Where to place video cameras at different Landing Ship locations in Fortnite
Find out how and where to place Fortnite Video Cameras at different Landing Ship locations.
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Doctor Slone has recruited us to place Fortnite Video Cameras at different Landing Ship locations around the island. Alien Landing Ships are visiting different points-of-interest (POIs) around the Fortnite map and it’s up to us to find out what these extraterrestrial invaders are up to. Players will need to place three total Fortnite Video Cameras to complete this Legendary Quest and collect those precious Fortnite Battle Stars.
There are ten possible locations where players can place video cameras. Pick your favourite three locations out of the ten on this list and plant a video camera. You will be awarded 30K XP after you place three total Fortnite Video Cameras.
Our first Fortnite Video Camera location is at Craggy Cliffs. Up on a hill south-east of the POI is a blue translucent hologram of a video camera on a tripod. Interact with the hologram to place down your first video camera.
Travel a bit east to the Steamy Stacks POI. Outside the front gates next to a tree is a spot to place a Fortnite Video Camera.
The next Landing Ship location where players can place Fortnite Video Cameras is Dirty Docks. Up on top of a hill to the west of the location is a video camera overlooking the POI.
The Believer Beach video camera location can be found south-east of the resort on a hill next to a telescope and a tent.
Players will find another spot to place Fortnite Video Cameras at Coral Castle. Next to the crashed aeroplane on the cliff that overlooks Coral Castle is a site to place a video camera.
Up at the famous Pleasant Park sits another Fortnite Video Camera destination. North-east of the POI behind the home with the doghouse is a sixth video camera blueprint.
The alien-infested Holly Hatchery needs surveillance. Players can place a Fortnite Video Camera south of the neighbourhood outside the hedges.
Landing Ships have targeted Misty Meadows, so Doctor Slone wants us to set up additional surveillance at the location. Players can place a Fortnite Video Camera at the north-east corner of the town up on top of a small hill.
Lazy Lake is another location that needs surveillance. Place a Fortnite Video Camera on the hillside north-east of the city. The video camera outline is sitting next to a stack of rocks.
The tenth and final Landing Ship location where players can place video cameras is Boney Burbs. At the north-east edge of Boney Burbs near the abandoned gas station is a video camera blueprint. The spot to place the video camera is right next to a large rock.
Those are the ten different Landing Ship locations where Fortnite players can place video cameras.
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About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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