How to find all the Iconic weapons in Cyberpunk 2077
Here is a full list of all the Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic weapons, which covers each location and how to obtain them, so you always have some of the best weaponry.
We've got the full list of all Iconic weapons in Cyberpunk 2077, along with how to find them to expand your arsenal, so you can be covered with all the locations and steps needed to obtain the best weapons in Night City.
Cyberpunk 2077 has a long list of guns and melee weapons, many of which have unique versions that stand clear above the rest. Whether you're looking to collect all the best gear in the game, or you're seeking specific weapons like Rebecca's Shotgun from Edgerunners, below you can find the full list of Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic weapons.
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Where can you find all the iconic weapons in Cyberpunk 2077?
Below is a table which lists the Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic weapons, their unique effects, and how to obtain each one.
Weapon | Weapon Type | Unique Effects | How To Obtain |
Amnesty | Revolver |
Increased fire rate. Decreased reload time, bullet spread, ADS time, recoil, and effective range. |
During the We Gotta Live Together quest, shoot at least 12 of the 16 bottles during Cassidy's mini-game. |
Apparition | Pistol |
Double damage on charged shots. When user's health is below 20%, gain increased fire rate, reload speed, and physical damage. |
During the War Pigs quest, kill Frank Nostra and loot it from his body. |
Archangel | Revolver |
Damage type changed from physical to electrical, and has 15% chance to shock enemies. Reduced recoil. |
During the quest, A Like Supreme, Kerry Eurodyne will give it to you as a reward. |
Ba Xing Chong | Shotgun | Each Smart projectile has explosive tips, increasing the chance to dismember. | After defeating Adam Smasher during the ending mission of the game, you will come across a locked room, where the crafting spec can be found in a locked chest. |
Bloody Maria | Shotgun | Increased chance to knock down enemies, inflict bleeding, and dismember enemies. | Found in your apartment stash during the Ride Captain Ride quest, after completing all Muamar Reyes gigs. |
Blue Fang | Knife | Stuns enemies on hit, deals additional chemical damage, and has 15% chance to poison enemies. | Can be purchased from the melee weapon vendor in Jackson Plains. |
Breakthrough | Sniper Rifle | Can ricochet multiple times after penetrating walls. | During Suspected Organised Crime Activity: New Boss, New Rules, the crafting spec will be dropped by Olga Elizabeth Longmead. |
Butcher's Cleaver | Knife | Increased bleed chance, and while an enemy is bleeding, you gain increases attack speed and consume less stamina per attack. | During the M'ap Tann Pèlen quest, it can be found in Rolland's Butcher Shop after Placide butchers a chicken. |
Buzzsaw | Submachine Gun | Fires high-penetration rounds, and can ricochet after penetrating a wall. | During Suspected Organised Crime Activity: Vice Control, the crafting spec will be dropped by Yelena Sidorova. |
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Weapon | Weapon Type | Unique Effects | How To Obtain |
Byakko | Katana |
Increased melee range, and bleeding chance. Can leap from a distance with special attack. |
Found in your apartment stash during the Professional Widow quest, after completing all Wakako Okada gigs. |
Caretaker's Spade | Hammer | Increased health regeneration after hitting an enemy. | Found during the Knockin' on Heaven's Door quest, leaning against some rocks in the Arasaka Tower jungle floor. |
Chaos | Pistol | Randomises the damage type on each reload, the crit chance, and the chance to apply a status effect. | During the quest, The Pickup, it can be looted from Royce if the Maelstrom become hostile and Royce is killed. |
Cocktail Stick | Katana | Increases dismemberment chance by 300%. | During the Automatic Love quest, it can be found inside Evelyn Parker's dressing room at Clouds. |
Comrade's Hammer | Revolver |
Increased damage, chance to apply burn, reload time, and rounds explode on impact. Decreased range and magazine capacity. |
During Suspected Organised Crime Activity (Arroyo), the crafting spec will be dropped by Darius Miles. |
Cottonmouth | One-Handed Club | Deals electrical and chemical damage, and has a small chance to poison or shock enemies. | During The Space in Between quest, it can be found on a coffee table in Fingers' clinic. |
Crash | Revolver |
Can be charged during ADS. Decreased recoil, bullet spread, and fire rate. |
During the quest, Following the River, River Ward will give it to you as a reward. |
Death and Taxes | Pistol |
Bullets split into two halves, increasing hit chance. Deals electrical damage. |
During the Ex-Factor quest, it can be found in Maiko Maeda's office in Clouds, or, after the quest, from Judy's apartment after Maiko sends her a message. |
Divided We Stand | Assault Rifle |
Can target up to five enemies at once. Deals chemical damage with a chance to poison enemies, and bullets can explode into biohazard clouds which poison enemies. |
During the Stadium Love quest, it can be gained by beating Walker's score, or, by choosing to fight the 6th Street members. |
Weapon | Weapon Type | Unique Effects | How To Obtain |
Doom Doom | Revolver |
Each shot fired has an additional four shots, and increased damage, fire rate, dismemberment chance, recoil, and spread. |
During the Second Conflict quest, it can be looted from Dum Dum if killed, but he must remain alive during The Pickup quest. |
Dying Night | Pistol | Headshot damage doubled, and reload time decreased. | During The Gun quest, it can be purchased for free from Robert Wilson. |
Fenrir | Submachine Gun | Damage type changed to thermal, with increased damage, chance to apply burn, and dismemberment chance. | During the Sacrum Profanum/Losing My Religion quest, it can be looted from a table next to the captive monk. |
Genjiroh | Pistol |
Each shot fired has an additional four shots, increased magazine size, projectile speed, and targeting maximum. Bullets deal additional electrical damage and can apply the shock status effect. |
During the Play It Safe quest, it can be found behind a locked door on floor 21, or, can be found during the Arasaka Estate quest on a desk, or, can be earned as a reward after finishing the Where is My Mind? quest. |
Gold-Plated Baseball Bat | Two-Handed Club | Increased chance to apply bleeding, and chance to apply stun. | During the Second Conflict quest, it can be looted from Denny's pool after she throws it inside. |
Guts | Shotgun |
Changes damage type to chemical and has a chance to inflict poison. Fire three additional projectiles per shot, and has increased spread and recoil. |
It can be found at Memorial Park in Corpo Plaza, right next to a trio of monks. |
Headhunter | Knife | Marks enemies hit by the weapon, marked enemies take increased headshot damage. | Can be purchased from the melee weapon vendor in West Wind Estate. |
Hypercritical | Precision Rifle | Guaranteed to knock down enemies when hit, and last bullet always deals critical damage. | Earned as a reward during the Gig: Concrete Cage Trap. |
Kongou | Pistol | Bullets can ricochet, has reduced recoil and increased fire rate. | During The Heist, it can be found at the foot of the bed in Yorinobu's Penthouse in Konpeki Plaza. |
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Weapon | Weapon Type | Unique Effects | How To Obtain |
La Chingona Dorada | Pistol | Reduced reload time, higher chance to inflict burn and stun, and has an additional mod slot. | During the Heroes quest, it can be found at Jackie's altar in El Coyote Cojo, but only if his body is sent to his family during The Heist. |
Lizzie | Pistol | Increases the rounds fired per shot and on charged shots. | During the Automatic Love quest, it can be found in a private room adjacent to Judy Alvarez's den in Lizzie's Bar. |
Malorian Arms 3516 | Pistol | Uses both power and tech technology, replaces quick melee with fire. | During the Chippin' In quest, it can be acquired from Jeremiah Grayson. |
Moron Labe | Assault Rifle | Increased rate of fire and chance to dismember. | During Suspected Organised Crime Activity (West Wind Estate), the crafting spec will be dropped by Anton Kolev. |
Mox | Shotgun | Reduced reload speed and spread while aiming, each shot has 20 projectiles instead of 10. | During Pyramid Song, Judy will give it to you as a reward, it can be found on a table in her apartment in Kabuki. |
O'Five | Sniper Rifle | Shots cause explosions that inflict fire, for each enemy that burns, your crit chance and reload speed is increased. | Can be earned during Beat on the Brat: Arroyo, if you have $12000. |
Overwatch | Sniper Rifle | Has a custom scope and silencer, and increased reload speed. | Gifted to you by Panam after the end of the Riders on the Storm quest. |
Plan B | Pistol | Each round fired costs eurodollars instead of ammo, and has increased chance to apply bleed. | Can be looted from Dexter DeShawn's body at the Municipal Landfill during Act II. |
Prejudice | Assault Rifle | Projectiles pierce after being fired, even after ricocheting. | During the For Whom the Bell Tolls quest, it can be found at Afterlife while gearing up. |
Weapon | Weapon Type | Unique Effects | How To Obtain |
Pride | Pistol | Increased crit chance, headshot damage multiplier, and chance to stun. | During the Knockin' On Heaven's Door quest, it can be grabbed after the fight with Adam Smasher. |
Problem Solver | Submachine Gun |
Increased magazine size, tripled rate of fire. Increased recoil and bullet spread. |
During the Riders on the Storm quest, it's dropped by a Wraiths Boss Hunter. |
Prototype: Shingen Mark V | Submachine Gun | Allows more targets to be tracked, deals thermal damage and has increased chance to inflict burn. | In the Arasaka Industrial Park, it can be found inside a trailer marked 667. |
Psalm 11:6 | Assault Rifle | Changes damage type to thermal, with increased chance to apply burn. | During Suspected Organised Crime Activity: Just Say No, the crafting spec will be dropped by Tom Ayer. |
Satori | Katana | Increased crit damage, with reduced base damage. | During The Heist quest, it can be found leaning against a seat inside Saburo Arasaka'sAV parked on the rooftop landing pad. |
Scalpel | Katana |
Deals electrical damage with a chance to apply shock. While the Cyberpunk 2077 Sandevistan is active, it has increased crit chance and chance to apply bleed. |
During the Big in Japan quest, it's given as a reward by Dennis Cranmer at the end, and can be found leaning against some barrels. |
Seraph | Pistol | Deals thermal damage and increased chance to inflict burn. | Found in your apartment stash during the God Bless This Mess quest, after completing all Sebastian Ibarra's gigs. |
Sir John Phallustiff | One-Handed Club | Deals additional physical and electrical damage, and has a higher chance to apply bleed or shock. | After completing the Venus in Furs quest, it will be left by Meredith Stout on the bed. |
Skippy | Pistol |
Has its own AI that causes it to perform random actions. Can choose between a pacifist and killer mode. |
Found next to a body in an alley in Vista del Rey, Heywood. |
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Weapon | Weapon Type | Unique Effects | How To Obtain |
Sovereign | Double-Barrel Shotgun | Both barrels can be fired during ADS, and reduced reload speed and spread. | During Suspected Organised Crime Activity: Modern Labor Market, the crafting spec will be dropped by Shinobu Amai. |
Stinger | Knife | Deals chemical damage and has a chance to apply poison. | During the I'll Fly Away quest, it will be given to you by Mitch. |
The Headsman | Shotgun |
Increased projectiles per shot, chance to dismember, chance to apply bleeding, reload time. Reduced fire rate and clip size. |
During Suspected Organised Crime Activity: Privacy Policy Violation, the crafting spec will be dropped by Militech Mech. |
Tinker Bell | One-Handed Club | Reduced damage but increased chance to knock out enemies, and increased chance to apply shock. | During The Hunt quest, can be found in the control room of Edgewood Farm. |
Tsumetogi | Katana |
Deals electrical damage, increased chance to apply shock. Attacks made while blocking, sprinting, jumping, or crouching deals extra damage. |
During the Pisces quest, it's dropped by Hiromi Sato or taken from its display stand. |
Widow Maker | Precision Rifle | Deals additional damage during charged shots, deals chemical damage with chance to apply poison. | Dropped by Nash in the Ghost Town or Queen of the Highway quests. |
Yinglong | Submachine Gun | Deals additional electrical damage, with a chance to cause EMP explosions on impact. | During Suspected Organised Crime Activity: Living the Big Life, the crafting spec will be dropped by Denzel Cryer. |
That's all for our breakdown of all the Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic weapons, and now you know how to obtain each one in the game.
For more Cyberpunk 2077 guides, stick with GGRecon. Alternatively, check out how the Cyberpunk 2077 Transmog works.

About The Author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon. He previously wrote reviews for his college newspaper before studying Media and Communication at university. His favourite genres include role-playing games, strategy games, and boomer shooters - along with anything indie. You can also find him in the pit at local hardcore shows.