Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies: Maps, Story, Characters, Modes, and Gameplay Features
Find out everything there is to know about Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies, including the story, characters, modes, maps, perks, and other features.
Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies returns and is being developed independently by Zombies experts, Treyarch. This was music to many Zombies fan's ears, as the pillar of Vanguard is often more than enough to warrant a purchase. While the mode was shrouded in secrecy for so long, now that it is out in the wild, we have everything you need to know about Call of Duty Zombies, including story, lore, characters, maps and other zombies features.
Looking for more Call of Duty Vanguard content? Make sure you check out both our Campaign and Multiplayer reviews:
Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies: Story And Lore
The latest installation of Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies lore is working as a continuation of the Dark Aether storyline launched in Cold War. In that we saw the Omega Group and Requiem facing off in increasingly evil schemes. However, like Vanguard's multiplayer and campaign, this interpretation of zombies will take place in a WW2 setting, where desperate Nazi's make unlikely bonds with demonic presences, in a last ditch effort to salvage the war.
You will fight through the graveyard of Stalingrad to defeat the Dark Aether presence Kortifex the Deathless, who has gifted Oberfuhrer Wolfram Von List the ability to raise the dead. With the help of four other entities, you'll take the fight back to Kortifex and Von List.
That's the outlying premise for Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies, but to go into more detail, you'll have to go to our Vanguard Der Anfang Easter egg guide, to find out why we don't know much more than that.
Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies: Characters
Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies has introduced Demonologist Gabriel Krafft, who was teased throughout the Cold War storyline. On top of that we are introduced to the aforementioned Oberfuhrer Wolfram Von List and Kortifex the Deathless, who act as the primary antagonists of this storyline - besides the zombies of course.
Joining them are the four other Dark Aether entities made up of Saraxis the Shadow, Norticus the Conqueror, Inviktor the Destroyer, and Bellekar the Warlock. Your team won't be made up of Zombies specific characters like they have in the past. Instead, you will jump into the zombie-killing action as one of the many Operators that are also available through the multiplayer.
Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies: Maps
Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies has launched with one map, Der Anfang. However, rather than consisting of one expanding map space, this one is constructed of a central hub and several smaller map areas that players will teleport to. Many of the areas available are made from maps from the multiplayer such as Hotel Royale and Red Star. However, fan-favourite Zombies map Shi No Numa is also included amongst the places that you will teleport to.
Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies: Modes
Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies isn't your traditional "last man standing" Zombies experience. Instead, Vanguard Zombies is similar to Cold War's Outbreak where players will teleport from one place, complete an objective, return to the base of operations and repeat. This far more linear approach is proving controversial for a lot of Zombies fans.
The biggest change in Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies outside of its round structure, is that players also won't be able to run around large areas. Each area has a set objective that restricts access through Kortifex's dark magic. These areas are assumed to expand thanks to the Vanguard Der Anfang Easter egg, however it is yet to be confirmed.
Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies: Perks And Upgrades
While there are a lot of changes to Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies, some classic features remain, if in different versions. The other Dark Aether entities not only assign tasks, but they also act as the new perk system. Instead of buying perks from machines, you will receive them from fountains, and they can be stacked.
Other elements such as Pack-A-Punch and the crafting bench from Cold War return. If you would like a full breakdown of the perks and upgrades available, check out our Vanguard Der Anfang guide.
That's everything you need to know about Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies. Looking for the best weapons to take out zombies with? We've got a Vanguard best guns guide to help you out.
Stay tuned here at GGRecon for more Call of Duty: Vanguard Zombies news, guides, features and more.

About The Author
Aaron Bayne
Aaron Bayne was a Guides Writer at GGRecon. His previous experience includes BBC and Fraghero.