Warzone fans want massive Gulag changes to make it a pure 'test of skill'
Warzone fans are asking for massive Gulag changes that would strip it down to a "barebones" format with no equipment and make it a pure "test of skill."
03rd Apr 2024 13:50
Images via Activision

Warzone fans want massive Gulag changes to make it a pure 'test of skill'
Warzone fans are asking for massive Gulag changes that would strip it down to a "barebones" format with no equipment and make it a pure "test of skill."
03rd Apr 2024 13:50
Images via Activision
The infamous Call of Duty Gulag is one of the most iconic aspects of the Warzone experience, offering competitors a skirmish for their survival when the stakes are at their highest.
Several locations have hosted these duels to the death over the years, from the Verdansk showers to the outdoor arena of Al Mazrah. Ultimately, it's meant to be a test of mechanics and skill under pressure, where only a player can walk out alive.
Some Warzone fans believe the Gulag could be improved, though, to be less about RNG and more about a "pure test of skill."
Warzone players want "barebones" Gulag with no equipment
Taking to the CoDWarzone subreddit, user TheYardvark decided to share their opinion on a set of "barebones" changes that they believe would improve the Gulag experience.
For starters, they want "pistols only Gulag" to return so that skirmishes are stripped down and become less complicated. With such basic weapons in hand, every shot counts and as you don't die instantly, it gives those who have taken a bullet a chance to outplay.
On top of that, they argue the devs should "get rid of equipment" completely, which will ensure the fight comes down to gunskill and nothing more. For them, a "1v1 under barebones conditions" is the best way to decide who survives. On the whole, a lot of players in the thread agree, especially about removing Lethals from the equation.
"Taking lethals away would be fine by me, pure gunskill to decide who goes back," said one user, with another claiming, "I’m down with no equipment, that s**t is cheese."
MnK Warzone fans argue Gulag favours controller due to aim assist
The one point of disagreement in the array of suggestions seems to be the return to using just pistols in the Gulag. According to a set of MnK players in the thread, the handguns heavily favour those on a controller and grant them a "free kill" when going against those on a different input.
"No thanks, pistol only gulags heavily benefit controller over M&K," said one user, with another arguing, "No, aim-assist is so strong that pistol fights are extremely one-sided."
One aspect that all Warzone fans can agree on is the removal of equipment, which many believe is unnecessary in the Gulag. It'll be interesting to see whether the devs take note and decide to implement this, as the community clearly demands it.

About The Author
Alex Garton
Alex is a Senior Writer at GGRecon. With a BA (Hons) in English, he has previously written for Dexerto & Gfinity. Specialising in Call of Duty & Apex Legends, he loves (attempting) to improve his aim in competitive shooters and will always make time for a single-player RPG.