Best Baldur’s Gate 3 Warlock build, from race to spells & Pact
If you're looking for the best build you should be running for your Warlock in Baldur's Gate 3, we've got a rundown of the spells, race, and background to use,
Crafting a build for a Warlock in Baldur's Gate 3 requires you to make a lot of decisions, starting with your race and skills in the character creator, before choosing spells, feats, and Eldritch Invocations when levelling.
While the best Monk or Rogue builds are straight forward due to fewer choices, Warlock players have a lot to think about. Making a perfect build in the game can seem hard, but with 100 hours of Warlock gameplay under my belt, I've managed to experiment and fine tune it into an unstoppable class.
It's worth noting that you can respec your character in Baldur's Gate 3, so if you've already started your adventure but want to try out some of the options below, it's pretty easy to do.
Below, you'll find all of my recommendations listed by each level, so you know what to spec into at each specific point:
Level 1
Option | Selection |
Race, Subrace & Cantrip | Half-Elf/High Half-Elf/Fire Bolt |
Cantrips | Eldritch Blast and Bone Chill |
Subclass | The Great Old One |
Spells | Charm Person and Dissonant Whispers |
Background | Guild Artisan |
Skill Proficiencies | Arcana and Deception |
Ability Points |
Level 2
Option | Selection |
Spell | Armour of Agathys |
Eldritch Invocations | Agonizing Blast and Beast Speech |
Level 3
Option | Selection |
Spell | Shatter |
Pact Boon | Pact of the Blade |
Level 4
Option | Selection |
Cantrip | Mage Hand |
Spell | Hold Person |
Feat | Ability Improvement: +1 Charisma, +1 Constitution |
Level 5
Option | Selection |
Spell | Hypnotic Pattern |
Eldritch Invocations | Repelling Blast |
Level 6
Option | Selection |
Spell | Vampiric Touch |
Level 7
Option | Selection |
Spell | Blight |
Eldritch Invocations | Sculptor of Flesh |
Level 8
Option | Selection |
Spell | Evard's Black Tentacles |
Feat | Ability Improvement: +2 Charisma |
Level 9
Option | Selection |
Spell | Dominate Person |
Eldritch Invocations | Minions of Chaos |
Level 10
Option | Selection |
Cantrip | Poison Spray |
Spell | Banishment |
Level 11
Option | Selection |
Mystic Arcanum | Circle of Death |
Spell | Hold Monster |
Level 12
Option | Selection |
Spell | Counterspell |
Eldritch Invocations | Lifedrinker |
Feat | Tough |
The Warlock is a Charisma-based spell-casting class that has been gifted their magic by an outer entity. As a result, Warlocks have access to a unique spell list featuring a number of Warlock-exclusive spells.
One thing you should remember when playing a Warlock is their relation with spell slots. Like all mages, Warlocks use spell slots when casting magic, but unlike other mages, they have fewer spell slots to use.
The trade-off for this is that Warlocks regain all their spell slots after a Short Rest rather than a Long Rest at camp. Although Warlocks might not have access to as many Short Rests as those in the tabletop versions might, this still means that they can take two Short Rests a day before needing a long one.
I encourage you to really let loose during fights as a Warlock and make the most of your spells, as you typically won't go more than three fights in the game without having a chance to rest up.
There are three subclasses for Warlocks: Fiend, Great Old One, and Archfey. Although Warlocks have access to the same spells regardless of which Patron you choose, they both offer different abilities.
Baldur’s Gate 3 Warlock - Fiend
Warlocks in service to fiends work towards corrupting, destructive ends – intentionally or otherwise – and receive hellish blessings in turn. Fiend Warlocks have access to the spell Burning Hands and Command, but they also get the feat Dark One’s Blessings.
Subclass Feature | Description |
Dark One’s Blessing | When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points, this gift from your patron grants you Charisma Modifier and your level hit points |
Baldur’s Gate 3 Warlock - The Great Old One
Warlocks bound to Eldritch entities work towards inscrutable goals, gaining powers over entropy and the mind. One of the first things that The Great Old One Warlocks get that Fiend Warlocks don’t is access to two very powerful spells:
Subclass Feature | Description |
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter | Can leave foes prone and incapacitated, leading to a nice opening for other classes to come in |
Dissonant Whispers | Deals 3d6 Psychic Damage and can lead foes frightened |
Mortal Reminder | When you land a Critical Hit against a creature, that creature and any nearby enemies are Frightened until the end of their next turn |
Baldur’s Gate 3 Warlock - Archfey
Warlocks who choose the Archfey subclass are in service to a lord or lady of the fey, a creature of legends whole holds secrets that were forgotten before the mortal races were born. Archfey Warlocks are immediately given the following action:
Subclass Feature | Description |
Fey Presence | You can cause each creature in a 10-foot cube to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Warlock spell save DC. Each creature that fails is charmed or frightened until the end of your next turn |
My pick for the Warlock's ideal subclass is The Great Old One, due to the two extra spells you have available to you, and the passive, Mortal Reminder.
As you level up further, the later passive features from the Great Old One subclass are also excellent, giving you a free reaction that lets you impose Disadvantage.
Not a fan of the Warlock build? Check out our recommendations for other best builds in Baldur's Gate 3:
- Barbarian build
- Bard build
- Cleric build
- Monk build
- Rogue build
- Sorcerer build
- Warlock build
- Wizard build
The Warlock's main class feature is their access to Eldritch Invocations, which are features that grant you specific bonuses and boons.
You gain two Eldritch Invocations at level 2, and then further ones at levels 5, 7, 9, and 12. Each time you are allowed to select your invocation, and further levels see you unlock even more options.
Although the Invocation you should choose depends on your playstyle, I recommend passive Invocations such as Agonizing Blast, Beast Speech, and Devil's Sight to begin with.
I don't recommend the invocations that let you cast spells without a spell slot until you level up further, as they feel like a waste next to the things you can get uniquely from your class.
Here are all of the Eldritch Invocations available at each level:
Eldritch Invocation | Description |
Agonizing Blast | When you cast Eldritch Blast, add your Charisma modifier to the damage it deals, unless it is negative (Level 2) |
Armour of Shadows |
You can cast Mage Armour on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot (Level 2) |
Beast Speech | You can cast Speak with Animals at will, without expending a spell slot (Level 2) |
Beguiling Influence | You invoke your patron’s bewitching charm. You gain proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion Skills (Level 2) |
Devil’s Sight | You can see normally in darkness, both magical and non-magical, to a distance of 18 m (Level 2) |
Fiendish Vigor | You can cast False Life on yourself at will as a 1st-level Spell, without expending a spell slot (Level 2) |
Mask of Many Faces | You can cast Disguise Self at will, without expending a spell slot (Level 2) |
Repelling Blast | When you hit a creature with Eldritch Blast, you can push the creature up to 4.5m away from you (Level 2) |
One with Shadows | Cast One with Shadows, and turn invisible for two turns (Level 2) |
Thief of Five Fates | Once per long rest, you can cast Bane using a Warlock spell slot (Level 2) |
Mire of the Mind | Cast Slow with a Warlock spell slot (Level 5) |
Sign of Ill Omen | Cast Bestow Curse with a Warlock spell slot (Level 5) |
Sculptor of Flesh | Cast Polymorph with a Warlock spell slot (Level 7) |
Dreadful Word | Cast Confusion with a Warlock spell slot (Level 7) |
Book of Ancient Secrets | Gain Ray of Sickness, Chromatic Orb, and Silence. You can cast these once per long rest without expending a spell slot (Level 7) |
Whispers of the Grave | Cast Speak with Dead without expending a spell slot (Level 9) |
Otherworldly Leap | Can cast Enhance Leap (Level 9) |
Minions of Chaos | Can cast Conjure Elemental with a Warlock spell slot (Level 9) |
Lifedrinker | Your melee attacks deal additional Necrotic damage equal to your Charisma modifier (Level 12) |
Check out our Baldur's Gate 3 homepage for more guides. We've also covered the best mods, how to find Auntie Ethel, how to get and use ceremonial weapons, all achievements, and how to find Lump's War Horn.

About The Author
Maya Hutchinson
Maya Hutchinson was a freelance contributor to GGRecon.