Escape from Tarkov Ground Zero map walkthrough: Extracts, Quests & more
Get to grips with Ground Zero in Escape from Tarkov with this complete walkthrough, revealing all of the extracts, quests, bosses, tips, and so much more.
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Ground Zero isn't just the newest map in Escape from Tarkov, but it's also the perfect playground for beginners. Here I've laid out a full walkthrough of the map, including all of the extracts, quests, hot spots, and more!
Ground Zero matchmaking explained
Ground Zero is unique compared to the other maps in Escape from Tarkov, insofar as it's the only one with a discreet level cap. While the map itself (mostly) stays the same, there are two separate queues that are determined by your level.
The first queue is for players level 20 and below, serving as the 'beginner' version of both the map and arguably the game itself. Once you reach level 21 and beyond though you'll be placed into the advanced queue, which adds a number of enticing and exciting additions.
Firstly, the loot on the map is increased, and the chance of finding rare and high-tier loot is enhanced. Scavs on the map are harder, and there's also a chance for Kollontay - the map's Scav Boss - to spawn, alongside Cultists. Airdrops also can now appear on the map, which brings further loot.
There is no way to manually opt into either queue, and it is solely defined by your level. If you're under level 21 and you queue up with a friend that's over the threshold then you'll be placed into the advanced queue even though you don't qualify.
Map, layout, and hot spots
Ground Zero is essentially just one big street with seven main buildings scattered along the way. Most of the buildings are enterable and have various levels of elevation, and there's an underground tunnel that stretches below the central street, allowing you to traverse between buildings and down the main path without being exposed.
You'll find the Union Credit Bank building, otherwise known as the Emercom Checkpoint, at the 'top' of the road to the north, and then the Nakatani building on the other side to the southeast.
TerraGroup is arguably the biggest building on the map in the northeast, with SkySide across the road from it to the northwest. Below SkySide you'll find Fusion to the west at the midpoint of the road, and Empire to the east across from it.
Finally, the Capital Insight Building is all the way in the southwest of the map, right next to the Nakatani building.
Hot spots
Ground Zero is quite different compared to many of the other maps in that it doesn't really have a centralised hot spot like Dorms on Customs or Resort on Shoreline.
At most, each building is its own hot spot really, and at the start of the wipe you'll run into players more frequently near quest locations, but generally, the fighting will be spread across the five explorable buildings and the streets.
The map remains quite small and linear though, so once you hear gunshots you won't be too far away. One tip I'd recommend if you're looking for PMCs is to play on one of the top floors of a building like Fusion or Empire.
This will give you a great view over the street below and even into the neighbouring buildings, and you'll have a great chance to take out any unsuspecting players before they even know you're there.
Ground Zero bosses
The main Scav Boss on Ground Zero is Kollontay, but there is also the chance for Cultists and the Cultist Priest to spawn between the hours of 22:00 and 07:00.
Both bosses only appear in the level 21+ matchmaking version of the map though, so you don't have to worry about either if you're still a low level.
Where Kollontay is tricky compared to most other bosses in Tarkov is that he doesn't really have a fixed location or even a fixed set of spawn points. Essentially he can spawn almost anywhere on the map, and you have a chance of finding him at nearly any point during your raids.
In terms of buildings, he'll only spawn or roam inside of TerraGroup and Empire, but he'll spawn all the way down the road, outside of every building, and even in the underground passage.
With him will spawn with four heavily armoured guards that you'll also need to take out, and they can be a real pain if you get caught in the wrong place or at the wrong time. Kollontay himself can spawn with a number of powerful weapons too, including but not limited to the RPD and AKMN.
His biggest strength, however, is revealed when he pulls out the PR-Taran police baton, as any players in close proximity to him when he does will receive the panic attack status effect. This causes your currently equipped weapon to forcefully jam, and the effect persists as long as Kollontay has the police baton actively equipped.
There is no real 'strategy' to dealing with this once it happens outside of using an unjammable weapon like the PPSh-41, so you'll want to either keep your distance as much as possible or run away until the status clears.
What remains essential though is that you have the correct key binds set up to deal with a weapon malfunction, which I've laid out in detail in our dedicated guide. This lets you clear a jam with just a handful of presses, making the situation a whole lot easier to deal with.
Cultist Priest
Cultists aren't any different on Ground Zero compared to the other maps, so you should approach them in roughly the same way. The Priest will be accompanied by three to four standard Cultists, and they'll attempt to approach you silently and attack you with their poisoned knives.
Just keep an eye on your surroundings if you head in at night, and try and take them out as quickly and aggressively as possible once you do spot any in the wild.
Ground Zero extracts
Emercom Checkpoint
The Emercom Checkpoint is the primary extract for players that spawned on the southern side of Ground Zero, and is found at the top of the main road by the Unity Credit Bank building.
This is situated between the Skyside and TerraGroup buildings, and unlike the Nakatani extract all you need to do is head up to the doors and the countdown should shortly begin.
Nakatani Basement Stairs
If you spawned on the northern side of the map though you'll have the Nakatani Basement Stairs as your main extract.
This, predictably, is found within the Nakatani building at the bottom of the main road, lodged in between the Empire and Capital Insight buildings.
Unlike Emercom you'll have to enter the Nakatani building through the barbed wire entrance in order to reach the extract, but once you're inside you just need to turn left, head through the door at the end, and continue down the stars to start the countdown.
This is a popular extract camping spot though, so make sure to stay alert when you enter the building and continue down the stairs. Don't for a second think that you're safe, as there could be someone waiting for you around every turn.
Police Cordon V-Ex
Needed for the Burning Rubber quest from Skier, the Police Cordon V-Ex is your standard car extract, meaning that you'll need 5,000₽ to pay the driver before you can use it.
The vehicle itself is found at the end of the side road between the TerraGroup and Empire buildings, and as usual, you'll need to wait a minute in order for the car to leave.
Like all of the other car extracts in the game, this is a one-time use per raid, so there's a chance that someone else might have already snatched it up before you arrive. However, the vehicle can take up to four players at once if you're in a party - although each player will need their own 5,000₽ to secure a seat.
Mira Ave
Mira Ave is a flare-based extract, found down a road behind Skyside, accessed once you head down the ramp between Skyside and Fusion.
You'll need a green flare in order to open up the extract, but thankfully there's a guaranteed spawn on a dead scav leaning against a yellow bus on the same road. If the flare isn't on the body though, someone's likely already left through the extract.
If you've managed to obtain the flare though, or simply have brought one in yourself, head down the road behind Skyside until a message pops up in the bottom right of the screen indicating that you're inside the flare zone.
Fire the green flare straight up into the air, ensuring that it's as high as possible as it won't register otherwise. Then, one you see the flare light up in the sky it should be safe to continue forward.
If you're in a group then only one player needs to shoot the flare to open it up for all players, but this doesn't work unless you queued into the raid with those exact players.
Scav Checkpoint
Finally, the Scav Checkpoint is the last extract on Ground Zero, and it's exclusively reserved for co-op between a PMC and a Scav.
You'll find this extract to the east of the Emercom Checkpoint, down the road beyond the entrance to the TerraGroup parking garage. As mentioned you'll need to convince another Scav to join you if you're a PMC, or the reverse if you're a Scav, which is certainly a risky endeavour.
Ground Zero quests
There are five quests based on Ground Zero that you'll need to complete within the opening levels of the game, and you're in luck as I've got dedicated walkthroughs for each one to guide you through!
Shooting Cans
First in Line
Burning Rubber
Saving the Mole
Luxurious Life
You'll need to make your way through all five if you want to make any progress with the Traders in-game, so learning Ground Zero is your best way to guarantee success.

About The Author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon, having completed a Masters of Research degree in Film Studies. Previously a freelance writer for PCGamesN, The Loadout, and Red Bull Gaming, he loves playing a wide variety of games from the Souls series to JRPGs, Counter-Strike, and EA FC. When not playing or writing about games and hardware, you're likely to find him watching football or listening to Madonna and Kate Bush.
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