FIFA 23 best chemistry styles for each position in FUT
Are you struggling to choose the FIFA 23 best chemistry styles for one of your players? Check out this guide for a full explanation of what to choose.
Figuring out the best chemistry style for each position in FIFA 23's FUT game mode can be a bit of a nightmare, especially during this later stage of the game.
When the game first come out, the FIFA 23 meta dictated that players use 'Lengthy' players. However, we are now in the late game, and this meta is no longer viable. To make a player lengthy, their physical attributes need to far outweigh their agility. With the Team of the Season cards, it's nearly impossible to do.
With that in mind, we have highlighted some of the very best chemistry styles you can use, even this late in the game's lifecycle.
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All FIFA 23 chemistry styles & what they do
If you're not sure what each of the FIFA 23 chemistry styles actually does, we've got a complete table below detailing the effects of each modifier in the game when applied at full chemistry:
Chemistry Style | Stat Boosts |
Artist | +15 Agility, +4 Reactions, +8 Dribbling, +8 Vision, +8 Crossing, +4 FK. Accuracy, +15 Long Passing, +4 Curve |
Anchor | +4 Acceleration, +4 Sprint Speed, +4 Interceptions, +4 Heading Accuracy, +4 Defensive Awareness, +8 Standing Tackle, +8 Sliding Tackle, +8 Jumping, +8 Strength, +4 Aggression |
Architect | +8 Vision, +4 FK Accuracy, +15 Short Passing, +4 Long Passing, +8 Curve, +8 Jumping, +15 Strength, +4 Aggression |
Backbone | +8 Vision, +8 Long Passing, +8 Interceptions, +4 Defensive Awareness, +8 Standing Tackle, +4 Sliding Tackle, +8 Jumping, +4 Strength, +8 Aggression |
Basic | +4 Sprint Speed, +4 Positioning, +4 Shot Power, +4 Volleys, +4 Penalties, +4 Vision, +4 Short Passing, +4 Long Passing, +4 Curve, +4 Agility, +4 Ball Control, +4 Dribbling, +4 Defensive Awareness, +4 Standing Tackle, +4 Sliding Tackle, +4 Jumping, +4 Strength |
Catalyst | +8 Acceleration, +8 Sprint Speed, +15 Crossing, +8 FK Accuracy, +4 Short Passing, +8 Long Passing, +4 Curve |
Deadeye | +8 Positioning, +8 Finishing, +15 Shot Power, +4 Long Shots, +4 Penalities, +8 Vision, +15 Short Passing, +4 Curve |
Engine | +4 Acceleration, +4 Sprint Speed, +4 Vision, +8 Crossing, +4 Short Passing, +4 Long Passing, +8 Curve, +4 Agility, +8 Balance, +8 Dribbling |
Finisher | +8 Positioning, +15 Finishing, +4 Shot Power, +8 Volleys, +4 Penalties, +8 Agility, +4 Balance, +15 Dribbling |
Chemistry Style | Stat Boosts |
Gladiator | +15 Finishing, +8 Shot Power, +4 Volleys, +8 Interceptions, +4 Heading Accuracy, +4 Defensive Awareness, +8 Standing Tackle, +15 Sliding Tackle |
Guardian | +8 Balance, +4 Ball Control, +15 Dribbling, +4 Interceptions, +4 Heading Accuracy, +8 Defensive Awareness, +15 Standing Tackle, +8 Sliding Tackle |
Hawk | +4 Acceleration, +4 Sprint Speed, +4 Positioning, +4 Finishing, +8 Shot Power, +8 Long Shots, +4 Penalties, +8 Jumping, +4 Strength, +8 Aggression |
Hunter | +8 Acceleration, +8 Sprint Speed, +4 Positioning, +8 Finishing, +4 Shot Power, +15 Volleys, +8 Penalties |
Maestro | +8 Shot Power, +8 Long Shots, +4 Volleys, +4 Vision, +8 FK Accuracy, +4 Short Passing, +8 Long Passing, +8 Reactions, +8 Dribbling |
Marksman | +8 Finishing, +4 Shot Power, +8 Long Shots, +4 Penalties, +4 Reactions, +8 Ball Control, +8 Dribbling, +8 Jumping, +8 Strength |
Powerhouse | +15 Vision, +4 Crossing, +8 Short Passing, +8 Long Passing, +4 Curve, +8 Interceptions, +4 Defensive Awareness, +15 Standing Tackle |
Sentinel | +8 Interceptions, +15 Heading Accuracy, +8 Defensive Awareness, +4 Standing Tackle, +4 Sliding Tackle, +15 Jumping, +4 Strength, +8 Aggression |
Shadow | +8 Acceleration, +8 Sprint Speed, +8 Interceptions, +4 Heading Accuracy, +4 Defensive Awareness, +8 Standing Tackle, +15 Sliding Tackle |
Chemistry Style | Stat Boosts |
Sniper | +4 Positioning, +8 Shot Power, +15 Long Shots, +8 Volleys, +4 Penalties, +15 Jumping, +4 Strength, +8 Aggression |
Best Goalkeeper chemistry styles in FIFA 23
The tricky thing about goalkeeper chemistry styles is that you're likely going to have a really high-rated keeper anyway, so the stat boosts won't feel as effective. Furthermore, keepers in FIFA do tend to have a mind of their own, and obviously, you aren't controlling them, so boosts aren't as effective as they would be on an outfield player.
Regardless though, here are the two FIFA 23 best chemistry styles you should use for your goalkeepers:
- Basic
- Glove

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In terms of actual chemistry styles, Glove is definitely the best, giving an increase of 15 to Handling, eight to Diving, and four to positioning. Otherwise, it's generally best to just stick to the Basic chem style, which gives a plus four boost to every stat apart from Speed, which gets a plus two.
Like with any position in the game, it's worth seeing which attribute your keeper is the lowest in, and using a chemistry style to bring that stat up.
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Best Fullback chemistry styles in FIFA 23
Realistically, the question of the FIFA 23 best chemistry style for fullbacks depends on what you want your full-backs to do. If you've read our FIFA 23 best custom tactics guide, you'll know that full-backs occupy one of the more flexible roles in the game, and can be needed to defend and attack in equal amounts.
Therefore, choosing your full back's chem style entirely depends on what you want them to do. You are going to want to make sure that they're fast enough to deal with any pacey wingers though, so pace boosts are a must.
Here are our picks for your fullback's FIFA 23 best chemistry styles:
- Shadow
- Catalyst
- Anchor
- Backbone
- Gladiator
Shadow and Anchor are obviously best if you're needing a stay-back full-back, as they give the defensive acumen alongside a pace increase to secure the sidelines. Catalyst is therefore better for players you want to bomb forward, giving them the pace and passing stats to whip a cross in.
Backbone is great for somewhere in between the two - however, you do lose any pace increases, so make sure that your player is well-equipped in that department beforehand.
And lastly, now we are in the Team of the Season territory, fullbacks are so well-rounded, but if you do want them to chip in with a few goals a card like Gladiator will improve their defending and shooting.
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Best Centre Back chemistry styles in FIFA 23
With the new manual defending system, making sure your centre-backs are as good as they can be with the FIFA 23 best chemistry styles is more important than ever before. For the first time, defending stats have more levity, and it feels less reliant on pace.
In addition, the new FIFA 23 AcceleRATE system has allowed centre-backs on the slower side of things to excel, and one look at our FIFA 23 Lengthy players list will let you know how to do that. Of course, not every centre-back can be Lengthy, especially at this late stage of the game, however, this is one of the few positions where you can get Lengthy players into your squad.
Here are our choices for the FIFA 23 best chemistry styles for centre-backs:
- Shadow
- Anchor
- Catalyst
- Lengthy chem styles (Sniper, Marksman, Hawk, Architect, Sentinel, Backbone, Anchor)
Predictably, Shadow and Anchor are still generally the best chemistry styles to use on your centre-backs, boosting both their defending and their pace stats, which should help you deal with even the toughest strikers.
Now the majority of defenders in the game have nearly maxed out defending, something like a catalyst can be really useful if you want to build out from the back. With this, the player will still get a healthy pace boost, but they can also spray balls for fun.
We have also included all of the chemistry styles that can help towards making a player Lengthy, but just make sure they can before unnecessarily wasting chemistry-style cards.
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Best Midfielder chemistry styles in FIFA 23
Midfielder is obviously a bit of a blanket term, and encompasses a wide variety of different roles on the pitch, but there are still a select few chemistry styles that stand out as the best of the bunch.
For defensive midfielders, you're largely going to want to stick to the same chem styles that we highlighted for the centre-backs, which emphasise the increase of defensive stats. More so than defenders this year though, good defensive mids seem to be far better at being in the right place, regardless of pace, so you can put extra focus on things like Passing, Defending, and Physical if you want.
For more advanced midfielders though, here are the best chemistry styles that you can use:
- Marksman
- Artist
- Engine
- Hunter
It all depends on what role you want your midfielder to achieve, and how involved in the goalscoring process you want them to be. Players who you want to sit in the middle third dictating play will suit the Artist and Engine chem styles the best, especially with the increased boosts to dribbling.
However, you really can't go wrong with a Marksman or a Hunter if you want your players to push into the box and score, as there's nothing worse than your 75 shooting attacking mid-whiffing an easy shot that could have secured you the victory. We would especially recommend these if they are going to be playing in the 10.
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Best Winger chemistry styles in FIFA 23
For wingers, you're going to be far more invested in the chem styles that boost your shooting, pace and potentially drifting. Most of the best wingers in the game are going to act as your goal threats, you will rely on them to chip in with all kinds of contributions as well as to stretch the play.
So, here are the FIFA 23 best chemistry styles to use on your wingers:
- Finisher
- Deadeye
- Marksman
- Hawk
- Engine
- Hunter
It all depends really on the balance of their stats, in particular their Pace and Shooting attributes. The most important attribute for a winger is their speed, so if you've not got at least 90 pace, then you're definitely going to want to look at the Hunter, Hawk, or Engine chem styles.
It's then important to look towards the Shooting value, particularly the finishing stat. Hunter and Marksman do help a lot with this, but Finisher is the standout option, giving the max boost of 15 to the attribute.
Deadeye is also a great choice too, boosting both Shooting and Passing, meaning that you have the wider flexibility of either staying wide to cross or cutting inside to shoot.
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Best Striker chemistry styles in FIFA 23
Now that we are in the latter stages of FIFA 23's life, getting players to Lengthy isn't as easy, so the meta has reverted back to faster forwards who are great at getting in behind, or have 5 star weak foot/5 star skill moves.
Majority of strikers that are usable at this stage of the game most likely have nearly maxed out finishing, so our advice here would be to focus on the one area the player struggles in the most. For example someone like Trophy Titan Michael Owen has great dribbling and finishing, so using a Catalyst will just max out their pace, and bring their passing up
Here are the best chemistry styles to use for strikers at this late stage of the game:
- Maestro
- Engine
- Hawk
- Catalyst
- Architect
- Hunter
Hunter still makes the cut just because you can really max out your forwards pace and finishing, however, the rest of our suggestions here will focus more on targeting the areas a striker may be weaker in. It will really depend on who you're using up top and how you wish to use them, if you want more of a false 9 focusing on passing will be a big help.
So, that's everything you need to know about the FIFA 23 best chemistry styles, giving you an idea of how you need to improve your players in every position possible.
Make sure to check out all of our other guides on our dedicated FIFA homepage, as we've got so much more that will help you out in Ultimate Team and beyond.

About The Author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon, having completed a Masters of Research degree in Film Studies. Previously a freelance writer for PCGamesN, The Loadout, and Red Bull Gaming, he loves playing a wide variety of games from the Souls series to JRPGs, Counter-Strike, and EA FC. When not playing or writing about games and hardware, you're likely to find him watching football or listening to Madonna and Kate Bush.