Best Ghostwire Tokyo Skills To Unlock First
If you're looking for some tips on which skills to choose in Ghostwire Tokyo, here is a quick guide on the best ones to start with.
The best Ghostwire Tokyo skills to unlock as early as you can will always be subjective, but we've got some top recommendations on the abilities you need to maximise your playthrough. Ghostwire Tokyo gives you most of your abilities early on, and lets you choose which upgrades are the most important to get. The skill tree isn’t super complicated, there aren’t many superfluous options. That said, there are a few particularly important skills you should grab, so here are the best skills to unlock early in Ghostwire Tokyo.
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Ghostwire Tokyo Skills: Abilities
The abilities tab of the skill menu is maybe the most important section, overall. There are two groups of skills here that are pretty vital, for different reasons. For traversing the open world and gathering resources and collectables, you want to upgrade Spectral Vision and Gliding. These will really help you get around and find things. If you have the skill points and magatama required, getting the Summon Tengu upgrade for the grapple is incredibly useful for giving you freedom of movement.
The second group to focus on here is Melee Core Grab and the Ground Core Grab. These are obviously combat-focused skills, and they are incredibly useful. These abilities allow you to instantly finish off enemies in ways you otherwise couldn’t, dramatically shortening many of your fights. Get these skills early in order to get the most use out of them.
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Ghostwire Tokyo Skills: Ethereal Weaving
Under the Ethereal Weaving tab, you can upgrade your magical attacks. There are no wrong answers here as each skill only has a couple of options. The best place to start with is to choose the upgrades that best suit the various abilities, and their uses.
For Wind Weaving, focus first on the Speed Boost skills. Your Wind attacks will be your bread and butter, and it is a good idea to increase your attack speed with them as much as you can.
Water Weaving is a wider attack, that hits enemies in an arc. This attack is great to use when multiple enemies are attacking you. However, as standard, the water attack only hits one enemy. So grabbing the More Shots upgrades which let your water attacks hit multiple enemies at once is a great idea.
Finally, you have the powerful Fire Weaving. Fire is your big-hitter ability, you’ll want to use this on tougher enemies. That said, using the charged fire power is a great way to take out multiple enemies at once. To make sure you’re hitting as many enemies as possible, grab the Range Boost skills under Fire Weaving to wipe out even bigger groups of Visitors.
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Ghostwire Tokyo Skills: Equipment
The equipment tab has a fairly broad range of options. One of those options should be number one with a bullet, and that is to upgrade your prayer beads. Prayer beads are items you can collect, usually from shrines, which give you buffs. Extra wind damage, better sneaking, more money, those kinds of very important things.
Initially, you can only equip one set of prayer beads. With the Extra Set skills, you can equip two and then three sets of beads, to apply multiple buffs at once. Once you start gathering multiple prayer beads, this skill should be a priority.
Those are our picks for the most important skills to unlock early in Ghostwire Tokyo. For more on this spooky new game, why not check out Ghostwire Tokyo Fallout Easter Egg: How To Get The Fallout 4 Vault Suit.

About The Author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon, after several years of freelancing across the industry. He covers a wide range of games, with particular focus on shooters like Destiny 2, RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, and fighting games like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8.