Bots, Emojis, And Friends: How To Setup An Among Us Discord Server
The best way to play with friends.
08th Jan 2021 17:30
There’s nothing better than getting home from work and hopping on the hit game Among Us. You get to show off your skills of persuasion, fix wires, and possibly stab someone in the back. The only thing is, this experience can be ruined by the dreaded public matches. That’s right - playing with randoms. Most people aren’t a fan of this, due to the lack of knowledge and effort that goes into completing tasks from fellow crewmates - resulting in a night of regret, wondering why you didn’t spend those precious four hours failing to grab a crown in Fall Guys. Not to worry Discord can help with that.
Using a combination of bots, emojis, and a group of reliable friends, anyone can build a hangout to play together. Most people that use Discord understand the importance of channels, roles, and a selection of moderators. These are key ingredients to building the perfect server.
Now InnerSloth does have an official server to find matches, talk to devs, or just hangout. The only issue is that it already has five hundred thousand members. That’s definitely a lot of people for one game. The only way someone has a chance of getting in there is through invitation. Amy, who is an artist and community manager at InnerSloth, mentioned that she is in the works of removing inactive members, including the moderation team. No official changes have been made yet. This will most likely be introduced around server updates for Among Us.
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A seventeen-year-old self-taught developer by the name of Pedro Fracassi created a Discord bot that syncs with your Among Us matches. The Brazil native released this project on September 17, and has already reached 250 active members and a handful of Patreon supporters. The tracking software for this bot is easy to use and allows players to take control of any situation. Other contributors to this amazing project include Rory Hayes and Matheus Dias. The JavaScript files can be found on GitHub for those of you interested in breaking down and analysing Fracassi’s work.

Even though this work is very impressive, amongcord still faces competition from other aspiring developers. An upcoming programmer named Alpharaoh released his own Discord bot for Among Us. With fourty thousand views on his release, Alpha has gained traction from other bot developers. With multiple beta releases, the source code for this project has been published on GitHub. The main difference between this and amongcord is that you need to have Python 3 installed on your computer. For some, this might be a turn-off, while others might want to be included in this early access project. Alpha released dev notes thanking his followers for the kind words and never thought this project would become such a big hit.
Once you’ve figured out what bot you wish to include in your server, the next step is adding channels. Besides the practical reasoning behind these servers, it’s also good to include some channels that your users can chat or post in. If you have a lot of members, use DisCal. A bot that allows you to schedule game nights with your friends. Feature this in your “game night” channel to keep things organised. Next, make a “find game” channel in case you plan on growing your server to a greater level. This allows people to post codes and link up with active crewmates.
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One of the most helpful channels is “guides” for those who are constantly lacking skill and need help. This way you can copy and paste links of your favourite articles on Among Us tips. Once you’ve finished creating the backbone, have some fun and add in a “meme” channel. The Among Us Reddit sub is currently flooding with these, and they’re always fun to share with friends.

Now it’s time to get creative. Once you’ve finished incorporating your bots and channels, find some custom Among Us emojis for people to use. A website called emoji.gg has about thirty free to use emojis for Among Us. They offer the basics like default crewmates, but also have some dead bodies and the well-known shushing crewmate. One user on Reddit by the name of u/kaz-un aka Pand Ashh created some hand-drawn emojis. The package features some very deadly creations such as crewmates holding their weapons of choice. These are fun to use after someone gets eliminated. It might also make some of your friends salty - so be careful. Pand Ashh is a very impressive illustrator who makes these emojis the perfect addition for any Among Us Discord server.
If you want to open up your creation to the public but need some help promoting it just use active social media platforms. Make a post on Reddit within the Among Us sub and show off what you made. People are always looking to join a group of online friends, so this would help gain traction. If you want to use Instagram, remember hashtags are your friend. Even feel free to invest some money into advertisements on Facebook, or simply make some posts on Twitter and hope for the best.
Images via amongcord sync | Alpharaoh | Pand Ashh

About The Author
Owen Turner