Best endgame Titan build for Destiny 2 Season of the Wish
My favourite Destiny 2 build for the Titan is one that speedrunners are using to shatter records left and right, and with a bit of practice, you can use it too.
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If there's one thing every Titan needs in Destiny 2, it's an endgame build centred around punching really hard.
This particular Strand melee build for the Titan will keep you alive and mobile while dealing huge damage, making it ideal for raids & dungeons - so here are the components you need to try this build yourself in the game.
What does the build do?
This build utilizes Banner of War with Wormgod Caress and a shotgun with One-Two Punch in order to dramatically improve your melee damage, and is the go-to for speedrunners who like to clear Grandmaster Nightfalls as quickly as humanly possible.
It can take a bit of practice to get used to, but if you commit to it you'll be outputting outrageous amounts of damage. What's more, this build will keep you moving around the battlefield and healing almost constantly, so you won't need to worry about getting taken out.
Subclass - Berserker (Strand)
- Banner of War - Defeating enemies with melee attacks creates a banner, which heals you and nearby allies, while also increasing your melee damage
- Into the Fray - Destroying a Tangle or casting your Super grants Woven Mail. Crucially, melee regen rate is increased while Woven Mail is active
- Thread of Warding - Picking up Orbs of Power grants Woven Mail
- Thread of Fury - Damaging targets with a Tangle grants melee energy
- Thread of Generation - Dealing damage grants grenade energy
- Thread of Ascent - Using your grenade ability reloads your weapons and grants bonus airborne effectiveness
- Towering Barricade - Good to have for downtime between abilities
- Strafe Lift - Dealer's choice, this is what I like to use
- Frenzied Blade - Our main method for dealing damage in this build
- Grapple - Using your melee ability from Grapple does incredibly high damage, this will be the focus of the build
For this build, we want to use shotguns, shotguns, and more shotguns. It might seem excessive, but there are high-level players running this build with a shotgun in every slot. This might be unfeasible for most of us, but we can certainly follow the logic.
The reason for all of the shotguns is the perk One-Two Punch. This perk doubles your melee damage for a small window of time after you land a hit with your shotgun, specifically all the pellets in the spread. This melee damage increases further on more powerful enemies, like bosses.
The ideal candidate here would be the Strand shotgun, Swordbreaker. It can roll with One-Two Punch, and the Origin Trait is Cursed Thrall, which causes enemies to explode when defeated with the shotgun after a melee attack. This way, whether you shoot then melee or melee then shoot, this weapon will benefit.
Combine this with Tractor Cannon's debuff, and you will be weakening enemies while dramatically increasing your melee damage. One-Two Punch, Banner of War, and Wormgod Caress can combine under the right circumstances to boost your melee damage by something in the range of 600%.
So, in summary, the only weapon you need is your fist.
As mentioned, the exotic armour piece that makes this all happen is Wormgod Caress. This has recently replaced Synthoceps as the best armour for increasing melee damage, as the former was buffed while the latter was nerfed. Synthoceps is still very good and a bit more simple to use, so feel free to swap to it if you are more comfortable, it fits right into this build quite nicely.
The reason we go with Wormgod Caress is that it increases its melee damage buff with each kill you get. At the maximum of five stacks, it grants a 275% damage boost. The escalation works well, as you can use the increasing damage to take out smaller enemies, before focusing your biggest attack on a Champion or a boss.
For mods, you want to maximise your melee and grenade cooldown. For this, I would recommend using Impact Induction, Heavy Handed, Absolution, and Bomber. As you will be getting up close and personal with your targets, Melee Damage Resistance is a good shout. One mod you should double up on is Hands-On, which grants Super energy on melee kills, which we plan to do a lot of here.
If you like to branch out to the other classes, check out these other build recommendations:

About The Author
Eoin Black
Eoin has been playing video games his entire life. With a background in Call of Duty and Valorant Esports, he brings a wealth of competitive experience to everything he writes.
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