How to find Calus Bobbleheads in Destiny 2
Destiny 2 Calus Bobbleheads have been hidden throughout the Derelict Leviathan. Here are all the locations you'll need to find these collectibles.
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Destiny 2 Calus Bobbleheads have been hidden around the Derelict Leviathan. With Season of the Haunted, more bobbleheads will be added each week. We'll show you where to find them every week to get the #1 Fan Triumph completed to progress in your Destiny 2 quest for the Season of the Haunted Seal and Reaper title. Here's what you need to know about the latest Destiny 2 Bobbleheads and where to find all of them so far.
There are now several vague clues within the H.E.L.M this season, stating where a replica of Calus exists. Feeling stumped on them? We'll cover all locations and how to access them. As with previous seasons, more Calus Bobbleheads will be added weekly and we'll cover these as soon as they're in-game. This article covers all Bobblehead locations so far to get the #1 Fan Triumph.
After disabling the electrical field and dropping down, you'll enter a room with a manual override switch. Be careful of the Unrelenting Nightmare that's chasing you, and quickly head through the room and turn left into a sloping corridor. Head straight through here and drop down at the end, and then turn around to find the hiding Calus Bobblehead.
To find this Bobblehead, launch the Sever - Forgiveness mission and follow it through as usual. The mission itself along with the Grief mission has changed from the Crow storyline, so be sure to follow our handy guide on that in order to complete the mission successfully. The Bobblehead within Sever - Forgiveness is just after you place the ritual amplifier and speak to Zavala. You'll enter a long, tube-shaped room. Find a spot where you can jump up onto two tanks, look up and to the right and you'll find your next Bobblehead hiding between the two crates.
Upon entering the Sever activity for this week's story mission, you'll first want to travel immediately to the right to uncover the Calus Animatronic for this week. Secondly, follow the course of the underbelly of the Leviathan until you're prompted to place a signal receiver. After doing so, a door will open. After opening the door go immediately left and drop down from the upper level to find the Sever - Grief Calus Bobblehead.
The fifth Calus Bobblehead to be added to the game has appeared during this week's story mission, during the Sever - Reconciliation quest. Upon entering the Underbelly of the Derelict Leviathan, you'll soon find your way to a familiar pipe to traverse, very much as in Sever - Shame from last week. However, this time upon exiting the pipe, turn immediately to your right and enter the pipe at a different point. When you come to the end of the pipe, turn left and the Calus Bobblehead will be waiting for you there.
The easiest Calus Bobblehead to find is in the Pleasure Gardens, enter the main area and gaze upon the magnificence of the Calus statue. Head behind it to find the Bobblehead in plain view.
If you were lucky enough to play Destiny 2 when the Leviathan was originally in-game, you might recognize this next Calus Bobblehead location as a secret quick path to get between areas of the ship.
Enter the Royal Pools and head to the right-hand side. Inside a long room with pillars, you'll find a small drop-down area. Entering this brings you to the depths of the Leviathan's underbelly. Following the corridor will eventually lead you to the next Calus Bobblehead.
- Wondering where the Destiny 2 Royal Pools are? Let us help.
Week one of the Sever mission sees your fireteam tackle the Shame variant of the quest, with Crow and his Uldren Sov nightmare scenario at the conclusion. Along the route, however, you might have noticed an area where it seems like you might be able to ascend. Work your way through the underbelly of the Leviathan until you get to the stage where you're asked to make four manual overrides to continue traversing the ship.
One of the steps asks you to collect a wrench and use it to redirect a wall of Arc energy blocking your way. When you enter the room with the switch, look to your right-hand side and carefully scale the series of pipes as high up as you can until you see a platform. The Calus Bobblehead will be sat here, happily wobbling away for you to collect.
- You can also find our full Destiny 2 Sever Shame walkthrough in our dedicated guide.
The final Calus Bobblehead for week one includes not only a timer but also an element of randomness. You'll need to complete Tier 3 of a Nightmare Containment event and defeat the boss, whereupon a message will appear in the lower left-hand corner informing you that 'Two lockdown protocols in the Castellum have temporarily lifted' - randomly unlocking two of a possible five doors in the area.
The door containing the Calus Bobblehead is the first locked door to the left of the original spawn-in point. Pull a trigger to open the doorway and collect your Calus Bobblehead before the timer runs out. If it turns out that this door isn't one of the two randomly selected, you'll need to complete Tier 3 of the Nightmare Containment event again and hope it opens next time.
Once you've collected all of your Calus Bobbleheads, you can head back to the H.E.L.M, to the left of the Crown of Sorrow, and display them there to unlock the steps for the #1 Fan Triumph.
- If you're wondering how to complete the Destiny 2 Nightmare Containment event, we have a useful guide for you.

About The Author
Cheri Faulkner
Having graduated from Leeds Beckett University back when it was still Leeds Met, Cheri went on to become a music journalist penning words for the likes of Punktastic, Live Nation and The Guardian before creating her own outlet, Invicta Media. With this came a natural progression into games journalism and an intense love for the likes of Destiny 2, Pokemon and basically any rogue-like you can think of. When not writing, she can most likely be found in a muddy field at a festival.
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