Escape From Tarkov New Guns For Patch 12.12.30
If you're wanting to keep up to date with all the latest Escape From Tarkov new guns for patch 12.12.30, then make sure to read this guide.
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As is the case with any new content drop, the Escape From Tarkov new guns that have arrived with patch 12.12.30 have excited many players. Although it is more the ammo than the guns in Escape From Tarkov that define the strength of a loadout, it is still thrilling to be able to tackle a new set of arms. So, if you’re wanting to know all about the Escape From Tarkov new guns with patch 12.12.30, then make sure to carry on reading.
- It is still yet to be seen whether any of these weapons join our Escape From Tarkov best guns list, but make sure to check it out now to catch up.
Escape From Tarkov New Guns List For Patch 12.12.30
There are seven, entirely new weapons that have arrived to the game after the most recent Escape From Tarkov wipe, but it might be a while until you can get your hands on most of them. We will go over how you can access each of the weapons below, but a full list of them are as follows:
- Accuracy International AXMC .338 bolt-action sniper rifle
- Benelli M3 Super 90 dual-mode 12ga shotgun
- HK G36 5.56x45 assault rifle
- M31A1 MSGL 40mm grenade launcher
- MP-18 7.62x54R single-shot rifle
- Rifle Dynamics RD-704 7.62x39 assault rifle
- SAG AK-545 5.45x39 carbine
You are able to find each of these weapons as in-raid loot, but your best chance outside of buying them from the traders or the Escape From Tarkov flea market is to go for airdrops.
Accuracy International AXMC .338 Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
Finally, we get another weapon that uses the incredible .388 Lapua Magnum ammunition that is a bit easier to find than the highly-regarded Mk-18. You do still need to complete the Jaeger quest The Huntsman Path - Woods Keeper, but that is a cakewalk compared to the Hunter quest as you only need to kill Shturman once. Like many of the most powerful weapons in the game, it is unfortunately banned from the flea market, so you’ll have to get your hands on it through other means.
As mentioned, the main appeal of this sniper is that it is loaded with the insanely powerful .338 Lapua Magnum ammo, which - with the AP variant - is capable of one shotting through pretty much everything in the game. The AXMC does have a whopping zero ergonomics when you buy it at Jaeger LL4 though, so you won’t be able to stay scoped with it for too long.
Benelli M3 Super 90 Dual-Mode 12ga Shotgun
Unfortunately you cannot pick up the Super 90 from any traders at the moment, but it is looking like it will be quite cheap on the flea market. It fires the standard 12/70 buckshot and slug rounds that you’re used to with guns like the Saiga-12, and has both pump action and semi-automatic firing options - hence the dual-mode. It has notably got a higher RPM of 60 than both the MP-153 and Saiga-12, so could potentially overtake both of them in the semi-auto meta.
- Want to stay up to date with all the other recent changes? Don't miss the Escape From Tarkov 12.12.30 patch notes right here.
HK G36 5.56x39 Assault Rifle
There was a huge amount of anticipation for the G36 making its way into the game, as it is a rather famous weapon that has appeared in many other shooters prior. Unfortunately it has not had the strongest welcome into the game, suffering from a double ended problem.
Firstly, 5.56x45 ammo is relatively lacking in the meta at the moment, with the strongest options not being available until much later in the wipe. Furthermore, it suffers from the same recoil issue as the M4, where its rate of fire betrays it and it becomes very difficult to control. It can be picked up at Peacekeeper LL2 if you’re wanting to try it out though.
M31A1 MSGL 40mm Grenade Launcher
One of the more controversial entries into the game, the M31A1 offers players a rather unorthodox approach to fighting in Tarkov. Being a revolver grenade launcher, it is extremely powerful - to the point where many would say it is overpowered. Thankfully Battlestate have balanced this somewhat by making it incredibly rare to find, as you either have to be incredibly lucky with a loot drop, or manage to take down one of the new bosses Big Pipe, who wields the weapon himself. Furthermore, much like the AXMC, the M31A1 is banned from the flea market, making it that much harder to get ahold of.
MP-18 7.62x54HR Single-Shot Rifle
While a fun option to pick up at Jaeger LL1 if you’re following our Escape From Tarkov new wipe tips, it doesn’t seem like there will be much use for the MP-18 beyond this. There are much better uses for the 7.62x54R ammo, and it cannot even be used for the Tarkov Shooter quest series as it is not bolt-action.
Rifle Dynamics RD-704 7.62x39 Assault Rifle
Penultimate in the list, but potentially the best of the lot arrives the RD-704, which many players are dubbing the mini-Mutant and rightly so. It carries the same ammo as the Mk47 Mutant (which has also been slyly buffed with the recent patch), alongside the lower fire rate and high ergo potential that characterises the best in class rifle. You do have to wait until Mechanic LL3 if you want to pick it up from a trader, but you can already buy it for just above 100,000 Roubles on the flea market, which makes it much more ubiquitous than the Mk47.
SAG AK-545 5.45x39 Carbine
Coming in at the end of the list is certainly an intriguing new weapon. The SAG AK-545 is a semi-automatic 5.45 that certainly does pack a punch, boasting a rapid fire rate, manageable recoil, and a surprisingly fast muzzle velocity, making it an all round viable option. The trouble is that the 5.45x39 ammunition becomes easily outclassed the later in the wipe you get, and at 90,000 Roubles from Skier, this quickly loses its actual value. However, it can be a really handy option for quests like Shooter Born in Heaven, or can be a fun change from the meta - especially if you favour tapping over fully auto.
So, that wraps it up for our guide on the Escape From Tarkov new guns that have arrived with patch 12.12.30. For more information on how to improve your overall game, one of the strongest ways is to check out the Escape From Tarkov best settings, so that you can improve your FPS and visibility to get more kills.

About The Author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon, having completed a Masters of Research degree in Film Studies. Previously a freelance writer for PCGamesN, The Loadout, and Red Bull Gaming, he loves playing a wide variety of games from the Souls series to JRPGs, Counter-Strike, and EA FC. When not playing or writing about games and hardware, you're likely to find him watching football or listening to Madonna and Kate Bush.
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