VTuber CodeMiko Takes Digital Avatar To Next Level With V3.0
Fans were left gob-smacked by CodeMiko's new digital avatar with the VTuber also announcing a new company, MikoVerse, that looks to help the next generation of content creators.
22nd Mar 2022 11:28
Images via Twitch | CodeMiko

VTuber CodeMiko Takes Digital Avatar To Next Level With V3.0
Fans were left gob-smacked by CodeMiko's new digital avatar with the VTuber also announcing a new company, MikoVerse, that looks to help the next generation of content creators.
22nd Mar 2022 11:28
Images via Twitch | CodeMiko
Few streamers quite catch the eye quite like popular VTuber Youna "CodeMiko" Kang does. Her digital avatar gained notoriety, first for the clever use of the motion capture technology that makes the alter-ego possible, and then for her hilarious interviews with fellow content creators that has echoes of the work of Eric Andre and Sacha Baron Cohen and his Ali G character.
Now, it looks like CodeMiko is set to take it up yet another level, revealing in a recent stream version 3.0 of her digital avatar, wowing her fans in the process.
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CodeMiko Reveals V3.0 Of Her Digital Avatar
In a stream on March 20 over on Twitch, CodeMiko showed off her brand new avatar, stunning fans with its details from the photo-realistic teeth to the physics-based hair (now much longer) that flowed over her shoulders in a way that it would do just like in real-life.
Not everyone was instantly convinced by the improvements, but by putting them side-by-side she won over the doubters.
"HOLY CRAP THAT'S AMAZING," said one excited viewer, with another pointing out the "detail of the hair is amazing."
One simply said: "FRECKLES!"
CodeMiko also wasn't afraid to get up close with the new avatar, zooming in and revealing the incredible level of detail to be found, evidenced by the crinkles on the lips.
One viewer spoke for the majority when they said, "this is the future."
And it may well be the future for more than just CodeMiko as the unveiling of v3.0 of her personal avatar was also the stage for what could be a much bigger announcement.
CodeMiko Announces MikoVerse
Alongside showing her new digital avatar, CodeMiko revealed that it was helped in its creation by MikoVerse, a new company set up to push the motion capture technology used and create new VTubers.
"This is made from MikoVerse, it is powered by Unreal Engine, but it's made from MikoVerse," explained CodeMiko.
"MikoVerse is developmental software that allows... we are an innovative VTuber technology company!" revealed CodeMiko in her trademark style.
She then invited her viewers to join her on the MikoVerse website to apply to become a VTuber, where the curious could also see that the company was looking for a 3D Character Artist, Character Rigger, Unreal Technical Artist and a Senior UI/UX Designer.
So, while CodeMiko is the most recognisable VTuber on Twitch it may well be that her true legacy will be creating the technology that inspires the next generation of content creators. Who knows, maybe it could even be you?
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About The Author
Daniel Conlan
When Daniel's not barking orders in Hell Let Loose, he's likely looking after his cat Lana. A lover of first-person shooters, strategy games, and whiskey.