Best Deep Rock Galactic Perks: Passive And Active Perks Explained
Want to overcome the horrors of the underground and become the ultimate miner? Here's our selection of the Deep Rock Galactic best perks.
The best Deep Rock Galactic perks can increase your chances of success exponentially in this first-person co-op shooter. Deep Rock Galactic has a myriad of systems at play as you use your weapons, tools and wits to survive hordes of bug-like aliens in procedurally generated caves. Sometimes all the bullets, grapples, and bombs aren't enough to succeed, and that's where perks come into play, giving you that extra little help. So if you are struggling with the various creepy crawlies the game pits you against, we've got a breakdown of the best Deep Rock Galactic perks.
- Before touching any perks, you really should familiarise yourself with the best Deep Rock Galactic classes.
Best Deep Rock Galactic Perks: What Are Perks?
Perks can come in a variety of fashion, ranging from slight stat boosts to game changing abilities. The Deep Rock Galactic best perks land somewhere in the middle with perks ranging from 8% boosts to sprint speed to beast companions that will rip into the enemy for you.
Unlike the varying classes in the game, the perks are not specific to any one character. Instead, once they are unlocked they can apply to all of your playable characters. By playing through the available missions and hitting Milestones, you unlock perk points, which can then be used to unlock the tiers of perks. Certain amount of perks from previous tiers must be purchased before you can progress to the next and eventually all the way to tier eight.
Then perks are also divided up into passive and active perks. Passive perks are just constantly active and players won't need to do anything for these perks. Active perks however, are more like your traditional abilities that you will need to activate. Some perks even have both active and passive elements to them, and most can be upgraded through the tiers for better passive and active abilities.
Best Deep Rock Galactic Perks: Field Medic
Everyone loves a good reviving perk, and that's why the Field Medic makes it into our Deep Rock Galactic best perks. This is a one use item, but it can be the saving grace for a failing mission. Passively you can revive fallen teammates 25% faster, however, the real winner here is the active ability.
By pressing the right trigger button or left clicking while reviving you can instantly revive a fallen teammate rather than waiting for the revive metre to fill up. A single revive might not seem like much but it can give you that extra firepower on a hectic retreat to the pod, or the help needed to revive another fallen player. Once fully upgraded, it will even send nearby enemies running. A team that sticks together, wins together, remember.
Best Deep Rock Galactic Perks: Shield Link
Sticking with the camaraderie of teamwork, Shield Link is one of the Deep Rock Galactic best perks, for teams that like to stick together. Passively, you'll recharge your shields 50% when within four metres of one another.
Actively however, you are able to overcharge a teammates shield to 300% for 30 seconds. This is a doozy when things get all too much, and the bugs are surrounding your teammate from all directions.
Best Deep Rock Galactic Perks: Born Ready
Born Ready is hand selected in the Deep Rock Galactic best perks for those that like to keep their fingers on the trigger - which you really should be doing, there are giant bugs coming after you, you know.
This perk is a passive ability that, once full upgraded, will reload your unequipped weapon in five seconds. When things get tight the last thing you want is to pull the trigger on an empty mag. This perk ensures that you keep shooting and they keep dying. Simple, yet effective.
Best Deep Rock Galactic Perks: New Passive Perk Slot
While not technically a perk itself, the New Passive Perk Slot, does what it says on the tin. Fully upgrade this and you will unlock an additional two passive perk slots, meaning more abilities.
You can also unlock an additional active perk by promoting each of the four available classes, allowing your mining dwarf to stand the greatest of chances amongst the hordes of alien insects.
Deep Rock Galactic Best Perks: Veteran Depositor
At its core (get it?), Deep Rock Galactic is about mining materials. As such it only makes sense that standing at the top of the Deep Rock Galactic best perks is the Veteran Depositor. This perk enables you to deposit materials 50% faster, which not only leaves more time for shooting, but also gets the job done quicker when visiting lower oxygen areas.
However, even better than dumping your favourite rocks quicker is that the depositor will now reduce damage intake by 30% when you are within seven metres of the mule - another great addition for those especially hostile settings.
That's all you need to know about the Deep Rock Galactic best perks. If you are keen to play with friends on different platforms, check out our guide on Deep Rock Galactic crossplay.

About The Author
Aaron Bayne
Aaron Bayne was a Guides Writer at GGRecon. His previous experience includes BBC and Fraghero.