Escape From Tarkov Checking Prapor Quest Guide
The Escape From Tarkov Checking quest from Prapor is one of the earliest tasks players will encounter. It can be a tricky one though if you don't know what you're doing, so this guide gives you all the tips you'll need to complete the Escape From Tarkov Checking quest.
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Like many players you might have started playing and hit a brick wall in the form of the Escape From Tarkov Checking quest from Prapor. Like many tasks in Escape From Tarkov, players are given rather vague information from Prapor and are expected to figure it out themselves. However, you’ll be stuck no more if you read on for our comprehensive guide on the Escape From Tarkov Checking quest.
Escape From Tarkov Checking Quest Details
The Escape From Tarkov Checking quest is usually one of the first that you will have to undertake as it is unlocked after you complete the aptly named Debut task from Prapor. It does require you to be at least level two, but it would be hard to not be if you have completed the previous task.
Instead of shotguns and Scav kills, this time Prapor wants you to obtain and deliver a bronze pocket watch on a chain. Unlike some other task item deliveries, the bronze pocket watch does not exist as a regular item drop, and only spawns when you have this task active. Therefore you unfortunately can’t plan ahead, but luckily it is a fairly straightforward process. There is also an option sub-task to obtain the key to the fuel tanker truck.
As a reward for completing the quest you will receive an increase of 0.03 to Prapor’s rep, 15,000 roubles, 1800 EXP, one Stechkin APS 9x18PM machine pistol, and three APS 9x18PM 20 round magazines.
How To Complete The Escape From Tarkov Checking Quest
While it is only marked as an optional goal in the Escape From Tarkov Checking task information, obtaining the key to the fuel tanker truck is an essential part of the task. The only reason that it is marked as optional is because unlike the pocket watch, this key can be picked up prior to starting the quest.
Luckily, Battlestate Games are feeling kind and have given this key a static persistent drop so you know exactly where to go. Unluckily however, if you are doing this quest early in the Escape From Tarkov wipe there will be a lot of other PMCs going for the same key as you.
You can find the key in the standard spawns of jackets and Scavs, but the persistent spawn is found in three story dorms room 205 on Customs. To get to this room you’ll have to hop onto the bed next to the office chair and enter the room that way, and then the key will be just inside of the yellow jacket.
From this point you can extract with the key if you want as both parts don’t need to be done in the same raid, but if you have space in your secure container just shove it in there for safe keeping. Thankfully it is easy to get to the pocket watch location from dorms so you’d be hard pressed to get lost. Just head south towards the large construction site and then west at the entry through the tankers. Once you have passed the tankers you should be able to see a big truck with an orange tanker - that’s what our key is for.
Head over to the driver side door and unlock it with the key you’ve just picked up: much like getting the key this will be a hotspot for other PMCs so check your surroundings before committing. Once you’ve opened the door the bronze pocket watch should be right underneath the seat. You will need to extract safely with this item as it is lost upon death, and always remember to hand it over to Prapor right away to save losing it in another raid.
So, that rounds it off for our guide on the Escape From Tarkov Checking quest. If you’re doing this task as a beginner to the harsh world of Tarkov, why not check out some Escape From Tarkov tips to get you started the right way.

About The Author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon, having completed a Masters of Research degree in Film Studies. Previously a freelance writer for PCGamesN, The Loadout, and Red Bull Gaming, he loves playing a wide variety of games from the Souls series to JRPGs, Counter-Strike, and EA FC. When not playing or writing about games and hardware, you're likely to find him watching football or listening to Madonna and Kate Bush.
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Gunsmith Special Order
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Rough Tarkov
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The Walls Have Eyes
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