Top five off-meta champions who duelled the best in All Stars 2020

Here is a look at the top five champions who are insane at 1v1 duels in League of Legends.

Rijit Banerjee

22nd Dec 2020 17:50

Images via Riot Games

League of Legends is a multiplayer based video game which encourages players to work together as a team and secure objectives to win the match. Each player in the game has been assigned a particular role to fulfil during the match. Top laners try to outduel the enemy top laner and gain leads on the sideline. Jungle players farm the jungle monsters and try to gank the remaining lanes to create a lead for their team. Therefore, it is critical for every player to contribute to the team to win the match against the enemy players.

That being said, players face a lot of toxicity in the matches when they are feeding to the enemy lanes or simply thrashing the 0-10-0 inting Yasuo player in the game. Toxicity is a general aspect of the game, and many players endure it and take it as a healthy fun experience. However, most of these trash talks end up with someone calling the player out from the enemy team and asking them to 1v1 them in a custom match.

If you are not familiar with 1v1 matches, it is simply one player versus a player who has the liberty to choose their champions, and the player with the best mechanical skill takes away the match. Moreover, there can be custom rules to this format where the first blood takes away the match, the first tower takes away the match, and more to suit the players.

All-Stars 2020 saw some fierce 1v1 battles between professional players 

All-Stars 2020 was a glamorous event that witnessed professional esports players, content creators, and solo queue kings fight it out to be the top players in the world. Unlike other years, the pandemic forced the tournament to be conducted online for other regions than the Chinese esports players. The event had typical Summoner Rift’s, fun Nexus Blitz matches, and most importantly 1v1 tournaments in all the prominent regions’ League of Legends leagues.   

Almost every professional player in the tournament chose off-meta champions in the matches, but some champions were just too good to lose any duels in the game. These champions have the perfect mixture of sustainability and damage to outshine any other champions in the game. Therefore, here is the list of five off-meta champions who did extraordinarily well in All-Stars 2020 1v1 tournaments:

List of top five off-meta champions for 1v1 battle in League of Legends

#1 Gragas


Coming up first, he is none other than Gragas. Typically seen in the jungle or laning with Yasuo bot lane, he is an extremely potent pick for 1v1ing opponents in the game. Starting from his passive-Happy Hours, it heals him based on his missing HP upon using abilities. Sustain is a crucial aspect of the 1v1 battles and having that extra heal just for using ability is a compelling thing.

Moreover, his kit also provides him with poke options with the Q ability. He can also all-in and have CC with his Body Slam and W ability to engage the enemies. Moreover, his ultimate ability has the ability to shift the tides of the battle anytime. It could be used as a knock up tool to the enemies; it could be used to disengage himself from particular bad fights and many more.

#2 Olaf 

Coming from the Freljordian peninsula of Lokfar, Olaf is the next champion on our list. He is a very dangerous champion to outduel in the game. His passive is similar to Gragas, but it provides him with extra attack speed, which helps tremendously in the fight's last moments. This passive makes him an unkillable champion to duel against. 

His Q ability is good for poking the enemies; unlike any other ability, he throws an axe that could be picked up to refresh its cooldown in the matches completely. Moreover, his W ability provides more life steal and attack speed. The E ability deals with physical damage. Therefore, it becomes tough for enemy champions to itemize against the champion. To make things worse for the enemies, his ultimate ability- Ragnarok breaks him out of any CC (Crowd Control) and gives him enhanced attack damage, speed and during his ultimate no CC abilities affect him.

Related: League Of Legends All-Stars Viewership Wasn't As Promising As Worlds

#3 Brand

Is it too hot in here? Brand makes the third place in our list and for the right reasons. He is the master of poke damage, and he should be used offensively to get the most of him. He has tremendous damage in his kit by which he can literally melt his enemies away.

Brand’s passive is blaze which sets enemies on a burning effect that can slow down enemies and do a ton of damage to them. His Q ability could be used as a poke ability; however, it could be a CC ability as well if the players combine it with Blaze. Moreover, his W is AOE Wave clear which could also be used to clear waves of minions in the duels. His E ability deals magic damage and deals damage to near minions as well. His ultimate deals humongous amount of damage as well where he launches a fireball which bounces between enemies or brand himself, and it could be used to land the final blow on the enemy.

#4 Akali

Akali, the Fist of Shadow from Ionia is the first assassin on our list. She never goes out of fashion and in the right hands; she can be a lethal one-shot champion. Despite the nerfs, Akali has the best kit to outmanoeuvre the enemies and win fights against almost every champion in the game.

Being an assassin, her whole kit is centred on executing enemies. Her passive ability and Q ability is best suited for dealing poke damage to the enemies. Her W ability forms a stealthy ring which can be used to hide from the enemies or catch the enemy off-guard. Her E ability helps her chase enemies, and it is a great mobility tool to peel the enemy as well. Moreover, her ultimate ability is a execute, and it can be used to kill low health enemies just by using it. The synergies between her abilities have a steep learning curve, but she could dominate the enemy champions when mastered.

#5 Volibear

The Thousand-Pierced Bear, Freljordian demi-god Volibear is the final pick on our list. He has been reworked, and since then he has seen quite a bit a professional play. However, his real power is reflected through his raw power and ability to dive the players. 

His passive ability deals a lot of damage, and it could be coupled with his W ability to deal serious damage with decent attack speed. His Q helps him close the distance between him and the enemy and stun them as well. His E ability is an AOE ability which damages the enemy but shields him if he is in the vicinity. The most interesting part of his kit is the ultimate ability, which provides him extra health, attack speed and more to win the duel against the champion. He can also use the ability to disable turrets and dive safely to finish off kills.

About The Author

Rijit Banerjee

Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum .

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