How to find GPUs in DMZ

How to find GPUs in DMZ

Check out all the best DMZ GPU locations and barter recipes, because while the item can spawn across the map, some places see it pop up more consistently than others.

26th May 2023 16:03

Images via Activision

You'll need to know DMZ GPU locations if you've been tasked with tracking them down as part of a faction mission, or if you're looking for them to use in bartering so you can grab the elusive Skeleton Key

The Modern Warfare 2 DMZ mode has become a popular offshoot of the main game, with plenty of players enjoying the extraction shooter gameplay. Each new season also sees DMZ gain new content, with Season 3 adding the bartering system. 

So, if you need to know some DMZ GPU locations, we'll cover the areas you can find them below. 

Where can you find GPUs in DMZ?

Dmz Gpu Locations 2
Dmz Gpu Locations 1
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There are many different locations where players can find GPUs in DMZ, however, there is an element of randomisation, meaning you won't find the same items in the same place every time you deploy. 

Despite this, there are still locations that have a high likelihood of spawning a GPU consistently, so it's worth checking these if you want to farm the item. 

Two great locations are Haif Port and the Chemical Storage Warehouse in Al-Safwa Quarry. These contain computer shacks where you can often find multiple GPUs at a time. 

GPUs also spawn consistently in places with lots of computers and office space, such as the Zaya Observatory POI or the police station in Al Mazrah City

All of the locations we mentioned are highlighted in the images above, so you should have no trouble quickly locating multiple GPUs during a deployment. 

GPU barter recipe

an image of a GPU in DMZ

On top of scavenging the map for a GPU, you can also use the new barter system to grab one.  The barter recipe for a GPU requires:

  • 2 gold bars
  • 5 thumb drives

Once you have a GPU, you can sell it for $16,000, or use it to craft the Skeleton Key, which is a powerful item you can use to access any locks in the game. 

That's all for our breakdown of the DMZ GPU locations, and now you know where to search on the map, along with the barter recipe for the item.

We also cover where to find and kill the Scavenger in Warzone 2 DMZ, including all the possible locations they spawn. 

Tarran Stockton

About The Author

Tarran Stockton

Tarran is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon. He previously wrote reviews for his college newspaper before studying Media and Communication at university. His favourite genres include role-playing games, strategy games, and boomer shooters - along with anything indie. You can also find him in the pit at local hardcore shows.

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