How to find all the Duality Memories in Destiny 2
Destiny 2 Duality Memories are imperative to find and collect if you want the Minds Eye Triumph and an increased chance at getting the Heartshadow exotic sword.
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Destiny 2 Duality Memories are some of the more difficult collectables to find throughout the newest dungeon to join the game. Here’s where to find all of them to achieve the Mind Heist Triumph. Completing the Mind Heist Triumph will also grant an increased drop rate for Heartshadow, the new exotic sword exclusive to the Duality dungeon in Destiny 2.
The first Memory to be found in Duality is quite close to the dungeon entrance. Clear the first room of enemies and scale as high as possible. As you reach the separate doorways on the left-hand side of this room, one will be open and a memory will be available for you to collect within.
This memory is actually in the same position as the first, only you need to ring the bell in order to cross to the nightmare realm and then backtrack to locate the second Memory. It’ll be in the same room as it was in the normal realm. The corridor is a little longer than it is in the normal realm, but the Memory will be waiting at the end of it.
Further into the entrance encounter as you’re still learning the mechanics of the bells and how to navigate between realms, a third Memory awaits you. There are a series of drops down large metal-plated areas in the normal realm that lead you to a bell to ring. Enter the nightmare realm and jump across the big gap to the left. Turn around 180 degrees and you’ll see the Memory waiting on a platform for you.
Before facing the Nightmare of Gahlran boss fight, the Memory is waiting above for you. Don’t jump down into the hole just yet. After clearing the room of enemies, jump up so you’re on the same level as the large Cabal statue. Around the back of this statue is the fourth Memory.
This Memory can be collected at any stage of the Nightmare of Gahlran boss fight, although you might find it less overwhelming to wait until the encounter is cleared. Regardless, heading into the War Beast room and towards the back will show the Memory waiting to be collected.
There’s a very large room shortly after the Nightmare of Gahlran Boss fight, filled with tombs and a series of levers to activate, and a jumping puzzle to navigate. After activating the second lever, backtrack and jump across to the other side. Turn left, and continue to use the tombs to climb higher. Jump around the corner and you’ll see a solitary protruding tomb. Enter this hidden room to find the sixth Memory.
Progress through the crypt until you see a hallway emitting lots of light. Drop down from the ledge to a small tank and then finally into a hidden room off a short platform. The seventh Memory is hiding within.
Shortly after finding the seventh Memory, you’ll come across a room with four large statues. Enter the darkness realm by ringing the bell and head to the left side of where you entered. Use the platforms to jump around the room until you come to a big pillar. The eighth Memory is behind this pillar.
The ninth Memory is another that you can collect at any time, but it’s easier to do so once you’ve cleared the encounter. Look to the left-hand side of the staircase and you’ll see some tombs within the wall. Climb up these and head slightly left to find the ninth Memory on top of a tomb.
This Memory is very easy to locate. After completing the previous encounter, you’ll reach an area with a gelatinous, purple floor. There is a large structure in the middle of the room and going underneath it will lead you to the tenth Memory. Don’t worry, the purple goo is perfectly safe to walk on.
Continuing through the Vault will lead you to another Nightmare realm. Walk straight out along the first beam, turn right, and follow that beam to a large pillar. Jump across to a platform with a staircase leading up towards a door. The eleventh memory is waiting here.
Right before you drop down to face the final boss, there is the final memory waiting for you. Jump up to a ledge to the right-hand side of the exit door, and then jump left to a small platform which leads to a hidden secret alcove. The memory is within this room, and collecting it will award you the Mind Heist Triumph.
If you’re struggling to complete the steps required to find all of the Memories, try reading our Destiny 2 Duality Dungeon Walkthrough for some extra help.

About The Author
Cheri Faulkner
Having graduated from Leeds Beckett University back when it was still Leeds Met, Cheri went on to become a music journalist penning words for the likes of Punktastic, Live Nation and The Guardian before creating her own outlet, Invicta Media. With this came a natural progression into games journalism and an intense love for the likes of Destiny 2, Pokemon and basically any rogue-like you can think of. When not writing, she can most likely be found in a muddy field at a festival.
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