Best Chucky Perk builds in Dead by Daylight
Chucky, or The Good Guy, has some unique Killer Perks that can make for some brutal builds in Dead by Daylight, so we've picked some of our favourites to run on him.
With Chucky having scampered his way into The Fog, you may be looking for some of the best Perks to run on him in Dead by Daylight – and we've got some of The Good Guy’s most brutally bloodthirsty builds.
Chucky’s unique Killer Perks can make for some unique loadouts, and his power even places him in the ranks as some of the other high-tier Killers in the game, so learning how to play him optimally is essential.
Best Chucky Perk builds in DbD
Using the three unique Perks that you’ll find below, The Good Guy has several unique builds that can help make him a highly oppressive Killer in DbD.
Finish the Gens Build
As Survivors finish their objectives and complete Generators in DbD, the pressure is on for the Killer to hook them all. But what if completing the Generators gave you a boost? Well, thanks to Chucky’s Batteries Included Perk, you will want Survivors to complete their objective so you can grow in power.
Perk |
Killer |
Description |
Batteries Included |
The Good Guy |
When within 12 meters of a completed Generator, you have 5% Haste. This lingers for 5 seconds after leaving the Generator's range. This Perk deactivates once all Generators are powered. |
Fire Up |
The Nightmare |
Each time the Survivors complete a Generator, Fire Up grows in power. For each Generator completed, gain a 4% stackable buff that grants a speed bonus to picking up, dropping, vaulting, damaging generators, and breaking pallets and breakable walls for the remainder of the trial. |
Machine Learning |
The Singularity |
After performing the damage Generator action, this Perk activates. While this Perk is active, the next Generator you damage will be compromised until it is completed. The Generator is highlighted in yellow. When the compromised Generator is completed, you become Undetectable and gain 10% Haste for 30 seconds. |
Hex: No One Escapes Death |
General Perk |
Once the exit gates are powered if a Dull Totem remains on the map, this Hex is applied to it. While this Hex is active, Survivors suffer from the Exposed status effect and movement speed is increased by 4%. |
Exposed Build
Hitting Survivors is one thing, but Exposing them so they go down in one hit can pile on the pressure in any DbD match. And with a brand new Exposed Perk from The Good Guy, this can be quite a deadly build.
Perk |
Killer |
Description |
Friends ‘til the End |
The Good Guy |
When you hook a Survivor that is not the Obsession, the Obsession becomes Exposed for 20 seconds and reveals their aura for 10 seconds. When you hook the Obsession, another random Survivor screams and reveals their position, becoming the new Obsession. |
Rancor |
The Spirit |
You become obsessed with one Survivor. Each time a Generator is completed, your Obsession sees your aura for 3 seconds and all Survivor’s locations are revealed to you for 3 seconds. Once the exit gates are powered, the Obsession has the Exposed status effect and you can kill them. |
Dragon’s Grip |
The Blight |
After damaging a Generator, for the next 30 seconds, the first Survivor that interacts with it will scream, revealing their location for 4 seconds, and becoming afflicted with the Exposed Status effect for 60 seconds. Dragon’s Grip has a cooldown of 80 seconds. |
Hubris |
The Knight |
Whenever you are stunned by a Survivor, that Survivor suffers from the Exposed status effect for 20 seconds. Hubris has a cooldown of 20 seconds. |
Hex Build
Hex Perks are incredibly powerful, but they are easily broken. So, having an entire build made up of them gives you a better chance of keeping hold of at least some of the abilities. Chucky's new Hex Perk is pretty niche, but when paired with other Hexes, it can disorient Survivors hoping to blind you.
Perk |
Killer |
Description |
Hex: Two Can Play |
The Good Guy |
Anytime you are stunned or blinded by any Survivor two times, if there is no Hex Totem associated with this Perk, a Dull Totem, becomes a Hex Totem. As long as the Hex Totem remains in play, Survivors who stun or blind you are blinded themselves for 1.5 seconds. |
Hex: Retribution |
The Deathslinger |
Any Survivor interacting with a Dull Totem or a Hex Totem will suffer from the Oblivious status effect for 45 seconds. If any Hex Totem is removed, including this one, the auras of all Survivors are revealed for 15 seconds. |
Hex: Pentimento |
The Artist |
You see the aura of destroyed Totems. You can perform a ritual on a destroyed Totem to rekindle it as a Hex Totem for Hex: Pentimento. For each Hex Totem active simultaneously, Hex: Pentimento gains an additional effect. 1 Hex Totem: Decreases Survivors’ repair speed by 30%. 2 Hex Totems: Decreases Survivors’ healing speed by 30%. 3 Hex Totems: Decreases Survivor’s recovery speed from being downed by 30%. 4 Hex Totems: Decreases Survivor’s exit gate opening speed by 30%. 5 Hex Totems: All Totems are blocked by the Entity. When a previously rekindled Hex Totem is destroyed, it cannot be rekindled again. |
Hex: Blood Favour |
The Blight |
Injuring a Survivor will call upon The Entity to block pallets from being pulled down within a 32-meter radius of the Survivor location for 15 seconds. |
What are Chucky’s unique Perks in Dead by Daylight?
Like all Killers in Dead by Daylight, Chucky comes with three unique Perks that can be taught to other Killers, and may even synergise with their powers as well. The Good Guy’s Perks, as seen above, are:
Perk |
Description |
Batteries Included |
When within 12 meters of a completed Generator, you have 5% Haste. This lingers for 5 seconds after leaving the Generator's range. This Perk deactivates once all Generators are powered. |
Friends ‘til the End |
When you hook a Survivor that is not the Obsession, the Obsession becomes Exposed for 20 seconds and reveals their aura for 10 seconds. When you hook the Obsession, another random Survivor screams and reveals their position, becoming the new Obsession. |
Hex: Two Can Play |
Anytime you are stunned or blinded by any Survivor 2 times, if there is no Hex Totem associated with this Perk, a Dull Totem, becomes a Hex Totem. As long as the Hex Totem remains in play, Survivors who stun or blind you are blinded themselves for 1.5 seconds. |
What is Chucky’s Power in Dead by Daylight?
Chucky’s Power in Dead by Daylight is called Playtime’s Over, and has three parts to it:
Hidey-Ho Mode
Hidey-Ho Mode allows The Good Guy to become Undetectable, meaning he has no Red Stain or Terror Radius, as below. Instead, it creates Footfalls that can be heard map-wide and will certainly give Survivors the creeps when they hear footsteps coming from all directions and see some unexpected footprints appear.
Slice & Dice
Slice & Dice is a charge attack that allows Chucky to charge at Survivors while in Hidey-Ho Mode. He will rush at the unsuspecting Survivors before lunging and slashing at them with his Kitchen Knife. It also allows The Good Guy to vault windows and under pallets to chain a Scamper movement.
As mentioned above, Scamper allows The Good Guy to leap through windows or under downed Pallets so he can continue his chase.
With this power, despite his smaller stature, The Good Guy can be a force to be reckoned with, and there is nothing more terrifying than a despicable doll charging toward you during a trial.
The Good Guy is significantly smaller than all other Killers in the DbD and plays in the third person. This extra visibility can be used to your advantage by allowing you to see Survivors who may be nearby before they swoop in for a rescue.
Who is Chucky in Dead by Daylight?
Chucky, or The Good Guy, is a devious doll possessed by the twisted soul of Charles Lee Ray, an infamous serial killer who met his end following a shootout at a toy store in 1988’s Child’s Play. After performing a curse, his spirit now inhabits a Good Guy brand doll.
Since his first film, Chucky has walked a comedic (if bloody path) to try and steal the body of the child Andy Barclay, found a Bride in the form of Tiffany Valentine (a legendary outfit that also came with the Chucky chapter and shown below) and even has a child and TV show.
Chucky and Tiffany are voiced by Brad Dourif and Jennifer Tilly respectively, and they have also lent their voices to the characters in DbD. So, if you’ve ever wanted to play a game where Chucky is hunting down Ellen Ripley and Nicolas Cage alongside The Demogorgon, The Good Guy is a welcome addition to The Fog.
That’s everything you need to know about some of the best Perk builds to run on Chucky in Dead by Daylight. There are plenty of other evil Killers to learn, from The Singularity to The Xenomorph, all with their own unique Perk builds.

About The Author
Jack Roberts
Jack is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. With a BA (Hons) & MA in English and Creative Writing, he was also the Gaming Editor for The Indiependent. When not pondering which game has the best cup of coffee (and drinking far too much of it himself), he can often be found playing Dead by Daylight, Street Fighter or making yet another build in Bloodborne.