How to get through the Border Checkpoint to Battahl in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Here you'll find all the ways you can get through the Border Checkpoint in Dragon's Dogma 2 so that you can get into Battahl through honest or illicit means.
One of the most pivotal moments in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is passing past the Border Checkpoint into Battahl, but there are multiple methods of doing so, and I’m here to bring you the three most optimal ways of crossing the border in the game - including one way which will secure you a precious trophy.
Whether you want to follow the quests that will naturally get you through the gates, or you want to get there early to unlock some new Vocations or acquire some rare items, then this is the guide for you.
How to get through the Border Checkpoint with a Permit
The easiest way to get through the Border Checkpoint is by progressing the main story and using the Beastren Border Entry Permit. This is an item that you will eventually get after helping Captain Brant complete all of his missions in Vernworth.
However, this will only work for Beastren characters, so you’ll need to find a Beastren Mask too if you’re not one already. Fortunately, there’s one not too far from the Border Checkpoint in the Checkpoint Rest Town.
You can purchase it from Ibrahim’s Scrap Shop, the same place you would have visited if you completed the Hunt for the Jadeite Orb quest.
With the mask on and your permit in hand, you’ll be able to pass through the gate with little bother at all. However, if you’re looking to get into Battahl early (like I did, as I wanted to get the Trickster Vocation), then I’ve got a few more options you might like to try.
How to get through using the Thunderclap Cave route
Just on the outskirts of the Checkpoint Rest Town, there is a path (marked on the map above) that'll lead you into Battahl. However, the path is somewhat treacherous, and will have you walking through Thunderclap Cave to get through to the other side.
As one of our writers found out when bravely grabbing some screenshots for this guide (thank you, Harry), the area is filled to bursting with Cyclops, Minotaur and even a Chimera.
You won’t need to embark on any quests to use the path, but you’ll need to make sure you and your Pawns are strong enough to contend with the threats that lie waiting for you. If you think you can defeat a Minotaur quickly charging at you from out of nowhere, then this is the route to take.
How to get the ‘I’m In’ trophy in Dragon's Dogma 2
While those might be some of the more direct routes past the Border Checkpoint (if you ignore the Chimeras, Minotaur etc.), you can also sneak your way past the gate by hopping in an Oxcart which will also give you the 'I'm In' trophy.
This was the method I used and it made sneaking through so much easier. By simply hopping in the Oxcart that travelled through the town and had a cover over, it went through the gate and took me through to the other side.
However, just be sure you’re clear of any prying eyes before you disembark, I was chased away by angry guards before they eventually gave up and left me to my own devices in Battahl.
By passing through this way you save a lot of time by not getting the permit, and a lot of life by not travelling the monster-filled path. And you will also get your hands on the 'I'm In' trophy, which requires you to get past the border by illicit means. It may be naughty, but it'll be worth it.
With these routes, you’ll have plenty of options to get into Battahl and grab a new trophy. If you’re on the hunt for more guides, be sure to check out our Dragon’s Dogma 2 homepage where you’ll be able to find builds for the Thief and Archer classes, as well as find out how to kill Harpies and navigate Dragonsplague.

About The Author
Jack Roberts
Jack is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. With a BA (Hons) & MA in English and Creative Writing, he was also the Gaming Editor for The Indiependent. When not pondering which game has the best cup of coffee (and drinking far too much of it himself), he can often be found playing Dead by Daylight, Street Fighter or making yet another build in Bloodborne.