Four Escape From Tarkov New Wipe Tips To Start You Off The Right Way
Don't make any mistakes in the new patch with these four Escape From Tarkov tips to start you off the right way.
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The region of Tarkov is brutal after every reset, so getting your hands on some Escape From Tarkov new wipe tips is essential if you want to stand a chance at progression in the opening couple of days. With each new wipe in Escape From Tarkov comes a new slate, but with everyone at the same point of progression it can become very hard to get that initial leg up on your opponents. So, make sure to keep on reading for these Escape From Tarkov new wipe tips to start you off right in the new patch.
Escape From Tarkov New Wipe Tips: The Servers Will Be Struggling So Be Careful
It might be a bit strange to start off with an Escape From Tarkov new wipe tip that is mostly out of your control, but it is perhaps the most important thing to know going into a new Escape From Tarkov wipe.
Due to the huge influx of players returning to the game at the same time, the servers are going to predictably struggle. It will be surprising if you are able to access the game much in the first day or so, and even if you can get in you are at risk of being kicked back out again.
Therefore, it is wise to practice caution in relation to the server instability, and don’t run high value loadouts in the first day or so, even if you manage to get your hands on them. You’re far more likely to get whacked by the server than another PMC, and your fancy new M4 loadout will be erased like the wipe has happened all over again.
The servers should sort themselves out fairly quickly, and return to standard operations soon, but just keep this in mind whenever you’re running any raids as soon as the floodgates open. If you’re lucky though, you might be able to squeeze some high traffic quests in before anyone else is able to get to them.
Escape From Tarkov New Wipe Tips: Know Your Quest Order And Optimise Your Time
Time management and good planning are perhaps the two most important skills you can hold at the start of a new Escape From Tarkov wipe, as it will allow you to surge past your fellow PMCs, and get your hands on some high-powered gear while they’re still looking for Salewas.
Having the best Escape From Tarkov quest order in your head can go a long way in minimising the amount of raids you need to enter to get tasks done. This allows you to stack quests on top of each other, and climb the levels very quickly, giving you access to really valuable resources like the Escape From Tarkov flea market, and level two traders.
Getting your tasks done quick by knowing an efficient quest order can also inadvertently save you a lot of deaths too. A lot of situations where you will be dying in the early-wipe stage will be around quest hot spots where other players will also be going for. If you’ve got these done before other players, then not only will you be free to do them in peace, but you can also take advantage of players attempting quests you have already done, and pick up some nice easy PMC kills in the process.
Furthermore, if you manage to get to Skier LL2 and Peacekeeper LL2 while everyone else is still on the Escape From Tarkov Delivery from the Past quest, then you’ll be able to shred through their measly PACAs and SSh-68s with an RFB that features on our Escape From Tarkov best guns list and M80 ammo with zero effort.
Escape From Tarkov New Wipe Tips: Death Is Inevitable So Don’t Get Tilted
While this is one of those Escape From Tarkov tips that can be applied generally beyond the early wipe stages, it is more relevant than ever when you’re back at level one. It can be a bit of a shock to go from the super-chad loadouts of the pre-wipe events to the measly level one rat guns that restrict you in the early wipe, but it should come with an acceptance of a new reality that you are probably going to die a lot more.
You are at a much higher chance of dying to a scav, as much as it might embarrass you, due to the significantly weaker armour and ammo you have to carry now. You won’t have your level six Slick to fall back on when your stomach is suddenly blacked out by a scav with 5.45x39 PS ammo, nor will you have the equivalent ammo to fight back just as strong.
Furthermore, even if you do follow an optimised quest route as the previous tip suggests, you are still far more likely to run into fellow PMCs doing the same thing. More players than ever will be loading into the game, and we all have the same objectives, so accepting death as an inevitability and not letting it frustrate you is the key to succeeding in your next raid.
Escape From Tarkov New Wipe Tips: Don’t Waste Your Money On Unnecessary Items
Again, this is a sentiment that can stretch throughout the whole cycle, but it is never more relevant than at the start of a new wipe. Not only do you not have a lot of money, but the matter of fact is that you’re far more likely to lose whatever you bring in to each raid. Knowing which guns hold the best price to performance ratio, when to spend a bit more on a loadout, when to purchase auxiliary items like helmets, and when to insure your gear are all key money-saving questions.
To start with, the biggest place that you are going to waste your money is on suboptimal guns and ammo. One of the biggest changes you can make is to get more comfortable with semi-automatic weapons, or at least with the semi-auto function on fully-automatic guns. This will not only allow you to be more accurate, and potentially increase the number of kills you get, but it will also save you a lot of money on ammo and mags. Not only will you be able to take in smaller mags that take up less space, but you will need less ammo - and lose less ammo when you die too. Think of each bullet you fire as 70 Roubles leaving your stash, and you will suddenly want to fire a bit less sporadically.
Furthermore, it is no coincidence that two of the best early wipe weapons are semi-automatic too, mainly due to the ammo that is available for them. The standard SKS and OP SKS available from Jager once you unlock him are really excellent options with the 7.62x39 PS ammo from Prapor LL1, as it is very efficient up to class three armour, and still works well against those who have managed to acquire any class four too.
The VPO-209 paired with the .366 EKO ammo from Jager LL1 is also a really great choice that is slightly more adaptable than the aforementioned SKS. It stacks up just as well against class three armour, but will struggle a bit more as we surpass that.
Furthermore, it is always a question of what armour to bring, or whether to bring it at all. It very much depends on what you’re planning on doing in a raid, and who you think you will run into, but it can be a very easy way to flush your money down the toilet. Conversely, the armour could save you from losing an entire loadout, so it is up to you to weigh up how worthwhile you think it is.
Finally, the question of whether to insure or not also depends on what your plan is each raid. If you’re going for high traffic areas with quest items, then there really is no point in insuring any of your gear as it will always be picked up in the early wipe stages. If you plan on fighting scavs in more remote areas though, insurance can offer a great reimbursement that can save you plenty of cash, especially when you’re dying a lot.
So, that wraps up our Escape From Tarkov new wipe tips which will hopefully help you get started the right way in the new patch. For some help with a crucial early game quest if you’re new, make sure to check out our Escape From Tarkov Checking quest guide for Prapor.

About The Author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon, having completed a Masters of Research degree in Film Studies. Previously a freelance writer for PCGamesN, The Loadout, and Red Bull Gaming, he loves playing a wide variety of games from the Souls series to JRPGs, Counter-Strike, and EA FC. When not playing or writing about games and hardware, you're likely to find him watching football or listening to Madonna and Kate Bush.
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