Best Perk builds for The Unknown in Dead by Daylight
Here you'll find some of the best Perk builds to run on The Unknown in Dead by Daylight and learn all about how to use its terrifying power in the game.
A new Killer is running amok in Dead by Daylight, and with it a whole new set of Perks to create some truly terrifying builds with – so we’re here to break down some of the best Perk builds to run on The Unknown.
Following on from the Chucky chapter, the game’s newest Killer from All Things Wicked is a creepy cryptid that leaves horrific hallucinations around the map and can hit Survivors from afar, even when they’re using some of the best Perks in the game.
Best Perk builds for The Unknown
The builds you’ll find below use each of The Unknown’s unique teachable Perks. These Perks, after upgrading the Killer with enough Bloodpoints, can be taught to other Killers so they can use these builds as well.
The Unbound Build
The thrill of the chase is what gets a Killer’s blood pumping in Dead by Daylight, so having a Perk like Unbound that makes your chases more ferocious is sure to strike fear into the hearts of Survivors.
Perk |
Killer |
Description |
Unbound |
The Unknown |
This Perk activates for 30 seconds after a Survivor becomes injured by any means. After vaulting a window, you gain 5% Haste for 10 seconds. This effect cannot stack with itself. |
Bamboozle |
The Clown |
Your vault speed is 15% faster. Performing a vault action calls upon The Entity to block that vault location for 16 seconds. Only one vault location may be blocked in this way at any time. The vault location is blocked only for Survivors. Does not affect pallets. |
Superior Anatomy |
The Mastermind |
When a Survivor performs a fast vault within 8 meters of you, this Perk activates. The next time you vault a window, your vaulting speed is increased by 40%. This Perk deactivates after vaulting a window and has a cooldown of 30 seconds. |
Zanshin Tactics |
The Oni |
The auras of pallets, breakable walls and vault locations are revealed to you within a 32-meter range. |
The Undone Build
Survivors will do anything to complete their Generators, so let’s make it a little harder for them, and make sure they keep a diligent eye on those Skill Checks, otherwise they’ll be working on them for quite a while.
Perk |
Killer |
Description |
Undone |
The Unknown |
When a Survivor misses a healing or repair Skill Check, gain 3 tokens, up to 30. When you Perform the break action on a Generator, if you have any tokens, consume all of them. For each token consumed, the Generator loses 1% of total progress and then becomes blocked for 1 second. Then, once the Generator is unblocked, it starts regressing. This Perk goes on cool-down for 60 seconds. |
Oppression |
The Twins |
When you damage a Generator, up to 3 other random Generators also begin regressing. If the affected Generators are being repaired, any Survivors repairing them receive a difficult Skill Check. Oppression has a cooldown of 80 seconds. |
Overcharge |
The Doctor |
Overcharge a Generator by performing the Damage Generator action. The next Survivor interacting with that Generator is faced with a difficult Skill Check. Failing the Skill Check results in an additional 4% loss of progress. Succeeding the Skill Check grants no progress but prevents the Generator explosion. After Overcharge is applied to a Generator, its regression speed increases from 85% of no to 130% of normal over the next 30 seconds. |
Merciless Storm |
The Onryo |
When a Generator reaches 90% progress, Survivors working on it will be faced with continuous Skill Checks. If they miss or stop repairing, the Generator is blocked by The Entity for 20 seconds. |
The Unforeseen Build
A stealthy approach is always a scary one, so being able to trick Survivors into believing you’re camping a Generator may just prove to be their undoing, as you appear from out of the shadows to strike.
Perk |
Killer |
Description |
Unforeseen |
The Unknown |
When you perform the break action on a Generator, your Terror Radius transfers to the Generator for 30 seconds and its radius is set to 32 meters. You gain Undetectable for that duration. Then, this Perk goes on cool-down for 30 seconds. |
Trail of Torment |
The Executioner |
After damaging a Generator, you become Undetectable until the Generator stops regressing. During this time, the Generator’s yellow aura is revealed to Survivors. This effect can only trigger once every 60 seconds. |
Dark Devotion |
The Plague |
When the Obsession loses a health state, your Terror Radius transfers onto them for 30 seconds with a radius of 32 meters. You are granted the Undetectable status effect for the duration. The Survivor with the transferred Terror Radius is also considered to be “inside the Terror Radius” for other purposes. |
Furtive Chase |
The Ghost Face |
When your Obsession is hooked, gain the Undetectable status effect and 5% Haste for 18 seconds. When a Survivor rescues the Obsession, the rescuer becomes the new Obsession. |
What is The Unknown’s Power in Dead by Daylight?
The Unknown’s power has two facets to it. The first is called Unknown Venom X (UVX). This is a projectile that allows The Unknown to first Weaken a Survivor, before hitting them again to cause a damaging impact. Survivors can lose this Weakened status by staring at The Unknown for a brief period.
The Unknown’s passive ability is its hallucinations. It will create these static doubles intermittently, like the one you'll see above, and leave them all around the map. Survivors can interact with them to dispel them, but they had better act fast, as The Unknown can swiftly teleport back to them in the blink of an eye.
That’s everything you need to know about The Unknown and it’s best Perk builds in DbD. If you’re on the hunt for more Killer guides, be sure to check out our Dead by Daylight homepage where you can find out some of the best Perk builds to run on The Singularity, The Demogorgon and The Xenomorph.

About The Author
Jack Roberts
Jack is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. With a BA (Hons) & MA in English and Creative Writing, he was also the Gaming Editor for The Indiependent. When not pondering which game has the best cup of coffee (and drinking far too much of it himself), he can often be found playing Dead by Daylight, Street Fighter or making yet another build in Bloodborne.