Apex Legends Provisional Matches explained
Ranked in Apex Legends is undergoing major changes starting in Season 17: Arsenal, one of which is the implementation of Provisional Matches.
Apex Legends Provisional Matches are a new addition to Ranked. Instead of starting in Bronze and working their way up to Predator, Apex Legends players must partake in Provisional Matches to determine their skill. This guide overviews the key details of Apex Legends Provisional Matches.
What are Provisional Matches in Apex Legends?
Provisional Matches are Apex Legends' version of placement matches common in games with competitive modes like Overwatch 2 and Halo.
Using Provisional Matches to get Ranked in Apex Legends
With the changes to Ranked in Apex Legends Season 17: Arsenal, ranked splits are a thing of the past. Instead, Rank resets happen at the start of each Season, resetting your Apex Legends Ladder Points to zero.
To get your Ladder Points and Rank back, you must complete ten Provisional Matches. Your performance in your Provisional Matches, combined with your hidden MMR, will determine what tier and division you begin the new Season as. You can view your projected Rank as you play through your Provisional Matches.
- Don't confuse Provisional Matches with Apex Legends Orientation Matches.
How to perform well in Provisional Matches in Apex Legends
Since your Rank completely resets every Season, Provisional Matches are an opportunity for a fresh start. How you perform in your ten Provisional Matches plays a major role in the Rank you get assigned.
As of Season 17, where you place in a Ranked match is the most significant factor in how the system critiques your performance. While kills and assists matter, placing in the top half of players in a match is of the utmost importance. With that, you should aim for a methodical style of play that allows you to consistently finish amongst the final contestants in the Apex Games.
Obviously, Apex's matchmaking isn't always perfect. While you might want to go slow and steady, your teammates could have other ideas. To ensure everyone in the game is on the same page, you should try to grab two other reliable teammates and complete your Provisional Matches in a premade squad.
Strong results in your Apex Legends Provisional Matches can save you a lot of time and stress. The better you do, the fewer tiers and divisions you'll have to climb to become an Apex Legends Predator!
Start your Ranked journey by completing Provisional Matches in Apex Legends and earning your Rank!

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.