What is Cyrtarachne’s Facade & how to get it in Destiny 2
Lightfall is here, and it has brought a whole suite of new weapons and armor. Here is everything you need to know about the Cyrtarachne’s Facade exotic Hunter's helmet.
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Cyrtarachne’s Facade is one of the powerful new exotic armors added with the Lightfall expansion. Destiny 2 character builds are never complete without an exotic to tie them all together. Cyrtarachne’s Facade is a Hunter exotic that grants even more power and utility for the new Strand subclass. Here is everything you need to know about this exotic armor in the game.
What is Cyrtarachne’s Facade?
As mentioned, Cyrtarachne’s Facade is a Hunter exotic helmet. The armor is for the new Strand subclass and gives Threadrunner Hunters a more powerful grapple ability.
When a Hunter wearing Cyrtarachne’s Facade uses their grapple, they get Woven Mail. Woven Mail is a new Strand ability that grants a layer of armor. This armour grants damage reduction, while also reducing the effects of flinching when taking damage.
Something worth noting is that Woven Mail works differently in PvP. If you gain Woven Mail from an exotic armor like Cyrtarachne’s Facade in the Crucible, it does not cover your head. So in those cases, try not to get shot in your face.
How to get Cyrtarachne’s Facade
As it was with Witch Queen, so it is with Lightfall. There are three new exotic armor pieces, one for each of the classes. In order to get your hands on them, you are going to need to complete the Lightfall campaign on Legendary difficulty with the relevant class.
For Cyrtarachne's Facade, you will need to complete the Lightfall campaign on Legendary with your Hunter. You do not need to do it solo, or all in one go, nothing like that. Simply get the campaign completed on Legendary difficulty however it suits you and the exotic will be yours.
For more on the new exotics, check out our Destiny 2 Abeyant Leap guide.

About The Author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon, after several years of freelancing across the industry. He covers a wide range of games, with particular focus on shooters like Destiny 2, RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, and fighting games like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8.
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