How to find all the Vaults in Fortnite Chapter 3
Looking for all of the Fortnite vaults on the new Chapter 3 map? We've got you covered with our guide on how to open them and where to find them.
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Fortnite vault locations are a bit of a mystery now that the new Flipped map has dropped. Fortnite has featured hidden vaults in the battle royale since Chapter 2 Season 2, and that has only continued with the launch of Chapter 3, but where are these vaults located on the new map? And how do you actually open them? We've got all the answers for you with our Fortnite vault locations guide.
- Check out how to slide in Fortnite, so you can get to where you are going quicker.
The first of our Fortnite vault locations is located on the east of the Daily Bugle, in the position shown above. You will need to head to the small compound that is patrolled by members of The Seven. Entering the largest of the buildings, take the spiral stairs down to the vault.
Next up in our Fortnite vault locations, you'll want to head south to a collection of islands on the very east of the map. This will be east of Sanctuary and on the smaller island between three longer ones. The building should be almost identical to the previous one.
You'll be heading to the bottom right corner of the map for the next Fortnite vault location. This one can be located just south-east of Chonker's Speedway, on the very edge of the water.
For your next Fortnite vault location, you'll head over to the other side of the island. You will have to head south-west of Greasy Grove, which is also the Fortnite Spider-Man location, and head up a hill to yet another compound patrolled by The Seven.
The next of the Fortnite vault locations can be found amongst a meandering river north of Camp Cuddle. This location is coated in snow and is essentially directly north of the Greasy Grove vault.
The penultimate Fortnite vault location can be found in the heart of the new Flipped map. You'll want to aim for a hill just south-west of Coney Crossroads, just next to a lake. Considering the Party Bus line, this has a good potential to be one of the most popular Fortnite vault locations.
Last up on our trip across all Fortnite vault locations, we complete the circle of the map by landing in the most north-western corner. Atop a larger hill you will find the final vault north-west of Logjam Lumberyard. Considering its height, it is a great position to gear up and slide down to your enemies quickly, if you were wondering how to earn XP fast in Fortnite.
Before you get to seeking out the Fortnite vault locations, you need to know a few things about how to open them. For starters, a vault will require at least two people to open it, so it isn't possible to open a vault in Solos - unless you get really lucky with another player. Going up to Duos and Trios, you will need two then three players to stand near the vault door to open it. There isn't a prompt, just standing in close proximity together will do the trick.
Luckily this hassle is entirely worth your time, especially in the early game, as they will provide you with a vast collection of healing items, and weapons of at least Rare rating. You'll want to head to one of the seven Fortnite vault locations as soon as you can.
That's all of the Fortnite vault locations, that'll have you stocked up and ready to take on anyone in no time. Interested in everything else that Fortnite Chapter 3 has to offer? Check out our Fortnite victory crown guide to see how the game is changing.

About The Author
Aaron Bayne
Aaron Bayne was a Guides Writer at GGRecon. His previous experience includes BBC and Fraghero.
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