Call of Duty server revival proves Ghosts was the worst game in the series

While many Call of Duty classic games are thriving, one has been left in the dust, and it proves that Ghosts is the worst game in the series.

25th Jul 2023 13:41

Sledgehammer Games


Since the re-launch of the Call of Duty classics like Black Ops and Modern Warfare 2, the series has begun to heal, allowing fans to revisit the golden era and even watch their favourite content creators jump on the same hype train.

The classic games have become instantly popular again, with more Call of Duty players jumping on them than Halo players enjoying Infinite.

But there is one game that has been left in the dirt and has been ignored, as Ghosts has been proven to be the worst game in the Call of Duty series.

Call of Duty: Ghosts fails miserably despite relaunched servers

When you think of golden Call of Duty titles, your mind goes back to the Modern Warfare 2 and 3 titles on Infinity Ward's side of things and Black Ops 1 and 2 from Treyarch. They are the best games that the series has ever produced, aside from maybe Cold War, and they hold the fondest memories.

But despite being birthed in the same era, Call of Duty: Ghosts does not boast the same pulling power, and having been reactivated, the player count has dropped to an abysmal 129 active shooters.

Even World at War, which is the game that is renowned for sparking the series into life but yet being rather incomplete, has hit figures of nearly 2,000 players, trumping Ghosts completely.

Call of Duty fans trash Ghosts as the worst game in the pre-jetpack era

Ghosts falls into the era of games that came before the divisive jetpacks and futuristic focus, which splits opinions massively in the Call of Duty community. But out of the boots-on-the-ground titles that came before the likes of Black Ops 3 and Advanced Warfare, Ghosts has been dubbed the worst of the bunch.

"Ghosts sucked ass AND ended the golden era and goodwill towards the COD franchise," said popular content creator "DougDagnabbit" through the ModernWarzone page.

Other players furthered the criticism, saying, "That game was horrible. The TTK was more or less instant."

Some fans did leap to the defence of Ghosts though, with one fan in particular saying, "Ghost ain’t bad though but it’s understandable people want to play the other better classic CoDs more because there's more nostalgia [attached] than Ghosts."

"Ghosts is decent it's just slept on," they added.

It did have Riley too though, as who can forget the series' most beloved furry boy? 

Unfortunately though, Ghosts might now be in a race for the wooden spoon of Call of Duty games alongside Infinite Warfare and World War II.

Let's just hope Modern Warfare 3 stays out of this conversation and looks further towards the other golden age titles.

Jack Marsh

About The Author

Jack Marsh

Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. Graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism, Jack is an avid esports enthusiast and specialises in Rocket League, Call of Duty, VALORANT, and trending gaming news.

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