Fortnite closed doors: Where to find & bust through to complete Chapter 4 Season 4 quest
Learn how and where to bust through a closed door in Fortnite. When it's all said and done, there won't be a door on the Island that's safe from your wrath!
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Using doorknobs is too mainstream, so that's why a lot of Fortnite players opt to bust through closed doors - especially when clearing challenges that require it.
There are multiple ways to open doors in Fortnite, depending on how much attention you want to draw to yourself. This primer details how and where to bust through closed doors in the free-to-play battle royale from Epic Games.
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How to bust through a closed door in Fortnite
It wasn't until Epic Games added sprinting to Fortnite that you could bust through closed doors. Before that, if a door was closed, you had to interact with it to open it.
Nowadays, if you see a closed door, all you need to do is charge at it while sprinting to make a grand entrance and bust open the door. If you have the stamina, there's not really a reason to use doorknobs!
By default, controller players can sprint by pressing the left joystick. Keyboard users, however, can initiate a sprint by pressing and holding the left shift.
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Where to bust through a closed door in Fortnite
One of the Weekly Quests assigned in Chapter 4 Season 4 of Fortnite tasks players with busting through closed doors at different named locations. Well, not all named locations, also known as Points of Interest (POIs), have doors.
You can find closed doors at the new POIs on Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4's map: Sanguine Suites, Relentless Retreat, and Eclipsed Estate. If Throrne's Strongholds are too busy for your liking, you can also discover closed doors at Breakwater Bay, Frenzy Fields, MEGA City, Shattered Slabs, and Slappy Shores.
The challenge specifies that you must bust through closed doors at three different named locations, so smashing through a bunch of doors at the same POI won't satisfy this Week 3 Quest. You will need to venture across the Island to three door-having POIs and leave your mark on their doors to complete the quest and earn 15K XP.
Don't waste any more time opening doors like a civilised individual. Instead, run up to closed doors while sprinting to bust right through them and earn XP for your efforts!
Stay tuned at GGRecon for all things Fortnite, like where to find and how to use the Sticky Grenade Launcher and Shield Breaker EMP Grenades

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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