How to open the Crystal Encased Chest in WoW: Dragonflight
If you need help figuring out the Crystal Encased Chest in WoW: Dragonflight, this guide explains everything you need to know.
In the newest zone of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, there are many hidden treasures and secrets for players to discover. Not all of them are easy to open, and many have many special requirements in order to crack them open. This guide will walk you through opening the Crystal Encased Chest in the game.
How to find and open the Crystal Encased Chest
This particular treasure chest can be found in the Viridian Throne area of Glimmerogg. The answer to this puzzle is relatively simple but can be one that can go under the radar by players if they aren’t paying close attention.
While you're exploring the Viridian Throne, you’ll find two Stone Hands with a rock between them. For those who use coordinates, this is located at 36.43, 74.26.
Now that you’ve located the Crystal Encased chest, the next thing you need to find is two Attunement Crystals. One is purple and one is yellow. In order to get them, you will need to use your Dragonriding mount. You'll be able to find them on top of the pillars - they're pretty small, so you’ll need to keep a careful eye out.
The Purple Crystal can be found at 37.71, 68.87. For the Yellow Crystal, you can find it at 39.41, 73.32. Fly back to the chest and you will have to activate the crystals in order for it to work. There will be a small animation before you can open the chest, but then you can open it and get your rewards!
You'll be able to get your hands on an intellect trinket and Whelpling's Shadowflame Crest Fragments for your troubles.
Need help opening the Blazing Shadowflame Chest in WoW: Dragonflight? Here's how you can access the treasure.

About The Author
Amy Eastland
Amy was a Guides Writer for GGRecon. She has a BA (Hons) in Creative Writing and Journalism, and has previously worked for companies such as Gfinity and HITC. Her favourite games include Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring, and Crash Bandicoot Warped. When she's not at work, she's hanging out with her black cat, Shelby.