How to complete the Flight Plans mission in DMZ
Looking to complete the Flight Plans mission in DMZ? We've got you covered - here's everything you need to know to complete the mission.
You may want to know how to complete the Flight Plans mission in DMZ. A lot of new content is added to DMZ over time to keep everything fresh and enjoyable to players. This includes a variety of new faction missions. One of the faction missions is the Flight Plans mission from the Black Mous faction.
So, keep on reading this guide on how to complete the Flight Plans mission in DMZ as it will help you do just that.
How to complete the Flight Plans mission in DMZ
The Flight Plans mission is a Tier 5 mission from the Black Mous faction. The objectives of this mission are:
- Take the 3 hacked thumb drives from the dumpster dead drop near the Al Bagra Fortress
- In one deployment, plant Hacked Thumb Drives in computers at the: Air Traffic Control Tower, North Observatory Telescope, and Al-Mazrah City TV Station.
So, keep on reading this to complete every objective of this mission in the game.
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How to find the Thumb Drives at Al Bagra Fortress Dead Drop in DMZ
As mentioned, you will need to go to the Dead Drop near Al Bagra Fortress and recover the three thumb drives. The dumpster dead drop is located near one of the southernmost buildings in the Fortress. You'll just have to open the dumpster and loot the three thumb drives to complete the objective.
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How to find the computers and plant the thumb drives in DMZ
The next step is to locate the three computers where you will have to plant the thumb drives. As mentioned in the details, they are located in three separate locations.
The first computer is located in the Control Tower at Al Mazrah Airport. It is specifically located on the top floor of the tower. To enter the tower you need to gain the Control Tower Key or a Skeleton Key. After getting either one of those, you need to enter the tower, go to the top floor and take out the enemies there. The computer is located beside an office shelf and has a chair in front of it. Plant the thumb drive and it'll be completed.
The second computer is located on the ground floor of the North Observatory Tower in Zaya Observatory. It will be present just as you enter the area and you can plant the thumb drive then. The area will also be full of AI enemies so be prepared as well.
The third computer is located at the TV Station in Al Mazrah City. It is behind a locked room that can only be opened with the CH 7 Editorial Department Key or a Skeleton Key. The room can be reached via the elevator there. After getting the key you can enter the room and plant the thumb drive. With that, the mission will be completed.
So, that is everything you need to know on how to complete the Flight Plans mission in DMZ. We also have a guide for the Dark Water mission as well, so be sure to check that out.

About The Author
Samam Hasan
Samam Hasan is a freelance writer with a strong love for video games. He enjoys playing sim racing and RPG games in his free time, along with the occasional FPS. When he’s not writing about or playing video games, you’ll find him watching classic Japanese and European movies or learning about medieval history.