Warzone fans call for nerf to 'cheesy' Throwing Knife

Warzone fans have called for a nerf to the "cheesy" Throwing Knife that, in their opinion, should not be able to one-shot for an instant kill.

17th Jan 2024 12:00

Images via Activision


Regarding balancing in Warzone, the requests for buffs and nerfs are usually targeted at weapons in the arsenal.

Whether it's the MTZ Interceptor, Pulemyot 762, or even the one-shot KATT-AMR, there are a lot of guns that the community want re-adjusting.

It's not very often that a Lethal from the Equipment category gets put under the microscope in Call of Duty. That's now the case, with fans calling for a nerf to the "cheesy" Throwing Knife that insta-kills opponents.

Should the Throwing Knife one-shot enemies in Warzone?

Taking to the CODWarzone subreddit, user revofx99 showcased a clip of them dominating foes with multiple well-placed Throwing Knives. Realising how strong this Lethal can be in the hands of an accurate competitor, they decided to ask whether the Throwing Knife should be nerfed.

The response from many players was a resounding yes, making it clear that it "doesn’t make sense how a little Throwing Knife will down someone but my 85 bullets to the chest just crack them."

Others argued it shouldn't be able to instantly kill foes, as currently "it does more damage than an RPG and has the homing ability of a WW2 carrier pigeon."

As the only "full plate down lethal" that's "stronger than every other explosive," a lot of players just think it should only one-shot when it's thrown at the head.

Some Warzone fans argue Throwing Knife nerf is not needed

Throwing Star Warzone

Not everyone is on the same page, though, with certain Warzone competitors arguing there's an obvious "skill gap" when using the Throwing Knife. This means if you miss it, you're almost guaranteed to die.

"Throwing knife is fine as it is, it is a skill shot, high risk & high reward... You miss a throwing knife, you are dead," said one user, with another claiming "I think the throwing knife is perfect as it is, it’s not that easy to hit it."

The primary use for the Throwing Knife isn't actually for killing opponents in skirmishes, it's for one-shotting downed opponents during an intense gunfight. We'll have to see whether the devs take note of these complaints or if they believe the deadly Lethal deserves to send foes to the Gulag in the blink of an eye.

Alex Garton

About The Author

Alex Garton

Alex is a Senior Writer at GGRecon. With a BA (Hons) in English, he has previously written for Dexerto & Gfinity. Specialising in Call of Duty & Apex Legends, he loves (attempting) to improve his aim in competitive shooters and will always make time for a single-player RPG.

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