongold is in it for the long haul. If you were hoping to see him make a quick comeback to Final Fantasy XIV, you may be left waiting.
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About The Author
Emma Hill
Emma Hill is a former Junior Journalist at GGRecon.