Can you get new outfits in Final Fantasy 16?

Can you get new outfits in Final Fantasy 16?

New outfits in Final Fantasy 16 would let you customize Clive and his friends in any way you'd like. However, can you actually switch to new looks in this epic adventure?

26th Jun 2023 17:28

Image via Square Enix

If you're just starting Final Fantasy 16, then you might be wondering if you can change your outfit. New outfits in Final Fantasy 16 would be a great opportunity for DLC, or they'd be great for in-game rewards for finishing certain quests. Other epic games like this have costumes to find like in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. 

With all that in mind, can you actually get new outfits in Final Fantasy 16? 

How to unlock new outfits in Final Fantasy 16

The Final Fantasy 16 dog Torgal doesn't have any outfits either.

Like many Final Fantasy games in the past, the sixteenth entry does not include any kind of outfit customization. We'll see changes in Clive's outfit as the story progresses. For example, he looks different in two different timelines from his 15-year-old look to his adult form. Other characters will have alternate outfits too as you proceed. 

Unfortunately, you cannot alter the costume style of any character in Final Fantasy 16 throughout your playthrough. This could certainly be a feature in an update, but currently, there are no outfit options in Final Fantasy 16. 

Is there anything you can change about Clive's appearance?

You can change your weapons in Final Fantasy 16 to alter Clive's appearance.

You can slightly alter the protagonist Clive's appearance in Final Fantasy 16 with the weapon you equip. While there are no new outfits to unlock, the weapons you pick up or craft apply to Clive's look. They each have their own appearance, like the different keyblade designs in Kingdom Hearts 3. Sora's outfit never changes in KH3, but the appearance of the weapon does, constantly. 

Despite the lack of outfit customization, you should play Final Fantasy 16 anyway if you haven't already. "Final Fantasy 16 is a truly special game that, while not without its issues, had me in awe of its frequent moments of absolute spectacle and emotion," said Harry Boulton in their GGRecon review.

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Are there any other Final Fantasy games with outfit customization?

Noctis from Final Fantasy 15 adorned the Assassin's hood in a crossover event.

There are in fact a few games that have outfit customization. Most mainline titles do not include this, but Final Fantasy 15 has all manner of costumes that Noctis and his crew can wear. There was even an Assassin's Creed event that has the heroes wearing hoods. Final Fantasy 13-2 had Mass Effect outfits as DLC too, bizarrely enough.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 and Final Fantasy 10-2 even have mechanics revolving around the powers of different costumes. If you're into MMOs, there are many armour pieces and costumes to find in Final Fantasy XIV.

Perhaps we'll see some new costumes in Final Fantasy 16, but that has yet to be confirmed. 

Chris Penwell

About The Author

Chris Penwell

Chris Penwell is an experienced video games journalist with a Bachelor in Communications. He loves to play narrative-focused games like Kingdom Hearts and Beyond Good & Evil.

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