All Fallout 76 teddy bear locations
If you're unsure of whether to find all of the different teddy bear locations for Fallout 76, here's a rundown of where you can find them all.
Teddy bears are one of the most collectable items in all of Fallout 76, and with a total of 14 teddy variants altogether, some are easier to find than others.
This guide details where to find every type of teddy bear in the game and the best overall locations to search for them.
Best spots to look for teddy bears
If you're just starting your collection and not searching for a specific teddy bear variant, the best places to look are Camden Park, Clancy Manor, Showman's Pier, the shelf of a desecrated shack between Knife Edge and Prickett's Fort, and especially, Tyler County Fairgrounds.
You can add a number of different teddy bear variants to your collection at these locations, and Tyler County Fairgrounds, in particular, has every single type of teddy bear in Fallout 76.
Teddy bear locations
Bubblegum Bear
The best places to find the pink-coloured Bubblegum Bears include Watoga High School, Tyler County Fairgrounds, Morgantown, Morgantown Station, Morgantown High School, Morgantown Airport, Pleasant Valley Ski Resort, The Whitespring Golf Club, and R&G Station.
One of the rarest teddies in Fallout 76, this yellow and brown-coloured teddy bear with purple eyes can spawn in a couple of different places at The Whitespring Golf Club.
There are a few of these teddy bears fittingly situated on shelves inside the Honey Haus at Helvetia.
Comrade Chubs
The red with white-coloured teddy bear with a heart on its belly, Comrade Chubs, is prevalent at Camden Park, Tyler County Fairgrounds, Torrance House, and AVR Medical Center.
Dirty Old Teddy Bear
There is only one Dirty Old Teddy Bear in all of Fallout 76! You'll find this one-of-a-kind teddy bear atop a table on the ground floor of one of the wooden shacks in The Burrows.
Imported Chinese Panda
Undoubtedly, the best place to grab an Imported Chinese Panda is at the Flooded Trainyard in the Cranberry Bog. You can find four of these teddy bears together in a large tree! The Tyler County Fairgrounds and The Whitespring Golf Club are other locations with multiple spawns for this black and white teddy bear.
Lil' Ginger Snuggles
The bright orange teddy bear, Lil' Ginger Snuggles, is commonplace at Lady Janet's Soft Serve, Mount Blair Trainyard, Tyler County Fairgrounds, and The Whitespring.
Pristine Teddy Bear
The Pristine Teddy Bear looks like a classic teddy bear, except it's in pristine condition. You can find a few of these mint teddy bears at Becker Farm.
Quantum Bear
The Nuka-Cola Quantum-coloured teddy bear is rampant across Appalachia. You can find several of these blue teddy bears on a ledge inside a run-down shack between Knife Edge and Prickett's Fort.
Other popular spots for Quantum Bears include Camden Park, Tyler County Fairgrounds, Valley Galleria, Monongah Mine, National Radio Astronomy Research Center, and Grafton.
Not only is the dilapidated shack between Knife Edge and Prickett's Fort a prime location to search for Quantum Bears, but it usually houses a couple of the green-coloured Radbears, too.
Souvenir Teddy Bear
The oft-forgotten Souvenir Teddy Bear is definitely an outcast among Fallout 76's teddy bears, and it even comes in a couple of different styles.
You can retrieve one of these unique teddies at Bolton Greens on the bottom mattress of a bunk bed on the third floor.
Stuffed Grizzly
Unlike many of Fallout 76's teddy bears, there isn't one specific spot where you can find more than one Stuffed Grizzly.
Instead, this dark brown teddy bear variant is available throughout Appalachia. In my experience, the bed of a car at the base lodge at Sunnytop Ski Lanes and debris near a truck bed at Sunnytop Station are reliable spawns for Stuffed Grizzlies.
Stuffed Polar Bear
If you're after the all-white Stuffed Polar Bear, visit and investigate Rollins Labor Camp, Helvetia, or the Pleasant Valley Ski Resort.
Teddy Bear
By far the most common teddy bear, you can find ordinary Teddy Bears pretty much everywhere in Appalachia. You'll run into these stock teddy bears regularly while exploring the world of Fallout 76.
Teddy Fear
This black teddy bear with red eyes is almost always in a compromising position, which is why they call it Teddy Fear.
There are multiples of this terrifying teddy bear at Portside Pub, Summersville Dam, The Burrows, Monongah Mine, Site Alpha, and at an outhouse between the National Isolated Radio Array and West Tek Research Center.
What are teddy bears used for in Fallout 76?
You can break these stuffed animals into cloth and leather, but that's not the real reason many Vault Dwellers enjoy stockpiling teddy bears.
Collecting teddy bears is also tied to many of the game's challenges and quests, and in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 76, these cute and cuddly bears also serve as vibrant decorations for C.A.M.P.s.
You can participate in the Public Test Server for the Skyline Valley Update before it goes live in June 2024. Check out our Fallout homepage at GGRecon for more guides, like the nuke codes for this week.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.