How to don a disguise by talking to Characters in Fortnite
Whether you're trying to complete a challenge or just want to hide in plain sight, here's how to don a disguise by talking to Characters in Fortnite.
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One of the new Fortnitemares 2023 Quests tasks players with donning a disguise by talking to Characters in Fortnite.
However, only a few Characters in Fortnite have the ability to dress you in a disguise, and the ones that can charge Gold Bars for their talents.
This guide outlines where you need to go and what you need to do to don a disguise by talking to Characters in the free-to-play battle royale from Epic Games.
How to use a disguise by talking to NPCs in Fortnite
To don a disguise by talking to Characters in Fortnite, you obviously need to talk to a Character! However, out of the 25+ friendly NPCs on the Island, only five of them can transform you into a prop.
To complete this tricky Fortnitemares 2023 Quest, you must visit one of the Characters that offers the Prop Disguise. Interact with an eligible Character and select "Activate Prop Disguise" to don a disguise.
What prop you transform into is a mystery! You could change into a mailbox, a keg of Slurp, a wooden crate, or various other possibilities. Whatever disguise you don, it doesn't matter. Do it, and you will receive 15K XP and progress toward unlocking all the Halloween-themed in-game rewards available as part of Fortnitemares 2023.
- Familiarise yourself with all the campfire locations in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4
Which Fortnite Characters offer disguises?
Below is a list of all the Fortnite Characters that can disguise you as a prop and where you can find them on the Island:
- Nolan Chance: Frenzy Fields
- Heartbreak Ranger: Rumble Ruins
- Phantom Meowscles: Atop a glacier south-west of Shady Stilts
- Bogstick: Sunswoon Lagoon, west of Creeky Compound
- Peely Bone: Whispering Waters, west of Steamy Springs
Most of these Characters offer your standard Prop Disguise. But Nolan Chance, in particular, is stingy about transforming players into props.
Nolan Chance won't offer you his services until you achieve Character Rep 6 with him by completing the first six stages of the Nolan Chance Quests. Nolan Chance's Prop Disguise is unique, though, as it's guaranteed to turn you into a piece of furniture.
- You can hire Nolan Chance, too
How many Gold Bars does it cost to activate a prop disguise in Fortnite?
Characters in Fortnite won't let you don a disguise for free! After speaking with an NPC that can activate Prop Disguises, you must pay them 75 Gold Bars (or 37 Gold Bars during Bargain Bin Week) to complete the transaction.
That's all you need to know to don a disguise by talking to Characters in Fortnite. Visit Nolan Chance, Heartbreak Ranger, Phantom Meowscles, Bogstick, or Peely Bone and select "Activate Prop Disguise" to don a disguise and complete the challenge!
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About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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