HisWattson gives his thoughts on on how to fix unbalanced Apex Legends Ranked
Apex Legends pro Jacob 'HisWattson' McMillin has revealed how to fix unbalanced matchmaking in Ranked for Respawn's first-person shooter.
22nd May 2023 16:06
Courtesy of Respawn Entertainment/FURIA
HisWattson gives his thoughts on on how to fix unbalanced Apex Legends Ranked
Apex Legends pro Jacob 'HisWattson' McMillin has revealed how to fix unbalanced matchmaking in Ranked for Respawn's first-person shooter.
22nd May 2023 16:06
Courtesy of Respawn Entertainment/FURIA
Apex Legends Season 17 introduced Ballistic, the World's Edge map overhaul, and the new Firing Range. All of these additions have received overwhelming praise from the community since release.
Unfortunately, this isn't the case for the Ranked changes that were introduced in Arsenal, with countless pros and players alike complaining that the competitive mode has got significantly worse.
From Bronze players being matched with Masters to a pro reaching the Predator while dealing no damage and getting zero kills, it's safe to say that Respawn has some issues to fix in Ranked.
Well, popular Apex Legends pro Jacob 'HisWattson' McMillin has chimed in to suggest a way to fix unbalanced matchmaking in Ranked, and it's getting a lot of attention.
HisWattson reveals his thoughts on how to fix Ranked matchmaking
One of the biggest problems in Season 17's Apex Legends Ranked is unbalanced matchmaking and lobbies that are extremely unfair to lower-skilled players.
Three-stack Predator and Master squads can be seen dominating opponents that are playing Ranked in Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Plat.
As a result, HisWattson has suggested that anyone over the Masters rank should not be able to queue with teammates as "there's just no way to balance 3 pro players running around."
While this would be frustrating for competitors at the top tier who want to play with friends, it may be a good strategy to fix unfair matchmaking.
Will Respawn fix the Apex Legends Ranked problems?
There's no doubt Respawn will step in again to implement changes to Apex Legends Ranked and potentially even rework the system.
However, there's no guarantee that these tweaks will fix the system or deliver what the community are looking for.
Despite countless patches from Respawn, Ranked is still a point of frustration for players and something they're desperate to be perfected.
About The Author
Alex Garton
Alex is a Senior Writer at GGRecon. With a BA (Hons) in English, he has previously written for Dexerto & Gfinity. Specialising in Call of Duty & Apex Legends, he loves (attempting) to improve his aim in competitive shooters and will always make time for a single-player RPG.