Escape From Tarkov Search Mission Prapor Quest Guide
Look no further than this guide if you're stuck on the Escape From Tarkov Search Mission quest from Prapor, as we will give you all the tips to find the USEC camp and the missing convoy locations.
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Woods can be a tough map to learn for new players, and the Escape From Tarkov Search Mission quest from Prapor can really be a test of that map knowledge. While some quests in Escape From Tarkov require you to find specific items in raid, others only require you to go to a location - but often that location is rather difficult to find. So, if you’re stuck trying to complete the Escape From Tarkov Search Mission quest, make sure to keep on reading below to see all the locations you need to find.
Escape From Tarkov Search Mission Quest Details
You’ll be able to start the Escape From Tarkov Search Mission quest once you hit level five in game - presuming you’ve managed to complete the Debut quest from Prapor too. It has three main objectives that you’ll need to complete, which are as follows:
- Locate Prapor’s missing convoy on the Escape From Tarkov Woods map
- Locate the temporary USEC camp
- Survive and extract from the location
Luckily, the USEC camp and Prapor’s missing convoy are very close to each other, so once you get to one, you should easily be able to find the other. The tricky part of the quest though is both finding them in the first place, and then making sure you get out safely.
As a reward for completing the quest, Prapor will send the following items and rewards your way:
- 22,000 Roubles
- 2,800 EXP
- An increase of 0.02 to your Prapor rep
- One EYE MK.2 professional hand-held compass
- One Woods plan map
This quest does not lead to any others, nor is it required if you’re gunning for the KAPPA container, but it is very useful to do early on in any Escape From Tarkov wipe to gain some easy EXP, and get your hands on the Escape From Tarkov compass.
How To Complete The Escape From Tarkov Search Mission Quest
To complete the Escape From Tarkov Search Mission quest, you just need to find the USEC camp and Prapor’s missing convoy, and then safely escape from the raid. The reason this quest is so tricky is because it can be so hard to actually get to the camp or convoy in the first place.
They are found in the top half of the Woods map, which has far less visual landmarks than the bottom half, and far, far more trees. If you aren’t familiar with the small details of Woods, then it can be incredibly confusing to navigate if all you can see are endless forests.
Thankfully, there are a couple of handy pointers and starting points that can help you on your way to the USEC camp.
The best place to start on your journey to the USEC camp is at the Sawmill. This is probably one of the easiest to find areas in the whole map, as it is right at the base of the lake in the centre, and where a lot of the roads lead to. You will need to be careful though, as the scav boss Shturman can roam around this area, and will take you out very quickly.
However, from the Sawmill, you’ll want to head the opposite direction to the lake, and follow the path up until it splits into a T-junction. From that point, keep going forward until you hit a main road, which has a large power line running parallel with it.
If you head left from this point, you should shortly get to a big blue skip, with some other rubbish lying around it. If you head up the small hill sat behind this skip you will get to the first objective of this mission: the USEC camp. The sub-objective should trigger as soon as you step inside, so there isn’t any specific action you need to perform.
Go over to the two cars at the back of the camp, and head in the direction they are facing. You should be able to see another camp up to the left, so make sure to go that way. Once at that camp, situate yourself so that you’re looking over the lake below.
From that point, you should be able to faintly see the lost convoy ahead, behind some of the trees. If you can’t see it though it is just a simple journey ahead of the river and beyond the forest. Once again, reaching the convoy is all you need to do, but there is some loot there if you feel safe enough to pick it up.
Now all that is left is to extract, so make your way back to the road and head to either the Outskirts or the Roadblock area. Be careful when you’re making your way back to the USEC camp however, as there are some landmines around this area, so make be sure to take the exact same route you took to get there in the first place.
If you happen to die before extracting, you will have to start the quest all over again, but at least you should know where you’re headed at this point. As always though, remember to hand the quest back in to Prapor as soon as you’re back from the raid, as dying in another raid will unfortunately reset the quest.

About The Author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon, having completed a Masters of Research degree in Film Studies. Previously a freelance writer for PCGamesN, The Loadout, and Red Bull Gaming, he loves playing a wide variety of games from the Souls series to JRPGs, Counter-Strike, and EA FC. When not playing or writing about games and hardware, you're likely to find him watching football or listening to Madonna and Kate Bush.
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