How To Get Coins in Cult of the Lamb
Are you wondering how to get coins in Cult of the Lamb? Gold coins are a hot resource in Cult of the Lamb, so it may be beneficial for you to make your own.
Are you wondering how to get coins in Cult of the Lamb? Your success in Cult of the Lamb isn't just the ability to beat each boss in the game. You'll also need to gather resources and gain as much gold as possible. One ability that is super helpful is how you can get coins in Cult of the Lamb. Here are the steps you'll need to follow to do this.
- Giving gifts in Cult of the Lamb can significantly increase a follower's loyalty and effectiveness in your community.
Cult of the Lamb: How To Get Coins
Unfortunately, you'll not have the ability to make coins in Cult of the Lamb until you've reached the second tier of the Divine Inspiration chart. You will need the refinery to proceed, but it's easily done as Tier 2 is unlocked after completing four divine inspirations.
Once that is unlocked, you can build a refinery with 20 gold coins, five wooden logs, and ten pieces of metal. After that, interact with it and you'll see a variety of material options available to you. You can make wooden planks, stone blocks, gold bars, and the most important thing to us right now, coins, which is the third on the right.
You can make five coins by using seven gold nuggets you'll find in Cult of the Lamb through rocks that can be broken down in dungeons. Once you've assigned the number of batches you'd like (up to five), one of the followers will create them for you. It takes around five minutes. Once that's done, collect the coins from the red chest below.
- Gaining commandment stones could eventually lead you to take money from your followers if you choose the right decisions at church.
Cult of the Lamb: Other Ways To Get Coins
There are several other ways you can get coins in Cult of the Lamb. You can play the Knucklebones dice game with characters around the world like Ratau as you bet your coins away. Ratau's maximum is 10 coins, but as you meet new NPCs in the world, that value will go up. If you get very solid with knucklebones, this could buff your wallet many times fold.
As you farm devotion, you'll be able to unlock new buildings in the Divine Inspiration chart. One such building includes the Missionary post. You can assign your followers to quests, and they can find resources for you, including coins. However, there is a risk to this, as they may not return from their dangerous trip and can die in the process.
Repeating bosses is also another strategy. When you go through a familiar area once more, you'll have the ability to face off against a past boss. Once they're defeated, they'll drop a significant amount of coins.
There are other ways to get coins in Cult of the Lamb as well, but these three are going to be the main sources of your income, except for exploration within the dungeons themselves.
For more Cult of the Lamb guides, be sure to check out our dedicated page on GGRecon.

About The Author
Chris Penwell
Chris Penwell is an experienced video games journalist with a Bachelor in Communications. He loves to play narrative-focused games like Kingdom Hearts and Beyond Good & Evil.