Escape From Tarkov 12.12.30 Patch Notes
Look no further than this guide for all the changes and fixes for the upcoming Escape From Tarkov 12.12.30 patch with the new wipe.
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If you're looking for the Escape From Tarkov 12.12.30 patch notes then you're in the right place, as we have a full list for you right here. Full, expansive patches in Escape From Tarkov are fairly rare, but you know that when each one hits you're in for a treat, and usually a new Escape From Tarkov wipe too. So, make sure to keep on reading for every change and fix in the new Escape From Tarkov 12.12.30 patch notes below.
- Wanting to make the right start with the new patch? Check out these Escape From Tarkov tips.
Escape From Tarkov 12.12.30 Patch Notes
As is sometimes the case with a new set of Escape From Tarkov patch notes, there is a wipe also attached to these changes, so you will have the thrill of starting all over again when it goes live.
Furthermore, Battlestate Games showcased a fair amount of these changes in the recent episode of Tarkov TV, if you're wanting to get an additional visual sneak peek of some of the updates. If you're excited about the recently announced Arenas mode though, you will still have to wait a bit longer. However, they're looking at testing that later this Summer, so at least there's that to look forward to.
So, here are all of the new additions to the game coming with the Escape From Tarkov 12.12.30 patch notes:
- New Lighthouse map expansion, allowing players to access the Lighthouse area that was previously protected by a guard.
- Added three new Escape From Tarkov bosses to the Lighthouse, Shoreline, Woods, and Customs maps in the form of ex-USEC Rogues: Knight, Birdeye, and Big Pipe.
- Added an offline cooperative game mode accessible only to players with the Edge of Darkness edition of the game.
- New reworked movement animations, including sprinting, breathing, jumping, and twisting movements.
- New daily tasks for player scavs via the Intelligence Centre.
- New type of PMC daily tasks centred around searching.
- Additional slots for special items in PMC inventory that are not lost upon death.
- New flare gun that can call in airdrops to a nearby location.
- Added four different types of airdrop: weapons, medical, supplies, general purpose.
- New quests centred around the Lighthouse expansion.
- New clothing/models for USEC and BEAR PMCs.
- Seven new weapons added to the game:
- Benelli M3 Super 90 Shotgun.
- Accuracy International AXMC sniper rifle.
- MP-18 single-shot rifle.
- RD-704 assault rifle.
- SAG AK carbine.
- HK G36 assault rifle.
- MGL M32A1 revolver grenade launcher.
- Reworked animations for MP-133 and MP9.
- New model, animations, and modifications for SV-98.
- New equipment and items.
- Changes to the Perception skill:
- Hearing radius now increased by 0.3% per level up to 15% maximum, down from 0.7% per level and 35% maximum.
- Changed inertia speed and force when leaning.
- New crafting recipes in Hideout.
- Players will not receive any hunger or thirst damage at Elite Metabolism skill, but will still receive other negative effects.
- Players with Elite Strength skill will now have weapons on sling, back, and in holster act as weightless. Any other items or equipment will still carry a normal weight though.
- New voices for BEAR and USEC.
- New sounds for movement on top of various surfaces.
- New sounds for weapons dropping on specific surfaces.
- New sounds for bodies dropping after death and prone transitions.
- Don't waste any time in the new wipe with our Escape From Tarkov quest order list.
Here are the graphical improvements being added to the game - especially important for those who want to follow our Escape From Tarkov best settings guide and improve their fps and visibility:
- Added AMD Fidelity FX Super Resolution (FSR) to the game, available at resolutions of 1920x1080 and higher for users with cards higher than the AMD RX400 series and NVIDIA 1000 series.
- Temporary disabling of the Mip Streaming option in the graphics settings as it is being reworked.
- Updated NVIDIA Reflex version.
- Reworked lasers to make it so that IR lasers are only visible with Escape From Tarkov night vision goggles. Intensity and brightness of standard lasers has also been increased.
Finally, here are the bug fixes that are arriving with the Escape From Tarkov 12.12.30 patch notes:
- Sound effect of active headsets no longer persists between offline raids.
- Added perk icon for hand stamina to Endurance skill.
- Cultist Knife charge no longer resets when picked up from a dead player.
- Fixed display of prices of five or more characters on items with less than 2 cells.
- Added sorting table to mail and task reward screens.
- The trajectory of AGS projectile no longer changes when scope is moved.
- Metal bars in The Lab no longer reduce damage when shot through.
- Fixed incorrect behaviour of bodies after death on the Lighthouse map.
- The next button no longer disappears if you return to the faction select screen from the head model and voice screen.
- MS2000 Marker no longer floats after placing.
- Fixed incorrect behaviour of settings after switching from full-screen to borderless mode.
- Fixed incorrect window size for 1920x1080 windowed mode.
- Helmet mounted flashlights are no longer blocked by using stationary weapons.
- Picking up an item no longer causes incorrect camera movement when prone.
- Changed aiming accuracy of TOZ KS-23M carbine.
- Fixed issue where Rogues appeared incorrectly behind stationary weapons.
- Sort direction indicator no longer changes its position if the player re-enters the Escape From Tarkov flea market.
- SCAR-H 7.62x51 20-round magazine now increases weapon size by one slot down.
- Hideout image is no longer overlapped by the menu background when changing menu background in the Hideout.
- Fixed HighCom Trooper TFO icon at low graphics settings.
- Fixed incorrect anti-aliasing for big items in the stash.
- Fixed issue where character textures became distorted when loading into a raid.
- Fixed incorrect Tagilla patrol route on Factory at night.
- Fixed incorrect wet asphalt effect with SSR enabled in some places on Lighthouse.
- Added inertia when quickly tapping the A/D keys.
- Fixed bot behaviour when using revolvers.
- Weapon stat penalties are now displayed correcting for revolvers.
- Fixed incorrect Tagilla behaviour in combat.
- Killa is no longer hostile to players with a scav reputation above 6.0.
- Fixed display of folded weapons in the stash.
- Fixed possibility of bot hands getting frozen.
- Rogues are now aggressive to USEC players who killed them in past raids.
- Fixed number of issues related to inertia calculation, where some players were able to bypass or reduce the effect.
- Fixed an error that made ammo loaded into magazines disappear after finishing a raid.
- Fixed blocking of inventory operations that could occur after selecting a weapon picked from a killed scav.
- Fixed a bug where the container from an airdrop either froze in the air or dropped in places inaccessible to the player.
- Fixed overly bright lighting of characters when loading into a raid.
So, that wraps up all of the Escape From Tarkov 12.12.30 patch notes that are coming with the new wipe. There are a lot of new and exciting additions to the game, alongside some much-needed fixes and changes that players will be glad to see. If you're just getting into the game with the new wipe however, why not check out our list of the Escape From Tarkov best guns, so you know what to be on the lookout for.

About The Author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon, having completed a Masters of Research degree in Film Studies. Previously a freelance writer for PCGamesN, The Loadout, and Red Bull Gaming, he loves playing a wide variety of games from the Souls series to JRPGs, Counter-Strike, and EA FC. When not playing or writing about games and hardware, you're likely to find him watching football or listening to Madonna and Kate Bush.
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BP Depot
Burning Rubber
Chemical Part 1
Classified Technologies
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Delivery from the Past
Drug Trafficking
Energy Crisis
The Extortionist
First in Line
Gunsmith Part 2
Gunsmith Part 3
Gunsmith Part 9
Gunsmith Special Order
Hot Delivery
Luxurious Life
Out of Curiosity
Rough Tarkov
Saving the Mole
Search Mission
Seaside Vacation
Shooting Cans
Stray Dogs
The Walls Have Eyes
What's on the Flash Drive
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