Heroic Apex Legends player sabotages damage farmers

A heroic Apex Legends player decided to sabotage their teammate after noticing they were attempting to unfairly farm damage for badges.

28th Feb 2024 16:25

Images via Respawn Entertainment


When you think of cheating in Apex Legends, the majority of players will picture an aim botter using speed hacks to glide around the map.

While these bad actors do exist, there is more minor cheating that often goes under the radar as it's harder to detect. This comes in the form of damage farming, which doesn't require any third-party software, but instead, involves a group of squads queuing up to get into the same match.

Once this is achieved, they'll meet up and allow each other to rack up damage endlessly. Well, at the end of a match, one heroic player noticed their teammate trying to farm damage and decided to take action.

Apex Legends player puts a stop to "lame" damage farmers

After playing out a match on World's Edge with a random Wraith, user emmerr1 noticed that their ally was not killing the last two opponents.

They quickly realised that the competitors actually knew each other and had queued up together in an attempt to farm damage. This was confirmed when Wraith dropped their shields to allow the foes to heal up.

Instead of letting the unfair practice take place, emmerr1 gunned down both opponents with their Peacekeeper, instantly killing them both. The Wraith was not pleased and punched emmerr1, once again proving they were there to farm damage. As you would expect, this has been met with widespread praise from the community.

"Yeah I would do this exact same thing, hate people who farm badges," said one user, with another saying they're the "most disgusting type of player, good that you put an end to that."

Why do competitors farm damage in Apex Legends?

Apex Legends character

Some Apex Legends players farm damage to get hold of badges that require you to reach a certain amount of kills and damage in a game.

The most prestigious and sought-after are the 4,000 damage badge and the 20-kill badge, which take a tremendous amount of luck and skill to acquire.

As with any achievement, certain competitors want to shortcut the process by queuing up with friends to make it easy. However, emmerr1 had other ideas and immediately put a stop to it.

Alex Garton

About The Author

Alex Garton

Alex is a Senior Writer at GGRecon. With a BA (Hons) in English, he has previously written for Dexerto & Gfinity. Specialising in Call of Duty & Apex Legends, he loves (attempting) to improve his aim in competitive shooters and will always make time for a single-player RPG.

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