Expeditions Rome Tips: 12 Things To Know Before Conquering Rome's Enemies
There's a lot to learn about military command in Expeditions: Rome, so here are our 12 tips to help you conquer Rome's enemies and rise to the top of the political elite.
You'll need these Expeditions: Rome tips if you're looking to conquer enemies of the Roman Republic and rise through the political ranks. Expeditions: Rome is a strategy RPG where you'll partake in a mixture of turn-based combat, warfare, and role-playing. With so many gameplay systems to learn and skills to hone, these pointers should be essential in your journey, and can make the harder difficulties a little more manageable. Here's our Expeditions: Rome tips, covering 12 ways that you carve your way through the Republic's enemies.
- Want to know about romancing companions too? Here's our Expeditions Rome romance guide.
Expeditions Rome Tips: Keep The V Key Toggled
Our first Expeditions: Rome tip is that you should always toggle the V key which enables a setting that highlights interactive objects and people. The game's camera sits quite high up - and while you can zoom in and rotate it, it's still not always clear what objects in the environment can be interacted with.
Many items such as chests and even secrets will blend in, so making sure the V key is toggled at the start of every session will ensure you don't miss any valuable equipment or encounters.
Expeditions Rome Tips: Loot And Pick Up Everything You See
Following on from the last tip somewhat, is making sure you pick up absolutely everything in the game. There is no carry weight in Expeditions: Rome, so you can loot every corpse and chest after an encounter.
While you may not equip all of these items, you can salvage most things for extra material, which is vital to crafting. Combining the first two Expeditions: Rome tips will ensure you thoroughly canvass through everything in the game, leaving no stone unturned.
Expeditions Rome Tips: Refer To The Comprehensive Codex
Expeditions: Rome is a deep strategy game combat-wise, and features lots of deep Roman lore, history, and culture that can appear quite intimidating to understand at first.
Luckily the codex has great breakdowns of many Latin and Roman terms, which also helps to immersive yourself in the role-playing and even play optimally, by for example, knowing how to correctly address a superior to curry more favour. The codex also displays all the game's status effects, so if you understand the effects of action, you can refer to there.
Expeditions Rome Tips: Spec Into The Flagbearer Tree Of The Triarius Class
There are four Expeditions: Rome classes, and they all have three trees that players can spend upgrade points in. One of the best classes and trees by far though, is the Flagbearer tree in the Triarius class, primarily because it houses two of the best abilities in the game.
War Horn is the first one, and it can be acquired instantly - allowing the character to boost all companion and ally damage for multiple turns. The next is at the other end of the tree, and is called Rousing Speech, which can heal all companions and allies in a radius for 25% health. These skills help keep your entire team in a fight for longer and let them tear opponents to pieces with damage.
Expeditions Rome Tips: Combine Eurytus' Bow With The Marksman Skill Tree
One of the best weapons in the game is called Eurytus' Bow and can be found early on in the Temple of Apollon. Use our Expeditions: Rome unique equipment guide to find it, but it can be combined with the Interrupt skill in the Marskman tree for the Sagittarius to great effect, creating one of the most overpowered moves in the game.
This is because the passive trait of Eurytus' Bow lets the user continue with the ability every time they score a kill, meaning you can potentially kill every enemy in a single encounter with one move.
Expeditions Rome Tips: Equip At Least Half Of Your Companions With Bandages
The ability to heal can be quite scarce in Expeditions: Rome, and keeping characters alive comes down to your wits more so than spamming healing abilities or items. However, because of how hard it is to acquire the Rousing Speech skill in the Flagbearer tree, it's worth equipping a few of your characters with the bandage item, so they can heal others or stop downed companions from bleeding out.
This goes especially so for the legionarri characters you can recruit later, who will only likely appear in a few companion-led missions, but will need access to healing for those times.
Expeditions Rome Tips: Always Take Advantage Of A Dip In Slave Prices
We also can't believe we just wrote that, but in Expeditions: Rome, you can acquire slaves (or, servus) as a resource. They can be bought from the market, earned during missions, and taken after battles. This Expeditions: Rome tip concerns the first way in which you gather slaves - the market.
There is a somewhat randomised economy in this game, and this is shown by the four resources waxing and waning in their value. As one of the most valuable resources to the conquests in-game, whenever the prices of slaves see a downturn, take advantage of it and buy as many as you can with one of your other resources like denarii or food rations which are found more plentifully.
Expeditions Rome Tips: Try To Keep Your Legion Active Between Battles
During the conquest sections of Expeditions: Rome, you can move your legion across the map and settle them in different Roman forts. Between this, you use your legion to capture outpost resources like farms, quarries, and mines, or complete missions which range from rewarding you money, to occupying new territory.
Many of these missions respawn quickly, and the legion can move across the map much faster than the player's party usually will, so always try to keep your legion busy, and you'll quickly build a surplus of resources. If you're worried about one of your forts being captured while the legion is on a mission, you can always just send a legionarii to slow the army and buy time for the legion to return and defend.
- We also have a list of the Expeditions: Rome unique equipment.
Expeditions Rome Tips: Keep A Formation During Combat Sections
The real Roman military was ruthlessly efficient, and part of that came down to their strict adherence to battle formations and strategic discipline. You can actually emulate that during the turn-based combat sections of Expeditions: Rome with your different classes, and it can be vital to winning tougher battles.
The game is broken into four playable classes which are Princeps, Veles, Triarius, and Sagittarius. These are listed in formation order, with the shield bearer at the front and archer at the back. The Triarius class can also often use abilities that let them attack from a few tiles away, so you can stay behind the Princeps. The Veles class are like assassins or rogues, and probably fit into this formation the most, but they also have the most variety in playstyles that can complement your team.
Expeditions Rome Tips: Prioritise Defence In Legion Battles
Aside from using your legion to capture resources and complete missions, they can also take part in defensive and offensive battles. Battles come in four separate stages in which you select cards that determine your armies actions.
Each card has different stats which relate to your legion or the enemy army, and they can range from lowering the enemies defence to improving your morale. In these fights, always prioritise the cards that increase your defence, as it will save on casualties, which will keep your army strong and improve their overall combat experience.
Expeditions Rome Tips: Upgrade Your Unique Equipment
Like many RPGs, Expeditions: Rome has tiers of loot, with the highest being unique. These are the best items in the game, and unique weapons will deal the highest damage, while unique armour will provide the best defence.
All items in the game also have a level associated with them from one to three, and as you progress through the game, you can upgrade items to higher levels by using the camp armoury. It's imperative to do this with your unique equipment, so it scales in the later game, and you can reap their benefits which most weapons don't have.
Expeditions Rome Tips: Save Your Outpost Resources For The Best Upgrades
Once you have access to a legion and start taking different outposts, you will be able to upgrade different aspects of your camp, but not all of these upgrades are made equal. In particular, the upgrades relating to the armoury and workshops are the best, as it lets you upgrade equipment and find new tactics for use in battle.
These upgrades use resources that your legion captures, like farms and quarries, but saving these for the best upgrades is preferable because of the immediate bonuses you gain, whereas something like the baths is very rarely utilised.
Those are our Expeditions: Rome tips, and you should have a better idea of how to play the game, along with making some of the more difficult sections easier for yourself.
We also have a rundown of the best Expeditions: Rome skills to invest in.

About The Author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon. He previously wrote reviews for his college newspaper before studying Media and Communication at university. His favourite genres include role-playing games, strategy games, and boomer shooters - along with anything indie. You can also find him in the pit at local hardcore shows.
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