How to complete a Cargo Delivery Contract in DMZ
Here is a step-by-step guide and everything you need to know about how to complete a Cargo Delivery Contract in DMZ and satisfy the Cargo Keeper Mission.
The Cargo Delivery Contracts in DMZ Mode are not easy, but you must tackle at least one to complete the Cargo Keeper Mission.
This primer will walk you through how to complete a Cargo Delivery Contract in DMZ and finish the Cargo Keeper Mission.
How do you complete a Cargo Delivery Contract?
The first objective of the Cargo Keeper Mission in DMZ is to complete a Cargo Delivery Contract. There are two types of Cargo Delivery Contracts available in the game: Deliver Cargo Contracts and Ship Cargo Contracts.
If you grab a Deliver Cargo Contract, you will be entrusted with delivering the cargo with an LTV. A Ship Cargo Contract, however, requires that you transport the cargo by way of the sea.
Once you locate and enter the cargo-filled vehicle, an AI-piloted Chopper Gunner will appear above you in the skies and begin aggressively pursuing you. To complete the Cargo Delivery Contract, you must follow your Tac-Map to the HLZ and safely deliver the cargo without a hitch.
If you're with friends, you can try fighting back and shooting the helicopter down with a barrage of bullets. But if you're by yourself, your best bet is to hightail it to the HLZ as fast as you can and manoeuvre side-to-side to avoid the volley from the Chopper Gunner.
Once you get somewhat close to the drop-off point, the Chopper Gunner will buzz off, and you'll be free to transfer the cargo to the friendly helicopter that's awaiting it.
How to repair and refuel the transport vehicle
A high-octane, stress-filled experience like a Cargo Delivery Contract is sure to leave the vehicle you used to transport the cargo battered and low on gas. To complete the Cargo Keeper Mission in DMZ, you must repair and refuel the transport vehicle after dropping off the freight.
Once the cargo is securely delivered, open your Tac-Map and look for the nearest Gas Station - or Marine Gas Station if you fulfilled a Ship Cargo Contact. Now, take the transport vehicle to the appropriate Gas Station and park it to refuel and repair it.
There might be some hostile troops at the Gas Station that you need to clear out, but they'll go down easy compared to the Chopper Gunner you dealt with earlier.
And that's it for the DMZ Cargo Keeper Mission. Complete a Cargo Delivery Contract in DMZ and repair and refuel the transport vehicle afterwards to earn bundles of Cash, XP, and even Contraband weaponry!
The Cargo Keeper Mission is just one of many missions available in DMZ Mode! We've also got a guide detailing where to get and how to use disguises in DMZ.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.