Fire Emblem Engage Best Gifts For Each Character
Giving gifts is a great way to make someone like you, and nowhere is this more true than in Fire Emblem Engage.
Want to give only the best gifts in Fire Emblem Engage? Fire Emblem Engage may not have quite the same focus on characters as the previous game, but you still have relationships to focus on. The best gifts are the ones that improve your relationships with your squad the most. Here is everything you need to know about the best gifts in Fire Emblem Engage.
- Click here to learn more about Fire Emblem Engage romance options.
Fire Emblem Engage Best Gifts: How To Use Them
Throughout the early game, you will find items around the Somniel that can be given as gifts. These generic gift items are Pretty Pebbles, Spirit Gems, and Horse Manure. As you can imagine, no one really wants Horse Manure. Pretty Pebbles are the mid-tier gift, which gives a moderate friendship boost. Spirit Gems are the top tier and give the largest boost.
These items have the same effects on everyone, but there is more to gifting than that. Beyond these items, there are many more gifts that you can acquire and hand out. These can be purchased from the Flea Market once you complete Chapter 13. These gifts are far more specific, with each character having specific likes and dislikes.
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Fire Emblem Engage Best Gifts: Best/Worst Gifts For All Characters
Below is a breakdown of which gifts each character likes, and which ones they don't like. Giving gifts they do like will grant a similar boost as the Spirit Gem, and giving a gift they dislike may as well be Horse Manure. All other gifts will give a medium boost, like the Pretty Pebble.
- Alcryst
- Likes: Elyos History, Fairytale Book, Fine Quill Pen, Fishing Bait, Muscle Balm, Philosophy Book, Poetry Book, Sun Visor.
- Dislikes: Strong Perfume, Quality Kerchief, Antler Earrings, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle, Large Plate.
- Alfred
- Likes: Bandages, Dragon Scripture, Flower Wreath, Horn, Lentil Flower, Lily, Muscle Balm, Sun Visor, Training Weight, White Clover.
- Dislikes: Sharp Chisel, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Spicy Seasoning.
- Amber
- Likes: Animal Treats, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Field Guide, Large Plate, Muscle Balm, Roasted Yam, Tea Leaves, Utility Knife, White Clover, Yogurt.
- Dislikes: Dried Meat, Philosophy Book, Cute Apron, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Quality Kerchief, Spicy Seasoning.
- Anna
- Likes: Cute Apron, Fine Quill Pen, Landscape Art, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Quality Kerchief, Sewing Kit, Sharp Chisel, Sheep Wool, Tea Leaves, Utility Knife, White Clover, Yogurt.
- Dislikes: Dried Meat, Butterfly Net, Fishing Bait, Spicy Seasoning, Field Guild, Spooky Scroll.
- Boucheron
- Likes: Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Fairytale Book, Fishing Bait, Landscape Art, Poetry Book, Sun Visor.
- Dislikes: Sharp Chisel, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Spooky Scroll.
- Bunet
- Likes: Antler Earrings, Desert Marigold, Dried Meat, Flower Wreath, Large Plate, Roasted Yam, Sun Visor, Tea Leaves, White Clover, Yogurt.
- Dislikes: Training Weight, Muscle Balm, Strong Perfume, Bandage.
- Celine
- Likes: Antler Earrings, Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Fairytale Book, Flower Wreath, Lentil Flower, Lovely Candle, Poetry Book, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume, Tea Leaves.
- Dislikes: Sharp Chisel, Fancy Dagger, Spicy Seasoning.
- Chloe
- Likes: Animal Treats, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Dragon Scripture, Dried Meat, Fairytale Book, Field Guide, Poetry Book, Spicy Seasonings, Sun Visor.
- Dislikes: Sharp Chisel, Fancy Dagger, Spicy Seasoning.
- Citrinne
- Likes: Elyos History, Fairytale Book, Fine Quill Pen, Flower Wreath, Lily, Lovely Candle, Philosophy Book, Quality Kerchief, Tea Leaves.
- Dislikes: Sharp Chisel, white Clover, Cute Apron, Utility Knife, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Large Plate.
- Clanne
- Likes: Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Fairytale Book, Fine Quill Pen, Large Plate, Philosophy Book, Poetry Book, Quality Kerchief, Tea Leaves, White Clover.
- Dislikes: Training Weight, Muscle Balm, Butterfly Net, Sun Visor, Fishing Bait, Utility Knife, Field Guide, Spooky Scroll, Bandage.
- Diamant
- Likes: Bandages, Dried Meat, Elyos History, Fancy Dagger, Fine Quill Pen, Fishing Bait, Muscle Balm, Philosophy Book, Sharp Chisel, Training Weight, Utility Knife.
- Dislikes: Strong Perfume, Flower Wreath, Cute Apron, Bear Carving, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle, Large Plate.
- Etie
- Likes: Bandages, Dragon Scripture, Dried Meat, Flower Wreath, Lentil Flower, Muscle Balm, Tea Leaves, Training Weight.
- Dislikes: Sharp Chisel, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Quality Kerchief.
- Fogado
- Likes: Antler Earrings, Desert Marigold, Dried Meat, Flower Wreath, Horn, Landscape Art, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Playing Cards.
- Dislikes: Roasted Yam, Fairytale Book, Fishing Bait, Spooky Scroll.
- Framme
- Likes: Antler Earrings, Chrysanthemum, Dragon Scripture, Flower Wreath, Lovely Candle, Muscle Balm, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume, Sun Visor, Training Weight.
- Dislikes: Philosophy Book, Elyos History, Spooky Scroll.
- Goldmary
- Likes: Antler Earrings, Bear Carving, Cute Apron, Flower Wreath, Landscape Art, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Lupine Flower, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume, Sun Visor, Tea Leaves, White Clover.
- Dislikes: Dried Meat, Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Sharp Chisel, Fancy Dagger, Bandage.
- Hortensia
- Likes: Antler Earrings, Bear Carving, Cute Apron, Fine Quill Pen, Flower Wreath, Landscape Art, Lovely Candle, Lupine Flower, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume, Sun Visor.
- Dislikes: Tea Leaves, Training Weight, Muscle Balm, Butterfly Net, White Clover, Fishing Bait, Spicy Seasoning, Field Guide, Large Plate, Bandage.
- Ivy
- Likes: Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Fairytale Book, Fine Quill Pen, Landscape Art, Philosophy Book, Poetry Book, Sun Visor, Tea Leaves, White Clover.
- Dislikes: Animal Treats, Strong Perfume, Butterfly Net, Fishing Bait, Bear Carving, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle, Field Guide, Spooky Scroll, Large Plate.
- Jade
- Likes: Animal Treats, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Elyos History, Fairytale Book, Field Guide, Fine Quill Pen, Muscle Balm, Poetry Book, Sun Visor.
- Dislikes: Strong Perfume, Quality Kerchief, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle.
- Jean
- Likes: Bandages, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Fairytale Book, Field Guide, Fine Quill Pen, Philosophy Book, Poetry Book, Tea Leaves.
- Dislikes: Dried Meat, Training Weight, Muscle Balm, Sun Visor, Playing Cards, Spicy Seasoning, Lovely Candle, Large Plate.
- Kagetsu
- Likes: Bandages, Dried Meat, Fancy Dagger, Landscape Art, Lovely Candle, Muscle Balm, Playing Cards, Sharp Chisel, Training Weight, Utility Knife.
- Dislikes: Tea Leaves, Yogurt, Fairytale Book, Elyos History, Cute Apron, Large Plate.
- Lapis
- Likes: Animal Treats, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Field Guide, Muscle Balm, Roasted Yam, Sewing Kit, Sharp Chisel, Sheep Wool, Training Weight, Utility Knife, White Clover.
- Dislikes: Strong Perfume, Quality Kerchief, Fine Quill Pen, Antler Earrings, Lovely Candle.
- Lindon
- Likes: Elyos History, FairyTale Book, Fine Quill Pen, Landscape Art, Large Plate, Philosophy Book, Poetry Book, Roasted Yam, Sharp Chisel, Sun Visor, Tea Leaves, White Clover.
- Dislikes: Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Quality Kerchief, Fancy Dagger.
- Louis
- Likes: Dragon Scripture, Flower Wreath, Large Plate, Lentil Flower, Poetry Book, Tea Leaves, White Clover.
- Dislikes: Sharp Chisel, Utility Knife, Spicy Seasoning.
- Mauvier
- Likes: Bandages, Chrysanthemum, Desert Marigold, Dried Meat, Fancy Dagger, Flower Wreath, Lentil Flower, Lily, Lupine Flower, Muscle Balm, Sharp Chisel, Spicy Seasonings, Training Weight, Utility Knife.
- Dislikes: Quality Kerchief, Fine Quill Pen, Antler Earrings, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle, Large Plate.
- Merrin
- Likes: Animal Treats, Antler Earrings, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Dried Meat, Fancy Dagger, Field Guide, Horn, Sharp Chisel, Utility Knife.
- Dislikes: Strong Perfume, Cute Apron, Spicy Seasoning, Spooky Scroll.
- Pandreo
- Likes: Antler Earrings, Dragon Scripture, Fairytale Book, Horn, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Playing Cards, Yogurt.
- Dislikes: Training Weight, Muscle Balm, Sun Visor, Spicy Seasoning, Bandages.
- Panette
- Likes: Antler Earrings, Butterfly Net, Dried Meat, Fancy Dagger, Field Guide, Sharp Chisel, Spicy Seasonings, Spooky Scroll, Utility Knife.
- Dislikes: Tea Leaves, Chrysanthemum, Lentil Flower, Lily, Desert Marigold, Lupine FLower, Flower Wreath, Cute Apron, Bear Carving, Large Plate.
- Rosado
- Likes: Antler Earrings, Bear Carving, Cute Apron, Flower Wreath, Landscape Art, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Lupine Flower, Playing Cards, Quality Kerchief, Sewing Kit, Strong Perfume, Sun Visor.
- Dislikes: Philosophy Book, Elyos History.
- Saphir
- Likes: Bandages, Fancy Dagger, Fishing Bait, Large Plate, Muscle Balm, Playing Cards, Roasted Yam, Training Weight, Utility Knife, Yogurt.
- Dislikes: Sharp Chisel, Strong Perfume, Flower Wreath, Cute Apron, Bear Carving, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Quality Kerchief, Fine Quill Pen, Antler Earrings, Lovely Candle.
- Seadall
- Likes: Antler Earrings, Dried Meat, Elyos History, Fairytale Book, Horn, Lovely Candle, Poetry Book, Quality Kerchief, Sheep Wool, Strong Perfume, Sun Visor, White Clover.
- Dislikes: Training Weight, Muscle Balm, Bandages.
- Timerra
- Likes: Animal Treats, Antler Earrings, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Dried Meat, Horn, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Playing Cards, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume.
- Dislikes: Sharp Chisel, Fairytale Book, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool.
- Vander
- Likes: Dragon Scripture, Fine Quill Pen, Quality Kerchief, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool.
- Dislikes: Dried Meat, Strong Perfume, Playing Cards, Spicy Seasoning, Lovely Candle, Large Plate.
- Veyle
- Likes: Chrysanthemum, Desert Marigold, Elyos History, Fairytale Book, Flower Wreath, Lentil Flower, Lily, Lovely Candle, Lupine Flower, Playing Cards, Poetry Book, Spicy Seasonings, Sun Visor.
- Dislikes: Strong Perfume, Quality Kerchief, Fine Quill Pen.
- Yunaka
- Likes: Bandages, Elyos History, Fancy Dagger, Horn, Muscle Balm, Poetry Book, Sharp Chisel, Training Weight, Utility Knife.
- Dislikes: Animal Treats, Fairytale Book, Strong Perfume, Butterfly Net, Bear Carving, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle, Field Guide, Large Plate.
- Zelkov
- Likes: Landscape Art, Large Plate, Poetry Book, Sewing Kit, Sharp Chisel, Sheep Wool, Tea Leaves, Utility Knife, White Clover.
- Dislikes: Roasted Yam, Strong Perfume, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle.
That is it for our Fire Emblem Engage best gift guide. For more info on the game, check out how to switch Fire Emblem Engage to Japanese voices.

About The Author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon, after several years of freelancing across the industry. He covers a wide range of games, with particular focus on shooters like Destiny 2, RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, and fighting games like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8.
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