Elden Ring Ancient Dragon Lansseax Boss Fight: How To Beat Ancient Dragon Lansseax
The Ancient Dragon Lansseax boss fight in Elden Ring has two stages. Half-way through your battle with Lansseax she will move elsewhere in the Altus Plateau. To find her location, along with tips on how to beat her and which rewards you'll get for it, read on.
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The Elden Ring Ancient Dragon Lansseax boss fight is an optional boss found mid-way through the game in the Altus Plateau. As with most Elden Ring boss fights against dragons, there is the option of tackling this boss whilst on the back of Torrent. Whether you’re building a dragon priest build and need all the dragon spells, or you’re simply a completionist looking to beat every boss in the game, read on for more information on Ancient Dragon Lansseax including her location, tips to beat her, and rewards for doing so.
- On the theme of dragons and runes, check out our article on Elden Ring’s Sleeping Dragon Exploit That Lets You Farm Runes to help you level-up quickly.
Elden Ring Ancient Dragon Lansseax: First Stage Location
To begin with, Lansseax can be located past the Abandoned Coffin Site of Grace, in the Altus Plateau. From this site of grace, walk uphill on the path past the Omens guarding the Ruler’s Robe armour set. The Omens and their powerful kick attacks can be avoided if on the back of Torrent or if moving cautiously.
Ancient Dragon Lansseax should spawn at the top of path, setting off the first stage of the boss fight. Like other dragons in Elden Ring once you get Lansseax to half-health she will take off into the sky and leave the fight, leading to the second phase. It is possible to trigger the second phase if you’ve inflicted even a little damage on her, so if she has vanished from this spot, she will have likely moved onto phase two.
- Does the subject of Omens get you shivering? Here’s our guide on how to beat the Elden Ring Mohg boss fight, one of the most famous of them all.
Elden Ring Ancient Dragon Lansseax: Second Stage Location
Ancient Dragon Lansseax will move further into the Altus Plateau, near the Rampartside Path Site of Grace. From this Site of Grace, there is a path upwards that leads around the rock-face (there are jellyfish floating near-by if you have trouble spotting it), follow the path round and there will be a Spirit Spring for Torrent to jump on. From there, Lansseax could be anywhere near the Hero’s Grave Site of Grace. If Lansseax isn’t spawning in, rest at the Rampartside Path Site of Grace again, and she should turn up.
How To Beat Elden Ring Ancient Dragon Lansseax
Ancient Dragon Lansseax has a mixture of fire and lightening elemental attacks, which are fairly easy to spot and avoid if on the back of Torrent.
Like most dragons, she has a roar, swipe attack with her giant claws and a breath attack where she lets out a stream of flame in an AOE. She can also summon a lightening spear made from red lightening energy, which she will swipe down at the player if they don’t manage to roll out of the way. This attack is called a Lightning Glaive and can be an initially intimidating sight.
Her attacks take a little time to perform and she usually starts with the Lightening Glaive, if you concentrate on avoiding her attacks (and possibly use a Spirit Ash Summon to divide her attention) she can be beaten with relative ease. Aim for her face and legs, (avoiding breath attacks while doing so) and you’ll find that attacks to the face deal double the standard damage compared to the rest of her.
- One of the best Spirit Ash Summons is the Elden Ring Mimic Tear, to figure out where you can get it and how it works, read our guide.
Elden Ring Ancient Dragon Lansseax: Rewards
Once defeated, she will drop 60,000 runes and the incantation Lansseax’s Glaive which allows you to perform her lightening attack, providing you have the 40-faith needed to cast it.
Interestingly, the lore provided by this incantation reveals that Lansseax is the sister of fellow formidable dragon, Fortissax which is also an optional boss in the game. Lichdragon Fortissax is found by completing the questline of Fia, the Deathbed Companion.
- Trying to complete all optional bosses as well? You’ll need to find Lansseax’s sister then. To find out how read our guide on the Elden Ring Fia quest.

About The Author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a former GGRecon Guides Writer.
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