How To Change Difficulty In Fire Emblem Engage
Changing the difficulty in Fire Emblem Engage is more complex than it seems. You may need to consider starting a completely new game because of how Fire Emblem Engage works with its difficulty settings.
Fire Emblem Engage has three separate difficulty settings: Normal, Hard, and Maddening. The latter two give a more challenging experience than the relatively easy Normal option. Can you spike up the difficulty at any point in Fire Emblem Engage? And how do you even change the difficulty? Here's everything you need to know about how to change difficulty in Fire Emblem Engage.
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Can You Change Difficulty In Fire Emblem Engage?
In Fire Emblem Engage, you can change your difficulty within the hub town of Somniel. After the first climactic battle in the protagonist's home castle, you'll eventually find yourself in the isolated Somniel. Once you've arrived, you'll want to head over to "My Room." Press X to open up the fast travel functionality between all the important locations of Somniel and press A on "My Room."
Now that you're inside Alear's room, rush on over to the stunning bed that lies at the end of the area. Interact with it and then you'll see "Difficulty Setting" in the new Bed menu. Select that and you can switch your difficulty from there. The options are pretty similar to Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Unfortunately, if you've picked Normal, you won't be able to make the game more challenging for yourself. For some reason, Nintendo and developer Intelligent Systems lock the harder difficulties away from the player. It's frustrating because you may think the game is way too easy. This is also the case with Hard players wanting to play Maddening. However, if you want to lower the difficulty, you can certainly do so.
At this point, you may want to start a new game and skip the cutscenes as you proceed with the + button. Hopefully, you didn't play too much of the campaign. While you're at the main menu, you can change the vocal performances from English to Japanese.
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A Quick Way To Level Up In Fire Emblem Engage
If you want to stick to the hardest difficulties, there is a way to level up and upgrade your characters' stats outside of missions. First, you can visit the Arena in Somniel. Three times a day, you can have a character spar with a random teammate. This will elevate their experience by a large margin and increase their affinity level with the sparring partner. Some may even be romantic towards your protagonist.
At the cost of Bond Fragments, you can also deepen the bond between a character and an emblem. This will give you the opportunity to learn the emblems' moves and have these heroes grow stronger. With the amount of customization the game has, it's no surprise that it's a mainline entry in the series.

About The Author
Chris Penwell
Chris Penwell is an experienced video games journalist with a Bachelor in Communications. He loves to play narrative-focused games like Kingdom Hearts and Beyond Good & Evil.
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