Octane Hopeful For Seattle Surge’s Progression For the CDL Season
Once tipped to be the best roster in the CDL, Seattle Surge now find themselves in 10th place. But Octane has plans to change this...

Alisha Wicks
19th Jun 2020 13:00
Image via Seattle Surge Twitter

Seattle Surge so far resides in 10th place overall in the Call of Duty League, with some heartbreaks throughout their season and the farewell to one of their teammates, Octane shows in his recent YouTube video that he is hopeful for his team’s performance.
During the Minnesota series last weekend, Seattle Surge went head-to-head against Atlanta FaZe. After going up 2-0, the broadcast suffered from a “technical crash”, leaving viewers and both sides on hold for approximately 45 minutes. With many left angry as the series ended up a 3-2 reverse sweep for Atlanta, Activision Blizzard introduced the “15+5” rule:
“If there is a broadcast issue during a match and it isn’t resolved within 15 minutes, gameplay will resume with either a degraded broadcast or no broadcast at all.”
“Prior to hitting the 15-minute mark, if the Competition Operations group is informed by the Broadcast group that there may be an achievable solution to the issue within another 5 minutes, then an additional 5-minute buffer will be added. If broadcast issues are not resolved within the total 20-minute time frame, gameplay will resume with either a degraded broadcast or no broadcast at all.”
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Prior to the weekend, Octane mentioned that the team did not scrim any SnD series. With Proto taking Karma’s position in the starting roster after his retirement from competitive Call of Duty, Octane spoke positively of his teammate: “He’s a good player - Proto is a different player to Damon [Karma], in terms of pace and speed and stuff like that like prefers SnD.”
Damon 'Karma' Barlow, three-time world champion, recently retired from competitive call of duty, leaving Seattle surge in the process. Nicholas "Proto" Maldonado stepped up to start in his place. | Image via Call of Duty League
Seattle Surge has been known to only be able to take down Los Angeles Guerillas, but during their series against Minnesota Rokkr last weekend, the curse was lifted and Surge took a 3-1 victory. Octane mentioned he was not upset with the team’s elimination courtesy of Dallas Empire as the series “wasn’t even close.”
“Overall, I'm super happy with our performance over the weekend - we showed that we could beat ATL and we beat MN”, Octane said in the final moments of the video.
Seattle Surge’s best game mode so far this season is domination; of 26 games played this season, 57.89% have been a success. However, of the 20 games in Search and Destroy, Surge has only been able to secure a victory in 30.77%.
JoeyNubzy, Seattle Surge’s coach, also took it to Twitter to showcase Proto last weekend: “That’s the kind of dedication that’s going to get us to where we need to be.”
Could we see a U-turn for Surge as they head into the London Royal Ravens series in 2 weeks time? Stay tuned at GGRecon for all of your CDL news and coverage.

About The Author
Alisha Wicks
Alisha Wicks was a freelance contributor to GGRecon.