Here's how you find & use Jetpacks in Fortnite
Find out where to find Fortnite Jetpacks and how to use them.
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Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 has been action-packed so far, and Jetpacks should add further to the mayhem. Move over Tanks, we're taking the battle to the skies with Jetpacks.
Where can you find Jetpacks?
Jetpacks are a Backpack Item exclusive to IO Blimps. You'll spot Jetpacks hanging up along the walls of the IO Blimp. For the most part, the Jetpacks are mounted next to the doors.
The following Fortnite points of interest have an IO Blimp floating above them:
- Command Cavern
- Coney Crossroads
- Fortnite Tilted Towers
- Rocky Reels
- Condo Canyon
While IO Blimps are the only place you can loot a Fortnite Jetpack for free, it is possible to purchase a Jetpack from select Fortnite non-player characters (NPCs). The following NPCs sell Jetpacks for 580 Gold Bars:
- The Visitor
- The Scientist
- Brainiac
- Mullet Marauder
- Cuddle Team Leader
Last but not least, you can always eliminate an enemy player who has a Jetpack equipped and steal it off of their corpse.
How to use Jetpacks
When you pick up a Jetpack, it will show up on your back and fill an inventory slot. To use a Jetpack, simply jump in the air and press the jump button again while mid-air. Hold the jump button to float higher and let go to begin your descent.
With this most recent iteration of Jetpacks, users can now hover and strafe while aiming down sight. This is a huge buff to Jetpacks, as you can now accurately fire off shots and engage enemies while flying.
Jetpacks are especially useful in modern Fortnite, now that the Fortnite Zero Build playlists are so popular. Without the ability to build, it's extremely difficult to ascend to high ground, cross gaps, and reach certain locations.
Despite how great they may sound, Jetpacks are not without their downsides. Jetpacks run on non-replenishable fuel, and when depleted, the Jetpack is automatically discarded. Additionally, Jetpacks will overheat and stop working temporarily if used for anything more than short bursts.
When used to their fullest effect, Jetpacks are a very powerful asset. Find a Jetpack aboard an IO Blimp or purchase one from a specified NPC. With a Jetpack equipped, use it to lay claim to the skies and decimate enemies from above.
Low on Gold Bars and can't afford to purchase a Fortnite Jetpack? Find out how to earn Gold Bars in Fortnite.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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