FFXIV Instant Portraits Explained
Final Fantasy XIV has plenty of ways for players to customise themself. One of the newest ways added is through instant portraits, here's a run down on everything a player can do with an instant portrait.
Are you wondering what Instant Portraits are in FFXIV? Final Fantasy XIV has tonnes of different player customisation options, from titles to pets, to mounts and fancy glamours. Final Fantasy XIV has players covered in almost every avenue of personalisation.
With the release of the first post-patch of Endwalker, Final Fantasy released a new form of player customisation in the form of Adventurer Plates and Instant Portraits.
FFXIV: Adventure Plates Explained
Adventure Plates allow players to represent themselves outside of their player info. They contain a customisable image of a character as well as various information about their playstyle and what activities they may enjoy. Alongside this, it allows players to showcase what time they regularly play during weekends and weekdays. These adventure plates are hugely helpful in identifying what sort of player a person may be, and also gives a lot of freedom to players to present themselves.
FFXIV: Instant Portraits Explained
Instant Portraits are exactly what they say they are. They’re a portrait of the player’s character and are put on display to other players whenever they partake in certain activities. These portraits are dependent on what class the player currently is, meaning that players can have multiple different portraits as long as they have different classes. Portraits are put on display when loading into typically a PvP or user vs user activity such as Crystalline Conflict or Doman Mahjong. For example, a player’s Black Mage portrait may be different from their Summoner portrait, as the two jobs are unique to each other.
Portraits have several features and allow players to put their characters in certain poses. On top of this, there are several other options for players to explore like lighting and frames. Here is a list of everything players can mess with in the settings of portraits:
- Background
- Frame
- Accent
- Pose
- Expression
- Ambient Lighting
- Directional Lighting
FFXIV: What's The Difference?
Instant Portraits and Adventurer Plates are different in their usage. Adventurer Plates are more used to display the player's character to other players in a fun manner. Instant Portraits are only really used when at the beginning of a matchmade activity like Crystalline Conflict.
For more Final Fantasy guides, keep reading GGRecon.

About The Author
Liam Ho
Liam is a freelance writer from Sydney, Australia. He currently writes for GGRecon, Blitz UNSW and works as a team leader at Summoner’s Society OCE. He is addicted to MMOs, mainly Final Fantasy XIV.